Malayalam superstar Mohanlal’s 3D directorial debut, which was six years in the making, is finally set to drop on OTT after its truncated theatrical run, which lasted barely a month and failed to recover its budget.
The streaming platform Disney+ Hotstar announced that the movie is gearing up for its OTT release and it will be available in five languages – Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Hindi for sure. It’s not yet confirmed if the film will release in Marathi and Bangla yet.
Barroz official poster
Barroz OTT release date: When, where to watch the film online
The movie, which was released only in 3D, is a children’s fantasy and revolved around its titular character, who was a ghost tasked to protect the treasure of Portuguese emperor Da Gama till his rightful heir returned to claim it. This happens almost 300 years after he is imprisoned by the curse, when a Portuguese teenager, Isabella, arrives in Goa with his father with the plan of converting the palace into a casino.
Barroz is expected to release on Disney+ Hotstar by the final week of January, with the platform expected to drop the children’s fantasy film to coincide with the Republic Day weekend. This would mean that the film, which released in theatres on December 25, would have had a theatrical run of exactly a month.
Mohanlal in a still from Barroz
Mohanlal’s upcoming projects in 2025
That said, Barroz’s OTT release will also coincide with its producers, Aashirvad Cinemas, unveiling a host of Mohanlal’s upcoming projects including the much-awaited trailer of L2: Empuraan. Mohanlal’s next release will be Tharun Moorthy’s Thudarum, which is slated to hit theatres on January 30.
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