The Smile Man, the recently released crime thriller starring actor-politician Sarath Kumar in the lead role, is all set to make its OTT debut soon. While we had previously announced that Aha Tamil has bagged the OTT rights of the film, it will begin streaming from January 24. Aha Tamil is one of the offerings of the OTTplay Premium app as well.
The Smile Man OTT release date
Actor Sarath Kumar-starrer The Smile Man is a Tamil film which debuted in theatres recently. The film is a crime thriller, and is directed by Syam-Praveen duo. After its theatrical run, the film will premiere on Aha Tamil on January 24. It will also be available on the OTTplay Premium app.
Title | The Smile Man |
Cast | Sarath Kumar, Kalaiyarasan, Ineya, |
Director | Syam – Praveen |
Platform | Aha |
Release date | Jan 24 |
The Smile Man marks the 150th outing for Sarath Kumar. Apart from Sarathkumar, the film also stars Sri Kumar, Sijaa Rose, Ineya, George Maryan, Rajkumar, Kalaiyarasan, Kumar Natarajan, and Baby Azhiya. The film’s technical crew consists of music scored by Gavaskar Avinash with the story penned by Kamala Alchemis. Vikram Mohan has shot the film and San Lokesh has handled the edits.
The Smile Man plot and review
Sarath Kumar in The Smile Man
The crime thriller revolves around a seasoned cop, who is now suffering from Alzheimer’s. At the same time, he takes upon a serial killer case who seems to be targeting people and murdering them in a similar fashion.
While speaking to OTTplay earlier, Sarath Kumar talked about playing an Alzheimer’s patient, “I have got a personal experience because my mother was a patient of Alzheimer’s. I have gone through that, the days she remembers and days she doesn’t. Sometimes she asks me who am I, and it’s sad and difficult. Probably, the film might tend to exaggerate a bit, but we did add some shivers to show some quality to the performance.”
The film opened to mixed reviews upon its release. It adds itself to a bunch of crime thrillers that Tamil cinema has seen in the recent past.
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