A.F. Branco Cartoon – The Silenced Minority

A.F. Branco Cartoon – House Republicans cry foul as Speaker Hortman cuts off debate over a paid leave tax hike -Democracy dying in Democrat darkness. By Hank Long – May 16, 2024 Can anything good happen after midnight? That adage was tested in both legislative chambers at the Minnesota Capitol in the early hours of Thursday…

News Roundup & Comment

Date: May 17, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​MP3 | Order

Here’s a sample of story headlines from the first quarter hour of the broadcast:

–In a repudiation of President Biden, the Israeli Security Assistance Support Act passed in the House on Thursday with bipartisan support.

–The U.S. State Department has moved a one billion dollar package of weapons aid for Israel into the congressional review process.  

–The floating pier that will allow humanitarian aid to flow into Gaza from the sea has now been anchored to a beach according to U.S. Central Command. 

–Amid heightened tensions with Egypt since Israel began its ground operation, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu intimated that Egypt was holding Gaza civilians hostage by not working with them to reopen the Rafah border crossing for humanitarian aid.

–Israel’s military suffered setbacks yesterday after officials confirmed that five troops were killed in a friendly fire incident in Gaza while elsewhere an Israeli air force space in northern Israel was hit by the Lebanon-based Hezbollah militia.

–Israeli Defense Forces have recovered the bodies of three hostages in a tunnel in the Gaza Strip.

–The IDF struck a Hamas command room and a school run by a U.N. agency, with fighter jets killing more than 15 terror operatives, including ten Hamas members and some involved in the October 7th invasion of Israel.     

–The Arab League met on Thursday in Bahrain to voice its opposition, not just to the Rafah operation, but to call for an immediate ceasefire and the full withdrawal of Israeli forces from the enclave.

–Despite months of deteriorating relations and increasing hostile rhetoric, the complete shutdown of trade between Turkey and Israel earlier this month came as a shock to many. 

–In a dramatic shift, the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has revised its data pertaining to the number of Palestinian casualties in the 7 month old Gaza war, reducing by almost half the number of women and children that previously were said to be killed in the hostilities between Israel and Hamas.

–Former President Trump surprised many people both inside and outside of Israel recently when he came out against a two-state solution for the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

–Police in Savage, Minnesota, are investigating an attack on a little girl at a local school by other girls who told officials they beat her up because she wasn’t Muslim.

–Slovakia’s Prime Minister is expected to survive after being shot five times outside the House of Culture while meeting supporters. 

–Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing and announced the strengthening of defense and trade relations. 

–A report from the Network Contagion Research Institute shows a political activist group linked to the Chinese Communist Party has played a crucial role in funding and organizing the anti-Israel protests on college campuses across the U.S.

A.F. Branco Cartoon – At All Cost

A.F. Branco Cartoon: AG Garland says, “I will protect this building (DOJ) and its people,” but he says nothing about upholding the Constitution. That tells you everything you need to know about where his heart and mind are: Protecting Biden and the Deep State. By Cristina Laila – May 16, 2024 US Attorney General Merrick…

Harsh Sentences Unleashed on Pro-Lifers

Date: May 16, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​MP3 | Order

This broadcast highlights the sentencing of pro-lifers as a result of allegedly violating the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) Act.  For example:

Joan Andrews Bell, sentenced to 27 months in jail, community service and a $125 fine.

Lauren Handy, sentenced to 4 years in prison, 3 years supervision and a $125 fine.

John Hinshaw, sentenced to one year and a $125 fine.

Will Goodman, sentenced to 18 months and a $125 fine.

These are just 4 of several pro-lifers that Jim referred to from a recent LifeSite News article showing how the Biden administration is willing to use the Department of Justice as a weapon to silence their political enemies and perpetuate the killing of the unborn.

Juxtapose these sentences with those of carjackers, those who’ve attacked churches since the leak of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, those who’ve attacked pro-life pregnancy centers, illegal aliens and more.

How is this equal justice under the law when such individuals are conspiring to be peaceful on behalf of those who have no voice?  That question is answered as Jim presented the facts, and listeners responded, on this edition of Crosstalk.

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Chilling

A.F. Branco Cartoon – The campus protesters are being organized by leftist organizations bent on destroying the Western way of life. Platforms like TikTok and college professors are a huge part of the brainwashing going on with our youth. Imagine being thought to hate the most free and prosperous country on earth while trying to…

A.F.Branco Cartoons Etc. 05/16/24

A.F. Branco and Joe Dan Gorman with special guest Sonja Schmidt. We talk, yell, scream, and laugh about current events that have inspired Branco’s cartoons, along with some videos, some bad jokes, and your comments ((( LIVE ))) DONATE to A.F. Branco Cartoons – Tips accepted and appreciated – $1.00 – $5.00 – $25.00 –…

Decline of Boy Scouts Leads to a Christian Alternative

Date: May 15, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Mark Hancock MP3 | Order

Mark Hancock is CEO of Trail Life USA and author of, Why Are We Sitting Here Until We Die?

Sadly, we live in a society today that’s lost its way to such an extent that many don’t even seem to know the difference between male and female.  Gender confused males are dominating women’s sports and now the Boy Scouts, once known for their values and deep respect for both God and country, are dropping the word “Boy” from their name, changing it to “Scouting America”.

Since the Scouts have seemingly taken the next step down the slippery slope, is there an alternative?  Yes there is.  It’s called Trail Life USA.  Mark described how it all started in June of 2013 when about 50 people gathered in Louisville, Kentucky.  68 days later an inaugural convention took place at Nashville, Tennessee, where 1,200 people came from 44 states.  That’s where they announced the name and the general line of the program.  3 months later, on January 1, 2014, the program was officially launched.  Since that time they’ve grown to over 1,200 troops in all 50 states with nearly 60,000 members. 

Review this edition of Crosstalk to learn about their motto, their core value, the connection to local churches, their outdoor focus, servant leadership and other hallmarks that make this organization a God-pleasing choice for helping young boys become men of Christ.

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A.F. Branco Cartoon – Schmuck Move

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Biden continues his threat of withholding weapons to Israel in light of his recent poll numbers sinking. Israel seems resolute in its effort to rid Hamas since they slaughtered 1700 of their innocent civilians on October 7th. Biden stated that his support for Israel is unshakable, but the latest polls appear…

Pandemic Treaty:  World Health Assembly Set To Convene

Date: May 14, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Mat Staver MP3 | Order

The 77th World Health Assembly takes place from May 27th through June 1st in Geneva, Switzerland.  The theme is, “All for health, health for all.”  This assembly is the main decision making body of the World Health Organization, comprised of 194 member states.

What this assembly has in store for us is what brought Mat Staver back to Crosstalk.  Mat is founder & chairman of Liberty Counsel.  He’s a constitutional attorney with three landmark cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.  He is an author and the host of the radio broadcasts Faith & Freedom and Freedom’s Call.

Mat noted that just a few years ago there were members of the U.S. Congress that believed the World Health Organization is merely an advisory organization and couldn’t be legally binding.  Is that really true?

First of all, what is the World Health Organization?  The WHO is a U.N. agency located in Geneva, Switzerland, that is pushing what Mat referred to as two different tracks.  One has to do with up to 300 amendments dealing with their international health regulations.  The other track involves the drafting of a brand new pandemic agreement/treaty.  The WHO is trying to get these passed by the 194 member nations of which the U.S. is one.  All they need is a simple majority of nations to agree to pass these regulations.  This would change the WHO from being an advisory body to one whose statements and advisories would be legally binding under international law on member nations.

Can President Biden unilaterally sign the U.S. under the WHO without approval from the U.S. Senate, and if so, why would he do it?  How could this be challenged?  What might this mean for our national sovereignty and freedom?  Is this the beginning of a one-world government under the rubric of world health care?  Hear the answers and then become informed so you can make a difference.

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A.F. Branco Cartoon – Tricks Of The Trade

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Gag orders are there to protect the defendant in a criminal trial, but the defendant, Trump, is the only one with a gag order? Not Stormy Daniels, Not Michael Cohen, or the prosecution. This is a textbook example of a corrupt kangaroo court. By Jim Hoft – May 12, 2024 In…