Excitement filled the halls of Central Lee Elementary as second graders eagerly received their very own copies of “Just Like Caitlin,” a heartwarming children’s book made possible through a generous donation from The Jensen Family. The donation, which underscores The Jensen Family’s commitment to fostering literacy and a love for reading, brought smiles to the faces of students and teachers alike.
“Reading about Caitlin Clark, an Iowa native who followed her big dreams, is incredibly inspiring for our students,” said Principal Heather Fuger. “It helps them see that no matter where they come from, their own big dreams are within reach, especially with hard work and perseverance. This story fuels their imagination and encourages them to shine for greatness.”
The students were equally enthusiastic about receiving the books. Ava Dill shared, “I like her, and she is so good at basketball.” Jonathan Fellows added, “I’ve heard my dad talk about her, so I was curious to learn more about her.” Finn Ough chimed in, “It was exciting and fun getting the book, like an early Christmas present.” Just like Caitlin tells a meaningful story of friendship and pursuing dreams, making it a perfect fit for the school’s values of ambitious leadership and kindness to all.
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