The upcoming movie “Mr. Housekeeping” marks the debut of popular YouTuber Hari Bhaskar as a lead actor. The film features an ensemble cast including Losliya, Bigg Boss fame Riythvika, Sha Ra, and Chitra Lakshmanan. The music for the movie is composed by Osho Venkat. Produced by Murali Ramasamy under Thenandal Films and Nithin Manohar under Invade Media, the film is directed by Arun Ravichandran, who previously worked as an assistant to P. Vasu.
Set to release on the 24th of this month, a press meet for the movie was recently held in Chennai. Speaking about the film, director Arun Ravichandran shared his inspiration by stating that he was motivated by seeing the shoot of Bala’s ‘Tharai Thappattai’ during his school days. Writing his name on a school notebook back then to this achievement in 10 years, he expressed his happiness and gratitude. Arun also thanked producer Murali for quickly greenlighting the project, giving him such a big opportunity.
He further added that Losliya was the perfect fit for her role and shared how cinematographer Ilavarasu was a valuable asset to the project. Designed as a commercial entertainer, Arun assured that the film aims to make audiences laugh while being suitable for families. The movie promises to align with modern trends while being a wholesome experience for the entire family.
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