A.F. Branco Cartoon – Drive-By Assault Media

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Many feel the Media’s years of flaming rhetoric against Donald Trump is mostly to blame for the violent attack on the former president. DONATE to A.F. Branco Cartoons – Tips accepted and appreciated – $1.00 – $5.00 – $25.00 – $50.00 – it all helps to fund this website and keep…

RNC Convention Coverage – Day 4

Date: July 18, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guests: Heidi Engelhart, Grover Norquist, Rep. Scott Fitzgerald, Tony Kinnett and Rep. Tom Tiffany MP3 | Order

Heidi Engelhart is a delegate from South Dakota.

Grover Norquist is the President of Americans for Tax Reform, a taxpayer advocacy group founded in 1985 at the request of President Reagan. They work to limit the size and cost of government and oppose higher taxes on all levels. Grover also serves on the board of the Parental Rights Organization and is a past board member of the NRA.

Congressman Scott Fitzgerald represents Wisconsin’s 5th Congressional District.

Tony Kinnett is an Investigative Columnist with the Daily Signal and a former award-winning teacher and administrator. He served in the area of education policy for the Governor Scott Walker Administration and regularly appears on national news platforms. He is also a radio host in Indianapolis.

Congressman Tom Tiffany represents Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District which includes Northern and Western Wisconsin. He was first elected to this seat in a special election in 2020 having served previously in the Wisconsin Assembly and Senate. He serves on the Committee on Natural Resources and also on the Committee of the Judiciary including crime, terrorism and homeland security as well as immigration and citizenship.

Today was another information-packed program to put it lightly. Jim was able to hear from 5 different guests. Several topics were explored including the guests’ reaction to the RNC so far, property rights, abortion, the anticipation of Trump’s speech this evening, limiting the size and scope of government, U.S. debt, education, parental rights, illegal immigration, border security and the investigation into the attempted assassination of Former President Trump.

More information:

VCY.TV for RNC coverage



A.F. Branco Cartoon – Here’s To Missing You

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Too many in the media, the Deep Stae, and Washington D.C. are sorry that the shooter missed their target, Donald Trump. DONATE to A.F. Branco Cartoons – Tips accepted and appreciated – $1.00 – $5.00 – $25.00 – $50.00 – it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons…

RNC Convention Coverage – Day 3

Date: July 17, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guests: Rep. Adam Morgan, Terry Schilling and Terry Dittrich MP3 | Order

Rep. Adam Morgan represents the 20th District in the South Carolina House. He serves both on the Education and Public Works Committee as well as Legislative Oversight Committee.

Terry Schilling is the President of American Principles Project which finds the family as the most important American Institution and therefore they engage and campaign as an advocate of the family. He has previously worked for several pro-family political leaders including Senator Sam Brownback and Representative Chris Smith.

Terry Dittrich is the Chairman of the Waukesha County Republican Party.

The theme today at the RNC Convention is national security and foreign policy. Following this theme, Jim gathered comments from these three guests in the specific areas of their greatest concerns for America, education issues, attacks against the family and the online assault of children. Laced throughout the discussion was the importance of local races.

More information:

VCY.TV for RNC coverage



A.F. Branco Cartoon – Devine Intervention

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Many say it had to be divine intervention that protected President Trump on the day he was nearly assassinated. A half of an inch and the hope of him being our next president would have been over in a flash. The Gateway Pundit reported that Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò was summoned to the…

RNC Convention Coverage – Day 2

Date: July 16, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guests: Greg Sindelar, Dr. Richard Schmidt and Rep. Tom Tiffany MP3 | Order

Greg Sindelar is the CEO of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Their mission is to promote and defend liberty, personal responsibility, and free enterprise in Texas and the nation by educating and affecting policymakers and the Texas public policy debate with academically sound research and outreach.

Dr. Richard Schmidt is the Pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church and the founder of Prophecy Focus Ministries. He is an author. He spent 32 years in law enforcement including that of Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County until his retirement.

Congressman Tom Tiffany represents Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District which includes Northern and Western Wisconsin. He was first elected to this seat in a special election in 2020 having served previously in the Wisconsin Assembly and Senate. He serves on the Committee on Natural Resources and also on the Committee of the Judiciary including, Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security as well as Immigration and Citizenship.

Yesterday was a momentous day at the Republican National Convention. Former President Trump made it public that he has selected Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio as his Vice-Presidential running mate. There was great applause and accolades given at the convention concerning the pick. Also the crowd at the RNC ignited as Trump was seen on the video screen making his way to the Convention and then appeared. The applause was thunderous. Just 48 hours previously, he had escaped an assassination attempt. Trump credits his survival to “God alone.”

Yesterday the Convention focused on the theme “Make America Wealthy Again” in regards to the escalating inflation every American is feeling at the grocery store, at the gas pump, and in everyday purchases. Today, the theme is “Make America Safe Again.”

During the course of the program, Greg Sindelar, Dr. Richard Schmidt and Rep. Tom Tiffany were engaged with questions regarding their take on what is happening at the RNC, Trump’s pick of J.D. Vance, America’s future, the attempted assassination, and border security.

More information:

VCY.TV for RNC coverage



A.F. Branco Cartoon – 2nd In Command

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Donald Trump has chosen JD Vance as his running mate. A Man that could propel MAGA well into the future. I’m sure the media is gearing up right now for an all-out assault to try and destroy him. By Cristina Laila – July 15, 2024 President Trump on Monday announced his…

RNC Convention Coverage – Day 1

Date: July 15, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guests: Dr. Richard Schmidt and Dr. Neil Jackson MP3 | Order

Dr. Richard Schmidt is the Pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church and the founder of Prophecy Focus Ministries. He is an author. He spent 32 years in law enforcement including that of Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County until his retirement.

Dr. Neal Jackson is the Pastor of Beulah Baptist Church in Bennett, NC and a North Carolina Legislator representing the 78th House District.

The program opened with breaking news from this morning that a federal judge in Florida dismissed the criminal classified documents case that was brought against Donald J. Trump.

Jim interviewed Schmidt during the first half regarding security at the RNC, Schmidt’s personal reaction to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, the challenges of open air venues, and who might be at fault for the security failure at Trump’s rally. Schmidt’s bottom line through all of these issues unfolding is that everyone needs Jesus Christ.

Jim played two audio clips from rally attendees who shared their first-hand accounts of what happened. These witnesses both describe seeing a man on a roof with a rifle minutes prior to the shots being fired.

During the course of this program, news broke that Trump has chosen 39-year-old J.D. Vance from Ohio as his Vice President. Also, more news broke that RFK Jr. is to receive Secret Service protection. Lastly, it was announced that Donald Trump has received enough convention delegate votes to become the official GOP presidential nominee.

Jim brought Jackson on during the remaining half of the program. Jackson shared his reaction to the J.D. Vance pick and his reaction to the attempted assassination. Trump gave “God alone” the credit for sparing his life.

Given that Jackson represents North Carolina, Jim inquired about the separation of church and state. Can a Christian be a politician? Does God care what happens in politics? How can a believer influence the legislative process? Is it biblical to vote for the lesser of two evils?

More information:

VCY.TV for RNC coverage


A.F. Branco Cartoon – What Goes Around

A.F. Branco Cartoon – According to the latest polls, like a boomerang, the Democrat propaganda and lies are coming back around hit them upside the head. Like The Russia Russia hoax, Hunter Laptop isn’t genuine, etc. More people are realizing this every day, and it’s affecting their popularity. The mainstream media are liars.It’s no longer…

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Time to Reflect

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Presidential politics in Minnesota isn’t looking good for Democrats. Trump is sneaking up fast on Biden, well within the margin of error. And after the assassination attempt on Trump, polls could well surpass Biden in the next few days. By Rebecka Zelijko – July 4th (Daily Caller News Foundation) — Former President Donald…