MARTINS FERRY — The United Mine Workers of America and United Steel Workers held a joint press conference Tuesday morning to condemn Bernie Moreno, the Republican nominee for United States Senate in Ohio.
Recently, both unions endorsed U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, the incumbent in the race, in the 2024 election.
“We don’t agree with what Bernie Moreno is doing,” said Frank Papini, president of USW Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees. “I think what he is, is a fraud, he’s caused a lot of problems with workers and we’re here today as miners, steelworkers, and all other laborers to refute what he has to say.”
Papini added that he believes Moreno is not for workers, claiming that he has been fined by the National Labor Relations Board for shredding evidence. According to Yahoo News, court records from August 2022 show that Moreno said in a deposition that he received monthly reports telling him if anyone worked overtime in the dealership.
However, Moreno testified that he did not retain documents from the dealership when he sold it as part of M11 Motors LLC to new owners. Moreno added that he shredded documents sometime in late 2020.
“He’s a used car dealer, and has no idea what a good day’s work is,” Papini said.
United Mine Workers of America Local 1304 Financial Secretary Mel Woods, a third-generation coal miner, believes that Sherrod Brown has been fighting for the working people of Ohio. “Sherrod Brown is a knight in shining armor for the working people of Ohio,” Woods said. “What he has done over the years as far as pensions for the mine workers and for the Teamsters, I hate to say it boldly, but Moreno is nothing but a liar.
“We can trust Sherrod Brown,” Woods continued. “We’ve trusted him forever. He’s always been in our picture. When the train derailment happened up in East Palestine, he was on it and is still on it. The railroad company still has not come to full terms with what they promised and Sen. Brown is on their back and he’s going to get it fixed.”
He then echoed Papini’s sentiment of not trusting Moreno because he allegedly shredded documents.
United Mine Workers of America Ohio Coal Miners Political Action Coordinator Dave Dilly praised Brown for being like a father to the working class people of Ohio.
“I know Sherrod Brown, I don’t know Bernie Moreno. We walked the halls with Sherrod and he always talked with us and stood up for us,” Dilly said.
He then touched on Brown’s early life, noting that he was an Eagle Scout and believes that Brown has lived up to the motto of always helping people and never backing down from fighting for the working people of Ohio.
“As far as Bernie Moreno, I only know what I’ve read,” Dilly said. “He was a car salesman and it’s my understanding that he screwed over some of his employees. He’s always been for himself and for rich people, the difference is Sherrod Brown’s always been for the working class and stood up for unions.”
USW Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees Vice President Johnny Waugh added, “(Brown) puts the workers in the state first, and since he’s had our back for the last many years we’re going to have his back in November.”
Waugh added that press conferences like Tuesday’s are important to continue to get the word out that the unions believe Brown is the right pick in November.
“He walks the picket lines with us, whenever we call him and we need his help, his staff or him is back with us within minutes,” Waugh added.
Papini ended the press conference by saying that Brown has been with the union in the steel mill and on the picket line and he believes it’s crucial for Brown to be reelected in November. “And I think we should send the used car salesman back to Cleveland,” Papini said.
This post was originally published on here