News Roundup & Comment

Date: August 30, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

There was much for Jim to present and for listeners to talk about on this edition of the Round-Up program.  Here’s a selection of stories from the first half of the broadcast, some of which include audio clips:

–The Kamala Harris interview finally happened last evening.  One CNN commentator said the optics were not looking so good for this. 

–Harris, in her first interview as the Democratic presidential nominee, attempted to clarify her shifting positions on fracking and the border.

–Harris dodged the specifics as they pertain to what she’ll do on “Day One” if elected, was asked about her support for “Bidenomics” and why she hasn’t done the things she’s proposing already.

–Governor Tim Walz was asked about his stating that he had carried weapons into war.

–Senator Cory Booker said he wants to kill the MAGA strain of the Republican Party.

–The national Democratic party has approved its most pro-abortion platform ever.

–Vice presidential hopeful, Senator J.D. Vance, is sparking criticism for vowing that Donald Trump will not sign a federal ban on abortion.

–Lila Rose of Live Action presented her perspective on the J.D. Vance comments.

–A proposed amendment adding a right to abortion to the Arkansas constitution  will not appear on the November ballot thanks to the Arkansas Supreme Court agreeing that its backers failed to properly file the necessary documentation with their petition signatures.  

–Citizens in Missouri will vote on November 5th on whether the right to abortion will be codified into their state constitution.

–Nebraska citizens will vote in November on whether to amend the state constitution regarding abortion rights. 

–The city council of Austin, Texas, voted August 14th to use taxpayer funds to pay for citizens to travel for out of state abortions.

The Consequences of Lax Border Control Hits the U.S.

Date: August 29, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Mark Krikorian MP3 | Order

Mark Krikorian is a nationally recognized expert on immigration issues serving as the executive director of Center for Immigration Studies.  They are an independent, non-partisan research organization examining and critiquing the impact of immigration on the United States.  He has testified numerous times before Congress and has published articles in many outlets.

Jim opened this edition of Crosstalk with headlines pointing to the consequences of the lax border control policies of the Biden/Harris administration.  They dismantled the Trump border security initiatives and the result has been havoc all  over the country.  Social Services are also being stretched where U.S. citizens are either being delayed or outright denied services.  Finally, there is great suspicion as to whether those who are hear illegally are being registered to vote and plan to participate in the November election.

Mark responded by noting that there is talk of a decline at the border.  However, he believes part of it is real and part of it is fake.  The real part is that in order to make certain Trump doesn’t win the election, the Mexican government is engineering an interruption in the flow of illegal aliens.  That way the Biden/Harris administration can say they fixed the problem.  On the other hand, the fake part is that the goal of the current administration all along has been to reduce illegal crossings at the border by unlawfully waiving in illegals through the normal ports of entry and airports.

Here’s how it works.  Mark noted how the government has two programs where they use parole, which is limited immigration power.  Under this scenario, the president can let someone in who has no right to be here.  This might involve someone with a serious medical concern or someone who is required to testify in a trial and they can’t get a visa.  The person handles their business and they are escorted back to the border.  Through this small emergency power, the Biden/Harris administration has let in over 2 million people while also giving them work permits.

This is why part of the drop in illegals is fake.  It’s because we have a government that in one sense, is conspiring with illegal immigrants to schedule their illegal immigration through the regular ports of entry. 

This is just the opening salvo in a program that is packed with information that you need to hear if you want to stay informed with the truth about our border situation.  

More Information

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Back to School Immunizations

Date: August 27, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Barbara Loe Fisher MP3 | Order

Barbara Loe Fisher is president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit charity she co-founded with parents of DPT vaccine injured children in 1982.  NVIC is a national, grassroots movement and public information campaign to institute vaccine safety reforms and informed consent protections in the public health system. She has researched, analyzed and publicly articulated the major issues involving the science, policy, law, ethics and politics of vaccination to become one of the world’s leading non-medical, consumer advocacy experts on the subject.

August marks the annual observance of National Immunization Awareness Month.  However, since the COVID shot was released, there’s been a greater skepticism on the part of many individuals regarding whether they should readily accept all the shots and boosters recommended by the FDA and the CDC.  People are asking more questions, not only about the COVID shots, but as a new school year begins, parents are wondering about all the vaccine doses they’re told to obtain for their children and they’re wondering if they’re making the right decisions.  After all, what about other options, side-effects and what about HPV vaccines?

So if informed consent is of interest to you, you’ll want to review this edition of Crosstalk as Barbara covered many facets of the immunization debate as it pertains to children.  Some of the points she covered included:  

The attitudes of Republicans vs. Democrats related to vaccines. 

The disturbing growth of the childhood vaccine recommendations list.

The religious exemption option.

Have shots been given to students without the knowledge or consent of parents?

Have people been threatened, coerced or thrown out for not wanting to get certain vaccines for their children or for proposing a different vaccine schedule?

There’s more to take in, including answers to questions from listeners nationwide. 

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