Union Home Minister Amit Shah met actor Nana Patekar. Shah shared multiple photos from their meeting on his X handle, mentioning that they discussed films and their role in social change.
Amit Shah and Nana Patekar were seen greeting each other with a hug in one of the photos. “Met the very talented and seasoned actor Shri @nanagpatekar Ji. Had a great discussion about films and their role in social change (sic),” wrote Shah, while sharing the pictures.
Here are the photos:
At India Today Conclave 2023, Amit Shah spoke about films, content and addressed the North vs South debate. “We should be proud of anyone who gets India an Oscar, and we are proud. But the apparent north-south divide is not really a north-south divide. I watch movies with great passion. Several of the South Indian films are doing well. I have analysed this trend very carefully. Films that are about Indian traditions, Indian culture and ‘Indianness’ have all worked and have been accepted heartily,” he said.
He stressed that India is changing and the taste of the audience is changing as well. “India is changing. Whichever industry talks about Indian traditions is being welcomed more by the audience. Please don’t bring North and South into this,” he said.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Nana Patekar was last seen in Anil Sharma’s Vanvaas.
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