DNC Convention Coverage Day 2

Date: August 20, 2024 Host: Dalton Windsor ​Guests: Dr. Richard Schmidt & Randy Melchert MP3 | Order

Dr. Richard Schmidt is pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church and founder of Prophecy Focus Ministries.  He is an author.  He spent 32 years in law enforcement including that of Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County until his retirement. 

Randy Melchert is a school administrator, a researcher, a consultant and a member of the VCY America Board of Directors.

Last evening, Randy had the opportunity to attend the DNC and he was fascinated by what he saw and heard.  He noted how businesses near the United Center were boarded up for security reasons, the availability of prayer rooms (including a gender neutral prayer room) and the push toward no limits for elective abortion.     

He also talked about the following:

How Scripture was being used selectively. 

Debating policy vs. demonizing policy. 

President Biden spoke about ending hate but what about the violent language on the left that’s generated violence?

Street preachers getting the Gospel out in a hostile environment.

When Dr. Schmidt took the microphone he discussed the following:

Why he thinks President Biden’s speech was pushed past prime time. 

Hillary Clinton hinting at the idea that the Democrats are following the rule of law. 

V.P. candidate J.D. Vance and his comments about law enforcement while speaking in Kenosha, Wisconsin. 

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s comments concerning abortion and more.

The program wrapped up with comments from the listening audience.       

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DNC Convention Coverage Day 1

Date: August 19, 2024 Host: Dalton Windsor ​Guests: Dr. Richard Schmidt & Randy Melchert MP3 | Order

Dr. Richard Schmidt is pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church and founder of Prophecy Focus Ministries.  He is an author.  He spent 32 years in law enforcement including that of Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County until his retirement. 

Randy Melchert is a school administrator, a researcher, a consultant and a member of the VCY America Board of Directors. 

Randy began this preview day of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago by providing listeners with interesting historical information concerning political conventions over the past century plus.  

Next up was Dr. Schmidt who noted that, “…the DNC is looking to allegedly cause progress for America.”  This would be highlighted tonight by speakers such as President Biden, Jill Biden and Hillary Clinton.  

So exactly what do they mean by “progress”?  Dr. Schmidt indicated that the Democrats will lay out their agenda, things that will be in total contrast to what was seen at the Republican convention. So he believes a particular word will dominate the DNC and that is “socialism”.  

Since socialism features numerous entitlements and giveaways, Dr. Schmidt then asked, “Who’s going to pay for all this?  How big is the national debt going to be?  How much inflation is this going to potentially cause?”  Later in the broadcast, Randy explained from Scripture why the concept of socialism simply doesn’t work.

As you review this Crosstalk, you’ll hear Dr. Schmidt as he described some key items that he believes will come out that have recently changed concerning the opinion of Vice President Harris.  This includes fracking, her stand on border security, private health insurance and taxing of tips.  These are all part of the Harris platform, however, as Dr. Schmidt also asked, “Which platform is one that they believe is not only feasible, but sustainable.” 

Listeners were given an opportunity to express their thoughts on these and other points as well.  

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