Amber Partisano, a 1998 graduate of Clarence High School and current Lancaster resident, recently released her first children’s picture book, titled “Our Fox Rocks.”
The 42-page book is based on her family, which includes her husband Adam and their five children.
Their daughter, Tessa, who is now 2 years old, was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder, FOXG1 Syndrome, after she was born.
“Her diagnosis and our family working through these new steps in life is what motivated me to write and publish a book,” said Partisano, a teacher at East Aurora’s Parkdale Elementary School.
The main character, Fox, is based on Tessa. “Fox can’t eat, drink, walk, talk or play by herself like the other foxes and woodland animals,” said Partisano. “However, Fox is safe and happy in her woodland forest because she has her family to take care of her and to protect her.”
Partisano said this book can help raise awareness of her daughter’s genetic condition.
She also hopes it can help other people deal with a loved one’s diagnosis. “We learned it takes a village,” she said. “I want to help others.”
Although she acknowledges that raising a child with a genetic disorder is a “learning curve,” she added that just because your child has a disorder does not mean your life has to drastically change. “We’ve learned to kind to pause and take one day at a time.”
She also said parents should accept help and support from the people who offer it.
Partisano hopes to write more books, and perhaps even a sequel to “Our Fox Rocks.”
She began drafting the story last November and decided to get it professionally published. “My love for literature and the outdoors fuels my writing, where I explore themes of growth and resilience,” she said. “Our home garden and active lifestyle inspire my tale of family, nature and the beauty found in everyday moments.”
Outside of writing, Partisano said she enjoys family time, reading, outdoor activities, gardening, and supporting the Buffalo Bills.
Partisano said the book is intended for children, however, it is best if read to them by an adult who can help them understand the book’s underlying message.
The book is available for purchase on and
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