Madha Gaja Raja, the Tamil film which released for Pongal, starring Vishal in the lead role, is going to complete two weeks of run at the box office, with the film collecting Rs 41 crore so far. Directed by Sundar C, the film has performed well, given how Madha Gaja Raja had been kept unreleased for over a decade.
Madha Gaja Raja box office collection day 12
Vishal and Sundar C’s long pending film Madha Gaja Raja finally hit theatres for this Pongal. The film, which was initially scheduled to release for Pongal 2013, finally made its way to theatres after 12 years. However, it made a grand entry and won the audience over for the festive season.
Madha Gaja Raja has collected Rs 41 crore during its nearly two weeks of run at the box office. The film is the highest grossing Tamil film so far Pongal 2025. Given Madha Gaja Raja released had limited release with only in Tamil language, the film has achieved a major feat. It is expected that the film will be able to achieve Rs 50 crore by next week.
Madha Gaja Raja
Madha Gaja Raja cast and crew
Directed by Sundar C, Madha Gaja Raja is a commercial entertainer, where audience can watch and enjoy the film for entertainment purposes only. The film stars Vishal, Anjali, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Sonu Sood and others. However, the main highlight of the film is how it brought back comedian Santhanam onscreen, especially when the actor has taken up to play lead roles in the recent times. Late actors Manivannan and Manobala’s appearances in the film to added Madha Gaja Raja’s strength.
Madha Gaja Raja cast
The film has music by Vijay Antony, and Gemini Film Circuit has bankrolled it. Madha Gaja Raja has inspired several films laying the cans for several years, to be released.
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