Asif Ali and Aparna Balamurali, the popular Malayalam actors who were recently seen together in Kishkindha Kaandam, are set to share the screen again. The popular star pair is reuniting for Mirage, the upcoming thriller directed by hitmaker Jeethu Joseph. The movie, which marks Asif Ali’s reunion with the Kooman director, had its official launch today (January 20, 2025) with a pooja ceremony in Calicut, Kerala.
Asif Ali, Jeethu Joseph’s Mirage starts rolling
As per the latest updates, Mirage starts rolling today (January 20, 2025) in Calicut, Kerala, with an official pooja ceremony. The much-awaited project went on floors in the presence of its cast and crew members, including director Jeethu Joseph and leading lady Aparna Balamurali. Asif Ali, the leading man, however, gave the event a miss due to his busy schedule. The talented actor is expected to join the sets of Mirage in a couple of days.
Mirage: All about the star cast and shoot plans
Along with Asif Ali and Aparna Balamurali, the upcoming Jeethu Joseph directorial features Hakkim Shah, Hannah Reji Koshy, Sampath, Bigg Boss Malayalam fame Arjun Shyam Gopan, and others in pivotal roles. Mirage will be extensively shot at the various locations of Calicut, Moolamattam, Coimbatore, and Pollachi. The celebrated filmmaker and his team are planning to wrap up the filming by mid-2025. The first look of the much-awaited project is expected to be out in a few weeks.
The cast and crew members of Mirage took to their official social media handles and announced the project with a promising motion poster earlier this year. “Excited to reunite with Jeethu Joseph after Kooman for a brand-new cinematic journey! Can’t wait to share this with you all! Stay tuned for more,” wrote leading man Asif Ali, as he announced the reunion with Jeethu Joseph. The motion poster, which unfolds in the backdrop of an unclear road, reads: “Mirage – Fades as you get closer.”
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