The year 2024 was a historic milestone for Malayalam cinema, marking the first time the industry crossed the ₹1,000 crore mark in gross box office collections. This remarkable achievement represented a 116% growth from the previous year and doubled Malayalam cinema’s box office share to 10%. The figures highlighted the growing acceptance and appreciation of Malayalam films not only in India but also on a global scale.
The industry’s growth over the years has been phenomenal. In 2020, Malayalam films grossed ₹147 crore, which rose steadily to ₹191 crore in 2021 and then saw a massive leap to ₹633 crore in 2022. Although there was a slight dip in 2023 with ₹572 crore, 2024 witnessed an unprecedented surge, reaching ₹1,165 crore. This growth was mirrored in audience footfalls, which increased from 2.3 crore in 2020 to 12.6 crore in 2024, a clear indication of the widening reach and appeal of Malayalam films.
One of the standout factors behind this success was the record-breaking performance of Manjummel Boys. The film became the highest-grossing Malayalam movie of all time, earning ₹157 crore and becoming the first Malayalam film to cross the ₹150 crore mark. Its universal themes resonated deeply with audiences in Kerala and neighboring states like Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, solidifying its place as a game-changer for the industry.
The success of Manjummel Boys was complemented by a broader trend of diverse content offerings. In 2024, 26 Malayalam films crossed the ₹10 crore mark, doubling the count from the previous year. This surge in successful releases showcased the industry’s ability to produce a wide variety of films that appealed to different segments of the audience. Beyond the tentpole productions, the consistent quality and innovative storytelling of Malayalam cinema continued to set it apart.
Another critical driver of growth was the expanding reach of Malayalam films. Titles like Aavesham and Aadujeevitham – The Goat Life broke barriers and found audiences outside traditional markets. These films not only captivated viewers with their compelling narratives but also helped reinforce the reputation of Malayalam cinema as a hub for high-quality storytelling. Their success in newer territories highlighted the industry’s growing influence and its ability to connect with audiences across cultural and linguistic boundaries.
As Malayalam cinema continues to ride this wave of success, the future looks incredibly promising. The momentum generated in 2024 provides a strong foundation for further growth in 2025. By continuing to push boundaries with diverse and high-quality productions, the industry has the potential to further expand its footprint both in India and abroad. The remarkable achievements of 2024 have set the stage for Malayalam cinema to cement its place as a creative and innovative force in the world of cinema.
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