Steffen Haars’ Get Away is a horror comedy-drama centered around a family of four, who decided to spend a few days on the Swedish island of Svälta to witness the annual Karantan festival. The only problem was the locals were intolerant towards outsiders. According to folklore, two hundred years ago, when foreigners had arrived on the island, they had looted and plundered, and the locals had starved to death. The ones who survived had no choice but to kill and consume human flesh. On Karantan, the locals paid tribute to their ancestors for their sacrifice through a play. The Smith family assumed that, two hundred years down the line, the locals would no longer hold a grudge against outsiders, and they would be welcomed with open arms. But as it turned out, they could not have been more wrong!
Spoiler Alert
What was Matts’s motive?
The couple who owned the diner warned the family before they took the last ferry to Svälta that they would be in danger if they traveled to the island. For the next two days, as a result of the annual event, the ferry service would remain unavailable, which meant that the Smiths would be stranded on the island, and even if they tried to run away, they would not have the option to do so. The family did not pay heed to the advice and decided to stick to their plan. Upon setting foot on the island, they were surprised to see that the entire community had gathered at the harbor. They were not happy to have an English family on their island, and they clearly stated that they expected the family to leave. But the Smiths were persistent, and when their Airbnb host, Matts, came to speak on their behalf, the locals could no longer interfere.
Matts welcomed them to his mother’s house, where the Smiths had booked their stay. His mother had been beheaded at her home, but that did not bother the family as much. Matts was quite the creep, and he immediately took an interest in Richard and Susan’s daughter, Jessie. While taking a bath, Jessie sensed someone watching her, and she was intrigued by the strange noises from the mirror fitted on the wall. She told her father about it, but Richard did not think much about it. Jessie was weirded out when she discovered that the undergarments she’d kept on her bed were gone. She was also concerned about seeing her crinkled bedsheet; she could already guess someone had been to her room, but who was it?
In Get Away, it is gradually revealed that Matts had cameras fitted all over the Airbnb, and he kept a close watch on his guests. He was a pervert who took voyeuristic pleasure in observing his guests without their consent. This was not the first time he had engaged in such an activity, and catering to his perverse interest was one of the primary reasons he perhaps listed his mother’s house on Airbnb.
How did Klara plan to take down the Smith family?
Klara was the head of the Svälta community, and she was in charge of organizing and directing the play. She was extremely passionate about Karantan, and she did not approve of the arrival of foreigners during their annual event. Since it was her last time directing the play, she decided to end it on an epic note. She gathered the people of her community to discuss her plan of celebrating the day in the old-fashioned way. The older generations used to honor the dead by sacrificing tributes, that is, by killing outsiders brought to the island. It had been decades since the last human sacrifice, and the younger generation did not have the appetite for it. As much as they appreciated the annual Karantan event and respected its cultural significance, they did not think killing people was necessary anymore. But Klara was persistent about offering the English family to their ancestors.
The crowd was not enthusiastic about her plan; they complained that they were too old to engage in a bloodbath, and the youngsters were simply not interested and proposed scaring the outsiders instead of killing and devouring them. Klara refused to take no for an answer, and she approached Matts to seek help from him. She knew that Matts was a pervert, yet she and the members of the community chose to remain silent because he was one of them. Now was the time for him to pay back the community for their silence, and Klara proposed that he help her execute her grand plan. Matts was asked to drug his guests; he could satisfy his perverse pleasure and then offer them for the rest of the community to kill and feast on. Matts agreed to the plan; after all, the entire ordeal was exciting for him as well.
Who was the serial killer?
Detective Forsberg arrived on the island to investigate a murder case. The owners of the diner were brutally murdered, and he assumed it was the punk from Svälta, Johan. He had recently been released from prison, and upon questioning the locals, Forsberg discovered that Johan had left the island to buy goods for the annual event. Klara warned the detective that they would not tolerate his presence and that he must leave the island immediately.
The fun begins when the identity of the serial killer, or rather killers, is disclosed. Matts had drugged the cookies he had left at the Airbnb for his guests to gobble on. To his surprise, instead of attending the annual event, the Smith family chose to take a swim and spend quality time together. When they returned, they ate the cookies, and Matts was visibly excited to see them lying unconscious all around the house. Just when he was about to force himself on Jessie, the Smiths revealed their little secret—they were a family of serial killers. Remember the little ‘ketchup’ stain on Robert’s shirt before they hopped on the ferry? Well, it’s safe to assume it wasn’t the ketchup, and he was responsible for the deaths of the diner owners.
Robert, Susan, Jessie, and her brother Sam repeatedly stabbed Matts, and his body was dismembered. They had been waiting for Karantan to finally reveal their true colors. We don’t know if Susan’s ancestor was one of the Englishmen who had raided the locals two hundred years ago, but they surely were fascinated by the history and wanted to repeat the massacre unleashed upon the locals by the outsiders. The Smiths started killing people at random, and panic started to spread all over the island. The locals had no way to escape; history was repeating itself. Klara was not afraid of facing the crisis. She refused to acknowledge that the people of her community were in danger and they needed to call for help. She was still hopeful about killing the English family and consuming them to pay her respects to her ancestors. The locals were not entirely sure who was behind the massacre; the Smiths pretended to be innocent and blamed the killings on Johan. Apart from attacking and killing at random, the Smiths also adopted the technique of winning the trust of the people they targeted before killing them.
What happened to the Smith family?
While it seemed the Smith family was a unit, we gradually discovered that it was partly pretense. Robert and Susan were a loving couple in reality as well; the fact that they discussed how the smell of burnt human corpses reminded them of their honeymoon suggested that they had been working together for quite some time. Perhaps as a couple they often raised suspicion, whereas they were never a suspect when they pretended to be a family. Jessie and Sam joined the duo to satisfy their thirst for blood. Killing as a group was easier than hunting individually. Sam and Robert were mostly not on the same page, and they had their fair share of conflicts.
During Get Away’s ending, Robert had enough and stabbed Sam in the neck, killing him almost instantly. Susan and Jessie begged him to discuss his intentions before taking action, and they dreaded going through the process of finding another serial killer to pose as their son/brother. The three lunatics decided to kill the last remaining people on the island. Klara and Sven had taken shelter in Matts’ Airbnb, and the three psycho criminals decided to win their sympathy before mercilessly killing them. They had discovered a secret passage in Matts’ cabin to enter the house; that explained the noises Jessie heard. Jessie entered the house through the front door crying and begging Klara and Sven to believe that Matts had killed her brother and father and devoured them. Klara was visibly offended that Matts had executed the plan without her. Sven decided to check the rooms to decide if Jessie was telling the truth. He discovered Matts’ mutilated body in one of the rooms. He found Robert lying in the room next door begging him to help. When he tried to help, Robert stabbed him in the neck, but before he died, Sven shot him, blowing off his hand. Klara finally realized that it was the English family who had killed everyone on the island, and she decided to seek revenge on behalf of her community. As soon as she grabbed a knife, ready to kill her enemy, Detective Forsberg shot her. Seeing the scene from a distance, he had assumed Klara was responsible for the massacre. She was extremely passionate about the festival, and he assumed her desire to kill outsiders might have resulted in the massacre. The police assisted Robert, Susan, and Jessie, assuming that they were the victims, and helped them leave the island in a speedboat.
In Get Away’s ending, Jessie exclaimed it was the best vacation she had ever spent, and together they stated that a family that slayed together stayed together. Since this is a comedy film, even though Jessie was shot in the stomach and Robert had suffered quite a lot of injuries, it did not impact their health. Meanwhile, the police shot Johan when they saw him at the harbor. They were under the assumption that Johan too was involved in the killing. He was the only member of the community who had survived the night, but unfortunately, he was misunderstood. That night was presumably the end of the Svälta community; on the day of Karantan, history repeated itself, though this time there seems to be no survivors. The Smiths will probably hire a young man to become a part of their family, and they will continue with their adventures. The goofy, typical family will continue to fool the authorities; after all, they’ve cracked the code. Serial killers are seen as introverted individuals operating on their own. But by teaming up and pretending to be just another family, they’ve managed to mix in with the crowd without raising any suspicion.