Harsh Sentences Unleashed on Pro-Lifers

Date: May 16, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​MP3 | Order

This broadcast highlights the sentencing of pro-lifers as a result of allegedly violating the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) Act.  For example:

Joan Andrews Bell, sentenced to 27 months in jail, community service and a $125 fine.

Lauren Handy, sentenced to 4 years in prison, 3 years supervision and a $125 fine.

John Hinshaw, sentenced to one year and a $125 fine.

Will Goodman, sentenced to 18 months and a $125 fine.

These are just 4 of several pro-lifers that Jim referred to from a recent LifeSite News article showing how the Biden administration is willing to use the Department of Justice as a weapon to silence their political enemies and perpetuate the killing of the unborn.

Juxtapose these sentences with those of carjackers, those who’ve attacked churches since the leak of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, those who’ve attacked pro-life pregnancy centers, illegal aliens and more.

How is this equal justice under the law when such individuals are conspiring to be peaceful on behalf of those who have no voice?  That question is answered as Jim presented the facts, and listeners responded, on this edition of Crosstalk.

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