The beloved Rush Hour franchise, starring Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker, has returned to Netflix, reigniting excitement among fans. The action-comedy series, which began in 1998, follows the unlikely partnership between Hong Kong Detective Inspector Lee (Chan) and LAPD Detective James Carter (Tucker) as they solve high-stakes cases with a mix of martial arts and humor.
The first three films—Rush Hour (1998), Rush Hour 2 (2001), and Rush Hour 3 (2006)—are now available for streaming. The original movie was a box office smash, earning $245.3 million globally against a $35 million budget. Its success spawned two sequels, with the franchise collectively grossing over $850 million worldwide.
Fans have taken to social media to express their enthusiasm. One YouTube commenter wrote, ‘I love Rush Hour and the combination of Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker. It has become my comfort movie.’ Another added, ‘I wish Rush Hour 4 comes out and they make it really good.’
Talks of a fourth installment have been ongoing since 2018, with both Chan and Tucker expressing interest in reprising their roles. However, production has faced delays due to distribution rights disputes and controversies surrounding director Brett Ratner, who has not directed a film since 2017.
Despite these challenges, the franchise’s enduring popularity suggests that Rush Hour 4 could still become a reality. For now, fans can relive the iconic duo’s adventures on Netflix, where the first two films are currently trending.
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