2nd Amendment Victories & Challenges

Date: June 18, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Stephen Willeford MP3 | Order

Stephen Willeford represents Gun Owners of America.  He’s known around the country as the “good guy with the gun” for helping stop the largest mass shooting in the history of Texas in Sutherland Springs back on November 5th of 2017.  He described the account in significant detail to begin this edition of Crosstalk.

This broadcast also dealt with some 2nd Amendment victories as well as challenges.  For example, Gun Owners of America, alongside the Gun Owners Foundation, secured a preliminary injunction against President Biden’s preset universal registration check rule.  Also discussed was a possible federal ban on bump stocks, the Hunter Biden gun decision, the increase in gun purchases—especially by women, a challenge to a gun ban on Postal Service property and more, including responses from listeners.  

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