News Roundup & Comment

Date: May 10, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

Jim was back at the helm presenting stories from the news desk.  Here’s a brief sample:

–Robert Kennedy Jr. has confirmed that he supports abortion right up to birth.

–The mayor of Tel Aviv has canceled their pride parade.   

–A West Virginia judge granted a preliminary injunction allowing several middle school girls to compete after the school district banned them from competition after refusing to play against a biological male.

–The ELCA has created a year-long queer confirmation curriculum for homosexual youth.

–Pennsylvania parents are demanding answers after a queer witch was brought into the school to speak to 14 year olds about dating violence and to survey the children on sexual topics.

–During a Tuesday hearing, the Secretary of Education declined to answer questions about whether he would let boys fight his girl in sports or undress in front of her.

–In Colorado, the state legislature has passed a law that compels speech on the part of school teachers by requiring them to use whatever pronouns a student chooses regardless of any ethical or religious objection that the teacher may have.

–The Boy Scouts have changed their name to be more inclusive.

–The United Methodist General Conference has voted to remove a decades old ban on    ordaining pastors in romantic, same-sex relationships after thousands of conservative congregations left the denomination in recent years.

–The Biden administration has finalized new rules that could threaten the ability of Sunrise Children’s Services and other faith-based agencies to place Kentucky children in foster care.

–At a Capitol steps press conference, Speaker Mike Johnson said, “There’s currently an unprecedented and a clear and present danger to the integrity of our election system, and that is the threat of non-citizens and illegal aliens voting in our elections.”