Telugu actor Ram Charan and director Shankar’s recent outing, Game Changer, earned Rs 89 crore nett in India during its opening weekend. While the film opened on a strong note with Rs 51 crore nett on January 10, it seemed to have been affected by lukewarm responses from audiences and critics. According to tracking website, Sacnilk, the film minted a combined total of Rs 38 crore nett during the weekend.
Game Changer hit theatres on January 10 amid massive anticipation. However, the film has been receiving mixed reviews.
Reportedly, Game Changer raked in Rs 17 crore on Sunday, which is dangerously low for a film of this stature. It is to be seen if the film will pick up momentum as the Sankranti/Pongal holidays are around the corner. In three days, the film collected Rs 89.6 crore nett at the domestic box office.
Check out day-wise breakup of Game Changer in India (nett):
- Day 1: Rs 51 crore
- Day 2: Rs 21.6 crore
- Day 3: Rs 17 crore
- Total: Rs 89.6 crore
However, the makers claim that Game Changer has crossed Rs 200 crore at the worldwide box office. While this is an official announcement, many tracking websites and trade analysts have raised doubts about the film’s actual collections.
Here’s the trailer:
Game Changer is a social political thriller with Ram Charan playing two roles – as a father and son. The film also features Kiara Advani, SJ Suryah, Srikanth, Jayaram, Sunil and several others in pivotal roles. While the story is written by Karthik Subbaraj, Shankar has directed the film.
According to reports, Game Changer is produced on a massive budget of Rs 450 crore by Sri Venkateswara Creations.
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