Former Trump White House advisor Steve Bannon spoke to conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer on Wednesday, who accused big tech of “covering up” the murder of a border agent by a German national in the U.S. on an H-1B visa. The conversation appeared to be an escalation in the MAGA civil war over H-1B visas, which has pitted MAGA influencers like Bannon and Loomer against Trump’s big tech allies on the right.
“There was a U.S. Border Patrol agent in Vermont who was murdered. And there’s reports that Homeland Security had been monitoring three individuals. And when the Border Patrol agent approached these individuals in a car, he was shot in the neck and died almost immediately,” Loomer told Bannon on his influential War Room podcast, adding:
And the suspect involved, who is also now dead, is a German national who was in the United States illegally on an expired H-1B visa. And upon investigating this individual.
She went on to say, “He’s an employee at big tech firms. And so this is an H-1B visa individual who is now an illegal alien because he overstayed his visa.”
After digging into the alleged killer’s background further, Loomer turned to the recent infighting between the MAGA base and tech leaders on the right. She said:
And we were just lectured four weeks ago. Exactly, four weeks ago by the big tech giant that H-1B visas are good. We don’t need to replace them. They’re the best and the brightest. And these are jobs that Americans can’t fill. And now an H-1B visa overstay. An illegal alien who abused the H-1B visa system sponsored by big tech has murdered an innocent U.S. Border Patrol officer who also happened to be a military veteran who provided security at at the Pentagon the day of the 911 terrorist attacks.
Bannon replied and eventually addressed Trump directly on the issue, “This is outrageous, this entire program. And Mr. President, realize that you say, hey, you know, you understand both sides. I think the information you’re getting from the other side are lies. They’re lying to you.”
“There is not one H-1B holder in this nation or the millions of that are here that are better trained, have better educational credentials for the billet that they’re holding,” added Bannon. Bannon previously traded jabs with Elon Musk on the issue of H-1B visas as Musk argued they are essential to his businesses. Bannon vowed earlier in the month that Musk would be run out of Trump’s inner circle before the inauguration.
As the conversation continued, Bannon asked Loomer, “Why is this being suppressed? I talked to a bunch of mainstream media. They go, we’ve not heard of this. We haven’t heard of the murder. We haven’t heard an AP. I think the Associated Press had it up with just visa holder. Nobody wants to mention it’s an H-1B man. Why is that?”
“Well, they don’t want to mention it one day because it’s the way that all of the big tech billionaires react to this. And they attack journalists. They demonetized journalists. They completely shut down the Twitter accounts of every journalist that was speaking about this issue four weeks ago,” Loomer replied, adding:
Many of the people online in the independent media who found themselves talking about the abuse of the H-1b visa system by big tech and the way that H-1b visa holders are abusing the system and contribute to a large amount of the illegal aliens who are now in our country. They found themselves completely suppressed.
And so now it seems like the mainstream media is bowing down to the big tech billionaires out of fear, or maybe that maybe they’ve received orders by big tech. It seems like big tech has this this delusion that they are now the media and they’re going to completely replace all forms of media and silence or punish any journalist that reports a story that’s either as critical of the big tech executives or critical of an issue that they are in support of.
Watch the full clip above via War Room.
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