Globalism by Dr. Richard Schmidt

Dr. Richard Schmidt carefully guides the reader through the maze of current events and landmines that are leading to globalism. He discusses the relevant Biblical passages that mandate the one-world religion, government, and economy that comprise God’s prophetic sovereign judgment for a world who has, is and will reject Jesus Christ. Dr. Schmidt challenges the reader to consider their response to the current and future guaranteed catastrophic conditions that will shock the conscience. This is a must read factual, alarming, highly documented work that synchronizes current events with impending Bible prophecy.

226 pages

Click here to order online. You may also call 1-800-729-9829 or send a check, cash or money order to 3434 W Kilbourn Ave, Milwaukee WI 53208.

Mike Gendron Rally – Discerning Truth in an Age of Deception

Mike Gendron spoke at the Waukesha Expo for the VCY America Rally on March 16,2024. His topic was “Discerning Truth in an Age of Deception.”

Mike Gendron is the Founder and Director of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministry. Mike was a devout Roman Catholic for over 3 decades and was taught to rely upon the authority of the church above all else. Mike searched the Scriptures and was amazed to find that what he read in Scripture contradicted the teaching and tradition of the church he had been a part of for so long. He trusted Jesus as his Savior and now the Bible has become his sole authority in all matters of faith. Mike is the author of the books Preparing for Eternity and Contending for the Gospel, and has produced numerous videos with warnings concerning false teachings versus the truth of the Scriptures.

Click here to order a CD copy.

Click here to order a DVD copy.

You may also call 1-800-729-9829 or send a check, cash or money order to 3434 W Kilbourn Ave, Milwaukee WI 53208.

The Case for Zionism

Understand what the Bible says about Israel and what is happening in the world regarding the greatly opposed people of Israel. The Case for Zionism: Why Christians Should Support Israel brings together biblical, historical, and legal arguments for the legitimacy of the startup nation known as Israel. National Israel is part of God’s plan from Genesis to Revelation.

Since Israel is at the center of God’s plan of redemption for humanity, it is important that Christians learn of and know how to defend the modern state of Israel. This powerful defense of Zionism gives Christians God’s viewpoint on these issues and more:

Controversies such as antisemitism and Replacement Theology

The Biblical Case for Israel

Modern Israel’s Legal Right to the Land

Revelation 12 and the Future of Israel

Lovers of Zion: A History of Christian Zionism

To be on the wrong side of this issue is to oppose God Himself. Explore the biblical evidence of how God is bringing to pass His plan for Israel. In The Case for Zionism, you will find a solid case for the biblical distinction between Israel and the Church, pointing out that God is not finished with His chosen people.

Click here to order online.

You may also call 1-800-729-9829 or send a check, cash or money order to 3434 W Kilbourn Ave, Milwaukee WI 53208.

The Interesting History of Income Tax

By William J. Federer

“The only things certain are death and taxes” – Benjamin Franklin Yet few know America’s interesting history of Income Tax, such as:

1787 – U.S. Constitution prohibited a “direct” Federal tax 

1862 – “Revenue Tax” on incomes went into effect as an emergency to finance the Union during the Civil War 

1873 –  The Civil War ended, emergency over, Income Tax Repealed 

1895 – The Supreme Court made Income Tax unconstitutional 

1913 – Woodrow Wilson thought tariffs on imports caused wars, so he worked to replace them with an Income Tax. Income Tax was originally only a 1% tax on the top 1% richest people in America. 

1943 – Paycheck Withholding began as an emergency effort to get funds to finance WWII. 

John F. Kennedy – “Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased flow of revenues to the Federal Government.” (Annual Budget Message, Jan. 17, 1963)Thomas Jefferson – “It is an encouragement to proceed as we have begun in substituting economy for taxation” (2nd Annual Message, 1802)

(176 pages, paperback, illustrations)

Click here to order online or call 1-800-729-9829. You may also send a check, cash or money order to VCY America, 3434 W Kilbourn Ave, Milwaukee WI 53208.

Without Excuse: The Compelling Evidence for Creation

As offered on Crosstalk 3/11/2024

by Julie Von Vett and Bruce Malone

Without Excuse is the fourth in a series of unique devotionals which present the evidence for creation from every area of science. 365 different examples of how well science supports a biblical model for our origins are presented. Topics range from biology to geology, genetics to botany, anatomy to history, design to microbiology, and Christian truths to cosmology. In addition, this latest volume includes QR codes on many pages linking readers to 2-3 minute presentations providing further visual information of the subject presented on that page. This book is marvelously illustrated with over 300 color illustrations. It is written in a style that is appropriate to be read to even young children yet profoundly enjoyable for adults. The book also contains extensive references and includes topical, Bible verse, and subject indexes. It is a phenomenal source for homeschoolers, Christian parents, or anyone wanting to know more about nature or creation.

434 pages

Click here to order online.

You may also call 1-800-729-9829 or send a check, cash, or money order to 3434 W Kilbourn Ave, Milwaukee WI 53208.

Tribulation to Triumph: The Olivet Discourse

by Richard R. Schmidt

Jesus preached the most important sermon on prophecy to His disciples on the Mount of Olives. He answered three key questions. When would the second temple be destroyed, when would He set up His kingdom, and when would the end of the age take place? This series unfolds the prophetic truths from the Master teacher.

Click here to order online for a donation of $15.

You may also call 1-800-729-9829 or send a check, cash, or money order to 3434 W Kilbourn Ave, Milwaukee WI 53208.

Socialism by William Federer

Full title is Socialism – The Real History from Plato to the Present: How the Deep State Capitalizes on Crises to Consolidate Control.

By William J. Federer

Available for a donation of $18.00

Click here to order or call 1-800-729-9829. You may also send a check, cash, or money order to VCY America, 3434 W Kilbourn Ave, Milwaukee WI, 53208.

Artificial Intelligence by Richard Schmidt

There is an undeniable movement, both domestically & internationally, to propel humanity toward a new, advanced level of existence! Dr. Schmidt spotlights those seeking to change the culture of society on a rapid trajectory. This is a riveting, well-researched work that outlines the lightening-swift speed in which our world is changing.

204 pages

Click here to order online. You may also call 1-800-729-9829 or send a check, cash or money order to 3434 W Kilbourn Ave, Milwaukee WI 53208.