In the 1980s and ’90s, Mukesh Khanna played two memorable television roles. He played Bhishma Pitamah in the iconic Indian television series Mahabharat and then the titular role in the widely popular Shaktimaan series. Recently, the veteran actor shared an untold story of a major Hollywood opportunity that came his way. Following the resounding success of Mahabharat, Khanna was approached for a Hollywood film titled Masala.
Despite the prospect of international fame, the actor ultimately did not pursue the offer, a decision he later described as a consequence of his principles. The film, a Canadian project featuring a star-studded cast, was being spearheaded by renowned casting director Madhur Jaffrey. However, Khanna’s insistence on reviewing the script before proceeding led to an impasse, and the role eventually went to Saeed Jaffrey, earning him the honor of knighthood.
Mukesh Khanna insisted on reading the script before being cast in this Canadian movie
For Mukesh Khanna, the post-Mahabharat phase marked a period of immense popularity and numerous career opportunities. Among these was an offer to work in Masala, a Hollywood film being cast by Madhur Jaffrey, a distinguished name in the international entertainment arena. In a recent interview with Hindi Rush, Khanna disclosed the details of this encounter and the reasons behind his decision to pass on the role.
Khanna recounted receiving a call from Madhur Jaffrey, who expressed interest in casting him for the film Masala. At first, Khanna assumed the project might be connected to his portrayal of Bhishma Pitamah, given the title resembled Indian mythology. However, as discussions progressed, Khanna requested to see the script before committing to the role.
Despite his reasonable request, Jaffrey grew impatient, urging him to submit his profile immediately. Madhur Jaffrey’s husband, Saeed Jaffrey, entered the call and said, “She is not asking for earth; she is just asking for your photo and profile.’ Khanna remained adamant, stating, “I am not asking for the earth, just the script.” His persistence on this decision ultimately led to the opportunity slipping through his hands. Saeed Jaffrey ultimately took that role, garnering critical acclaim and knighthood for his performance.
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