On Feb. 14, 1870, Seraph Young (niece of Brigham Young) became the first woman to vote in the United States. Utah treasures this legacy of women’s rights, but is it being fulfilled 155 years later? We consider this question during Women’s History Month.
The Utah Woman and Leadership Project at Utah State University concludes that “the last few years have been record-setting for women running for office in the country and Utah,” but our local leadership remains overwhelmingly male. Women comprise almost half the workforce, yet there is significant inequality in pay and executive positions. What do these surveys get right, and what unique Utah nuances are they missing? What do women in Utah politics look like?
Cowley: The 2024 election produced a record number of women in the legislature. Becky Lockhart, Utah’s first female speaker of the House, would be proud. Three women won seats previously occupied by men. I love to see more women in office, but to the surprise of many, when it comes to good governance, there is more to representation than aligned gender. Hiring or voting for someone should be based on merit, not gender.
Statistical top lines never tell the full story. Many Utah women have different goals than occupying boardrooms or holding office. This does not make us better or worse simply because it’s not the norm across the country, but when have Utahns ever shied away from being peculiar people?
Utah female electees pack a punch. Republican House freshmen included an army of moms who are even more conservative than their incumbent colleagues. Rep. Celeste Maloy carries on the legacy of mighty women in Congress like Mia Love and Enid Green. Tina Cannon is shattering glass ceilings as Utah’s first female state auditor. Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson is making her impression in politics and my life. After a meeting when she was a state senator and I, a lowly intern, she instructed me never to sit in the back of the room but to pull up a seat at the table — counsel I think about often. Kudos to her for fighting to preserve the memory of Utah pioneer women swept up in an overly broad directive with obvious unintentional consequences.
Not all Utah female political powerhouses are elected. One cannot mention women in politics without paying homage to Utah’s own Mother Teresa, Pamela Atkinson, and Gayle Ruzicka, conservative activist, grandmother and political kingmaker.
Pignanelli: “Most executives want to elevate women, but oftentimes they don’t know how.” — Pat Jones, Women’s Leadership Institute
Most studies of Utah women ignore their actual impact, as they are usually efficient and effective. I witnessed this phenomenon in my 39 years of public service and lobbying at the state Capitol. This dynamic certainly exists in county and municipal offices. Jenny Wilson and Erin Mendenhall hold the highest profile local positions. My mother was a three-term councilwoman who transformed Holladay City.
While the work of Pat Jones and others to activate Utah women in politics and business is critical, they have a strong foundation of success reaching back almost two centuries.
The unfortunate passing of former Rep. Mia Love truly emphasizes the importance of this topic. Since women in Utah face challenges, how have they impacted politics?
Cowley: Utah political priorities have always centered around families. This virtue is visible by the presence of babies during floor debates, a cause Pignanelli championed decades ago when he brought his bouncing baby girl onto the House floor. His official minority leader portrait captures this tender moment. But this column isn’t about adorable girl dad Frank, so back to business!
Women typically manage household budgets, so who better to be responsible stewards of tax dollars? XX-chromosome-carrying lawmakers also championed education efforts that give parents more options, like the Utah Fits All Scholarship.
I have faced plenty of prejudice and inappropriate behavior throughout my career, but a wise mentor of mine once said, “Some people will underestimate you simply because you are a woman. Use it to your advantage.” I try to honor her advice.
Pignanelli: Mia Love was a tremendous public official, but her abilities were often questioned. I enjoyed hauling these doubters to Mia’s office, and within minutes they were astonished with her knowledge and preparation. Mia was well-respected by her colleagues in Congress because she analyzed difficult concepts of legislation and combined the results with personal experiences to craft persuasive arguments. Other Utah women developed similar skills of working harder and fostering creativity to overcome silly, unsubstantiated preconceptions.
How does party impact gender in politics?
Cowley: I would be remiss if I did not call out the hypocrisy of virtue-signaling liberals who exalt the virtues of women in politics yet ignore the historic diversity in our first and second ladies, Melania Trump and Usha Vance.
Pignanelli: Renae makes a good point, but her complaint should be spread across the political spectrum. Right-wing groups did not express a modicum of deserved sentiment toward Vice President Kamala Harris or Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, both women of color. All women — regardless of political beliefs — should be acknowledged for their efforts and skills.
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