Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. K. Stalin will inaugurate the ‘Thirumathi Lakshmi Valar Tamizh’ library here on January 21 (Tuesday), said Congress leader P. Chidambaram here on Saturday.
Speaking to media persons, he said that the Tamil library has been established with the objective of disseminating the nuances of the great language to the masses. “We have so far procured and received around 30,000 books and wish to collect another 50,000 more for the library by end of this year,” he added.
The veteran leader appreciated people, who had come forward and donated books. For those, who could not gift books, but suggested to offer money by way of cheques, he said that they have opened an exclusive account with the Canara Bank in the name of “Valar Tamil Library Book Fund” Alagappa University campus Karaikudi with IFSC code: CNRB0000903, account number: 110219806740 and MICR code: 630015002.
A pattimandram is being organised on January 21 at 4 p.m. on the need to encourage reading habit among children by parents and teachers.
The former Union Finance Minister also appealed to the public to liberally donate Tamil books – old and new for the library and hoped it would add yet another feather to the cap of Karaikudi.
Thanking the CM for having given a government law college and agricultural college for the city, Mr Chidambaram wished the Tamil Nadu government would give more and more projects to the people in future too.
Published – January 18, 2025 09:00 pm IST
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