Sookshmadarshini, the acclaimed Malayalam black comedy mystery thriller, hit the theatres in November 20234. The movie, which stars Basil Joseph and Nazriya Nazim Fahadh in the lead roles, hit the OTT screens on January 10, 2025, after a highly successful theatrical run. As expected, the MC Jithin directorial has highly impressed the cinephiles who missed it in theatres. The netizens are now calling Sookshmadarshini, a brilliant thriller, which has excellent writing, making, and performances.
Sookshmadarshini on OTT: Netizens shower praises on the film
Nazriya Nazim Fahadh and Basil Joseph’s black comedy thriller film, which had its OTT release recently on Disney+ Hotstar, has highly impressed the cinephiles. The netizens, especially the non-Malayali audiences, are now showering praises on the MC Jithin directorial’s writing, making, and performances. The OTT viewers are calling Sookshmadarshini a ‘brilliant thriller’, and are praising Malayalam cinema’s writers, directors, and actors, who constantly come up with great content.
“I truly believe TFI (Telugu Film Industry) should learn how to make these kind of films… Just Brilliant,” wrote a cinephile on his X (formerly Twitter) post. “Blown away after watching it. Such a fantastic script, with writing at its peak I bet u can’t predict climax until last minute. U ll be left wondering Why & what throughout. But the way answer is revealed ll absolutely blow you away MUST WATCH,” reads another post. “Best screenplay of the year belongs to Sookshmadarshini. Exceptional film making with tension building at it’s finest level!” wrote another cine-goer.
Sookshmadarshini cast
The MC Jithin directorial features Nazriya Nazim Fahadh in the role of Priyadarshini, a young woman who finds the behaviour of her new neighbour Manuel, played by Basil Joseph, extremely shady. She begins an investigation with her friends and uncovers some dark truths. Deepak Parambol appears as Priyadarshini’s husband Antony in the film, which features Sidharth Bharathan, Akhila Bhargavan, Pooja Mohanraj, Merin Philip, Manohari Joy, and others in the supporting roles.
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