This superstar father-son duo has been ruling the Telugu film industry for many years. The duo has been a part of many big blockbusters. But one time, they paired up for a movie that became a flop at the box office. The movie also caused a lot of financial losses. So who are they? Keep reading further.
The father-son due we are talking about is Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan. The duo once starred in a movie called Acharya. The fans were excited to see them together in this action-packed drama. However, when it was released, it failed to impress the audience. Despite having a lot of masala and action and the superstars, the movie didn’t entertain the audience as expected.
Also starring Sonu Sood, Pooja Hegde, and Jishu Sengupta, Archarya received a negative response from the critics and audience. As reported by IMDb, the movie was made on a budget of Rs 140 crore. It failed to recover the entire cost and became a box office disaster. The business it did worldwide was just Rs 51 crore on day 1. The film’s total box office collection in India was Rs 62.25 crore and worldwide it was Rs 73.50 crore.
A report mentions that Chiranjeevi once revealed that he and his son Ram Charan returned 80 percent of their fees to the makers to cover the losses. However, they have no regrets about doing the film.
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