Vidaamuyarchi, the upcoming action thriller film marks the first collaboration of Ajith Kumar, and director Magizh Thirumeni. The movie, produced by Lyca Productions, was expected to hit the theatres during the Pongal season of 2025. However, the Ajith Kumar starrer moved out of the Pongal race due to undisclosed production issues. According to the latest updates, Vidaamuyarchi is still expected to hit the theatres in January 2025, as a Republic Day special release.
All about Vidaamuyarchi
The Magizh Thirumeni directorial revolves around a middle-aged man’s thrilling journey to find his estranged wife, who goes missing under mysterious circumstances. Ajith Kumar plays the protagonist in Vidaamuyarchi, which stars Trisha Krishnan in the role of his wife. The highly anticipated project, which marks the actor’s first onscreen collaboration with director Magizh Thirumeni, is loosely based on the 1997-released American film, Breakdown.
Arjun Sarja appears as the lead antagonist in the film, which features Regina Cassandra, Arav, Sravan, Nikhil Nair, Dasarathi, Ganesh, and others in the supporting roles. Anirudh Ravichander has composed the songs and the original score for the film. Om Prakash and Nirav Shah are the directors of photography of the film. NB Srikanth handles the editing. Vidaamuyarchi is produced by Lyca Productions.
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