The third edition of the Chennai International Book Fair (CIBF) was inaugurated by Tamil Nadu School Education Minister Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi at Nandambakkam. This year, the prestigious event sees participation from 60 countries, showcasing an impressive global representation of the literary world.
Aiming to foster international collaborations, the fair aspires to sign 1,000 Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs), surpassing the achievements of previous editions. The Tamil Nadu government has allocated a substantial budget of ₹3 crore to support and elevate the event.
The Bologna Children’s Book Fair from Italy is the guest of honour this year, highlighting the significance of children’s literature and fostering cultural exchange between Tamil Nadu and Italy.
The CIBF stands as a testament to Tamil Nadu’s commitment to promoting education, literature, and global partnerships. The event is expected to attract book enthusiasts, publishers, and authors from across the world.
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