Raksha Sharma is an Indian astronaut and a former Indian Air Force officer, known as the first and only Indian citizen to travel into space. While there have been other astronauts of Indian origin, they were not citizens of India. Rakesh Sharma was born in Patiala, Punjab, on January 13, 1949. He participated in the Soviet Interkosmos program, traveling abroad on April 3, 1984. On the occasion of his 76th birthday, let’s explore more about him and his journey, which are detailed below.
Rakesh Sharma Birthday | NASA
What was the collaborative space exploration?
In 1982, India and the Soviet Union signed an agreement for collaborative space exploration between the Indian Air Force and Soviet Interkosmos. Squadron Leader Rakesh Sharma was selected from 150 candidates after completing rigorous physical and psychological training. Following his selection, he trained as a cosmonaut at the Yuri Gagarin Center in the USSR, where he demonstrated exceptional commitment and received recognition from Soviet space authorities.
He was part of the Soviet Interkosmos program, Soyuz T-10, and Soyuz T-11 missions. Rakesh Sharma successfully completed a highly demanding training program, excelling with remarkable professionalism. On April 3, 1984, he became the first Indian to orbit in space.
Who is Rakesh Sharma?
Rakesh Sharma, born into a Punjabi family, developed a passion for joining the Air Force and a sense of patriotism from a young age. He completed his schooling at George’s Grammar School in Hyderabad and graduated from Nizam College, also in Hyderabad. Driven by his dream of becoming a pilot, he joined the National Defence Academy, where he graduated with honors and chose to serve in the Indian Air Force.
Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma | Wikipedia
Fueled by his passion for aviation, he was commissioned into the Indian Air Force (IAF) as a test pilot. He quickly became an expert in his field and a fearless aviator. By the late 1970s, his intelligence and expertise as a test pilot had earned him numerous accolades and promotions within the IAF. During his tenure, he flew a variety of aircraft.
As a MiG-21 pilot, Rakesh Sharma also participated in 21 combat missions during the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War. He retired from the IAF as a wing commander in 1987.
<!– Published on: Monday, January 13, 2025, 11:13 AM IST –>
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