Thudarum, the upcoming family drama which stars Mohanlal and Shobana in the lead roles, is one of the most anticipated Malayalam films of 2025. The movie, which marks the superstar’s 360th outing in cinema, is directed by acclaimed filmmaker, Tharun Moorthy. Earlier, it was confirmed that Thudarum will hit the theatres on January 30, 2025. But now, it has been confirmed that the release of the Mohanlal starrer is postponed indefinitely, due to technical reasons.
Thudarum delayed due to THIS reason?
Thudarum official poster.
Recently, it was rumoured that Thudarum is not getting a release in January 2025, because of the film’s OTT deal is not locked yet. It was speculated that the Tharun Moorthy directorial is facing difficulties in cracking an OTT deal, which even impacted its teaser release. However, the latest updates suggest that the rumours are totally baseless. According to the reports, the release of the Mohanlal starrer has been delayed, due to the unexpected delay in its post-production works.
Thudarum teaser and release date announcement soon?
Mohanlal’s Thudarum official poster.
If the recent updates are to be believed, a 26-seconds-long teaser of the much-awaited Mohanlal starrer will be out during the silver jubilee celebrations of Aashirvad Cinemas. Tharun Moorthy and his team are also expected to announce the new release date of Thudarum, along with the official teaser of the film. According to the grapevine, the upcoming family drama is expected to get a theatrical release during the final weekend of February 2025.
As per the reports, Mohanlal is set to play Shanmugham, a small-town-based taxi driver who shares a rare emotional bond with his car, in Thudarum. The Malayalam superstar is reuniting with his much-celebrated onscreen pair Shobana, for the Tharun Moorthy directorial. The veteran actress is reportedly essaying the role of protagonist Shanmugham’s wife in the movie, which is scripted by Sunil KR. Jakes Bejoy has composed the songs and the original score for the film, which is produced by Rejaputhra Visual Media.
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