Sky Force starring Akshay Kumar and Sara Ali Khan is all set to hit theaters on January 24. The action drama will focus on India’s retaliatory attack on the Sargodha airbase of Pakistan in the Indo-Pakistani air war of 1965, which marked India’s first airstrike. Apart from them, the film also stars Veer Pahariya and Nimrit Kaur. Notably, Veer is making his acting debut with Abhishek Anil Kapur and Sandeep Kewlani’s directorial. As the release date is near, let’s find out about Veer Pahariya, the grandson of the former Maharashtra Chief Minister Sushilkumar Shinde, who is all set to debut with Sky Force.
All you need to know about Veer Pahariya
Born in 1995, Veer Pahariya is the son of Smruti Shinde, the owner of Sobo Films Pvt Ltd, a media and production company. He is the grandson of Sushilkumar Shinde, the former Chief Minister of Maharastra. Veer’s father is Sanjay Pahariya, a business tycoon.
Notably, he also cofounded Indiawyn Gaming with his brother Shikhar Pahariya in 2018. Meanwhile, his brother is dating actress Janhvi Kapoor. Earlier, Veer was in the public eye for his previous relationship with actress Sara Ali Khan. Veer has been lately linked with former Miss Universe Harnaaz Kaur Sandhu and former Miss World Manu.
Veer Pahariya and Akshay Kumar in Sky Force
Veer Pahariya’s profession before acting
Before acting, Veer worked as an assistant director on Bhediya. The film starred Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon. He studied at Dhirubhai Ambani International School and Regent’s University in London.
He is also friends with high-profile people like Anant Ambani, (son of Mukesh Ambani) and Radhika Merchant. He was seen attending their wedding and other events of the Ambani family.
Veer Pahariya in Sky Force
Veer is all set to make his acting debut with Sky Force. He plays Squadron Leader Ajjamada Boppayya Devayya in the film. The character is based on a real-life Air Force officer who was posthumously awarded the Maha Vir Chakra.
Sky Force will hit theaters on January 24, 2025.
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