Scientists Urge Immediate Recall of Parliament to Address Mining Regulations

The Research Staff Association of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and the Research Scientists Association at the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) have jointly called for an urgent recall of Parliament to repeal the Environmental Protection (Mining in Forest Reserves) Regulation 2022 (L.I. 2462), which permits mining in forest reserves.
They argue that if Parliament can be convened to grant tax exemptions for investment-promoting companies, it should act with equal urgency to tackle the escalating galamsey crisis.

“This issue is a ticking time bomb, threatening to derail the nation’s economic gains,” the statement reads. The scientists demand that all illegal small-scale mining activities in Ghana be suspended for at least one year.

During this time, the government should promote sustainable, eco-friendly mining practices by providing technical and financial support to small-scale miners.

They liken this to seasonal fishing closures, suggesting that such measures are necessary to combat the galamsey menace effectively. The statement highlights the dire state of Ghana’s water bodies, warning that the unchecked consequences of illegal mining could be catastrophic for the environment and public health.

Galamsey is viewed as an existential threat, contributing to over 24,000 annual cancer cases in Ghana due to toxic elements like cadmium, arsenic, chromium, and lead, which are linked to various health issues.

The scientists also note that communities near mining sites experience heightened rates of respiratory ailments and skin conditions.

They express their commitment to collaborating with the government and stakeholders to develop policies that will restore lands, forests, and water resources while restructuring the value chain of small-scale mining.

The call for research funding to find sustainable solutions to current mining practices is emphasized as crucial for the sector’s future.

Scientists Warn of Galamsey’s Existential Threat to Ghana; Call for Immediate Action

A joint statement from the Research Staff Association at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and the Research Scientists Association at the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) emphasizes that the illegal mining crisis, known as galamsey, poses a significant threat to Ghana’s environment, public health, and economy. The groups stress that the time for rhetoric has passed and urge immediate and sustained action.

The statement highlights the dangers of toxic elements such as cadmium, arsenic, chromium, and lead, which are linked to both cancerous and non-cancerous diseases. “Galamsey operations contribute to the environmental factors leading to over 24,000 cancer cases annually in Ghana,” they noted, adding that arsenic exposure may also be associated with Buruli ulcer. Communities near mining sites reportedly suffer from increased respiratory diseases, skin conditions, and other health issues due to hazardous chemical exposure.

The associations are committed to collaborating with the government and other stakeholders to formulate policies aimed at reclaiming and restoring lands, forests, and water resources and restructuring the small-scale mining value chain.

They demand an immediate suspension of all illegal small-scale mining activities for at least one year, during which the government should invest in sustainable and eco-friendly mining practices and provide necessary technical and financial support to small-scale miners.

They stated, “This approach will help formalize the sector and reduce reliance on destructive mining methods. ” They drew parallels to seasonal fishing closures, which allow resource recovery.

The scientists stress that the current condition of water bodies necessitates vigorous action to avert disastrous consequences for the nation’s environment and public health.

Small Business Owners Lose an Average of 7 Hours of Sleep Per Week — Here’s What’s Causing It

Entrepreneur surveyed 500 small business owners across the country to ask how they’re feeling about their business.Here’s what we heard: 61% said they’re feeling stressed — and 56% of those stressed-out owners said they’re losing sleep because of it.How much less? The average was 7 hours — though 20% of the group said it was only 3 to 4 hours per week. Millennials owners are losing the most sleep, at an average of 7.5 hours a week, and men are losing slightly more sleep than women (7.3 hours versus 6.9 hours).

Related: Do You Get More Sleep Than Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Winston Churchill?What’s stressing them out?In a word — money.

Nearly half of respondents (47%) said they’ve experienced a cash shortfall this year. To make up the difference, 46% dug into their personal savings, while 30% stopped paying themselves.About half of respondents said their business is trending downward. Unless their circumstances change, they said, the average owner believed they could last 11.9 months before needing to close — and 20% of them said they’d need to close within three to four months.Of the top threats they see, inflation is number one (at 53%), followed by rising operations costs (43%) and economic uncertainty (41%). In response to inflation, 51% of owners have cut nonessential spending, and 38% said they’ve raised their prices.Related: Here’s How I Drove My Company’s Revenue By Taking One Often-Overlooked Step

But there’s room for optimismIt’s not all bad news: 51% of small business owners said their business is doing better than in 2023, and most owners (84%) are optimistic that 2025 will be even better.That optimism wasn’t as evenly shared across political divides, however: 63% of Democrats believed the economy would improve over the next year, versus just 49% of Republicans and 39% of Independents.Related: 5 Key Personal Branding Lessons From the Harris-Trump DebateIf you’re sleepless and stressed…If you’re losing sleep like the business owners we surveyed, please heed this warning: If you don’t address your stress, it’ll only get worse.

Stress floods your body with hormones that disrupt your sleep — and if you sleep poorly, those hormones won’t break down, and you’ll get even more of them. It becomes a vicious cycle, according to Johns Hopkins sleep expert Luis F. Buenaver, Ph.D., C.B.S.M.Experts suggest finding relaxation activities that work for you and building habits with them. These can include gentle breathing techniques, meditation, or movement techniques like yoga, tai chi and qigong.Entrepreneur’s survey of 500 small business owners was conducted in partnership with Talker Research in August. For the full results of our survey, click here.Related: Small Business Owners Are Watching the Election — But They’re Deeply Skeptical

The Future of STEM Education in Redondo Beach: How New Science Labs Could Shape the Next Generation

Ever wondered how cutting-edge science labs could transform STEM education in Redondo Beach? With the 2024 bond measure proposing significant upgrades to Hermosa Valley School, including new science labs and athletic facilities, the stakes have never been higher for our students’ futures.
To fully embrace these upcoming changes, students might find resources like do my paper incredibly helpful in navigating the enhanced curriculum.
Why STEM Education Matters More Than Ever
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the cornerstone of tomorrow’s job market and innovation.

Career Readiness: Industries are increasingly seeking individuals with strong STEM backgrounds.
Problem-Solving Skills: STEM education fosters critical thinking and creativity.
Economic Growth: A community strong in STEM can attract businesses and boost the local economy.

The Impact of New Science Labs on Learning
Upgrading to modern science labs isn’t just about shiny new equipment; it’s about revolutionizing how students engage with STEM subjects.
Hands-On Experience

Real-World Applications: Students can conduct experiments that mirror real scientific research.
Interactive Learning: State-of-the-art facilities make lessons more engaging and memorable.
Collaborative Projects: Modern labs are designed to encourage teamwork and communication.

Sparking Interest in STEM

Inspiring Innovation: An exciting learning environment can ignite a passion for science and technology.
Early Exposure: Access to advanced tools helps students discover interests they might not have known they had.

Athletic Facilities: Balancing Mind and Body
While the spotlight is on science labs, the proposed athletic facilities also play a crucial role in student development.

Physical Health: Encourages a healthy lifestyle and stress reduction.
Team Building: Sports facilities promote teamwork and leadership skills.
Well-Rounded Education: Balancing academics with athletics supports overall student well-being.

Community Opinions: What’s Everyone Saying?
The proposed upgrades have sparked a mix of excitement and concern among residents.
Supporters Highlight

Investing in Youth: Belief that modern facilities will enhance education quality.
Community Growth: Improved schools can make the area more attractive to families and businesses.
Future-Proofing Education: Preparing students for a technology-driven world.

Skeptics Worry About

Financial Strain: Concerns over potential tax increases to fund the bond.
Allocation of Funds: Doubts about whether the money will be used effectively.
Timing: Questioning if the current economic climate is suitable for such investments.

The Role of Custom Do My Paper Services

As educational demands increase, students may need extra support to keep up with the rigorous STEM curriculum. This is where custom do my paper services come into play.

Personalized Assistance: Tailored help to understand complex subjects.
Time Management: Balancing homework with extracurricular activities becomes easier.
Improved Performance: Extra resources can lead to better grades and deeper understanding.

Preparing Students for Future Careers
Modern facilities can significantly influence students’ readiness for college and the workforce.
Enhanced Learning Opportunities

Advanced Courses: New labs enable schools to offer higher-level STEM classes.
College Preparedness: Students become more competitive in college applications.
Skill Development: Hands-on experience with technology used in today’s industries.

Economic Benefits for the Community

Attracting Talent: High-quality schools draw in families and professionals.
Business Growth: A skilled workforce can attract companies looking to invest.

Challenges to Consider
Implementing these upgrades isn’t without its hurdles.

Construction Disruptions: Building can temporarily interfere with daily school activities.
Maintenance Costs: Ongoing expenses to keep facilities up-to-date.
Equity Issues: Ensuring all students have equal access to the new resources.

Steps Forward: Making the Vision a Reality
For the bond measure to succeed, collaboration between the school district and the community is essential.

Transparent Communication: Clearly outline how funds will be used.
Community Involvement: Host forums and surveys to gather input.
Accountability Measures: Set benchmarks to track progress and spending.

The proposed upgrades to Hermosa Valley School could be a game-changer for STEM education in Redondo Beach. By providing students with modern science labs and athletic facilities, we’re not just enhancing their school experience—we’re investing in the future of our community.
As voters, parents, and community members, it’s crucial to weigh the potential benefits against the costs. With thoughtful planning and community support, these improvements could shape the next generation of innovators, leaders, and thinkers.

The Future of STEM Education in Redondo Beach: How New Science Labs Could Shape the Next Generation

Ever wondered how cutting-edge science labs could transform STEM education in Redondo Beach? With the 2024 bond measure proposing significant upgrades to Hermosa Valley School, including new science labs and athletic facilities, the stakes have never been higher for our students’ futures.
To fully embrace these upcoming changes, students might find resources like do my paper incredibly helpful in navigating the enhanced curriculum.
Why STEM Education Matters More Than Ever
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the cornerstone of tomorrow’s job market and innovation.

Career Readiness: Industries are increasingly seeking individuals with strong STEM backgrounds.
Problem-Solving Skills: STEM education fosters critical thinking and creativity.
Economic Growth: A community strong in STEM can attract businesses and boost the local economy.

The Impact of New Science Labs on Learning
Upgrading to modern science labs isn’t just about shiny new equipment; it’s about revolutionizing how students engage with STEM subjects.
Hands-On Experience

Real-World Applications: Students can conduct experiments that mirror real scientific research.
Interactive Learning: State-of-the-art facilities make lessons more engaging and memorable.
Collaborative Projects: Modern labs are designed to encourage teamwork and communication.

Sparking Interest in STEM

Inspiring Innovation: An exciting learning environment can ignite a passion for science and technology.
Early Exposure: Access to advanced tools helps students discover interests they might not have known they had.

Athletic Facilities: Balancing Mind and Body
While the spotlight is on science labs, the proposed athletic facilities also play a crucial role in student development.

Physical Health: Encourages a healthy lifestyle and stress reduction.
Team Building: Sports facilities promote teamwork and leadership skills.
Well-Rounded Education: Balancing academics with athletics supports overall student well-being.

Community Opinions: What’s Everyone Saying?
The proposed upgrades have sparked a mix of excitement and concern among residents.
Supporters Highlight

Investing in Youth: Belief that modern facilities will enhance education quality.
Community Growth: Improved schools can make the area more attractive to families and businesses.
Future-Proofing Education: Preparing students for a technology-driven world.

Skeptics Worry About

Financial Strain: Concerns over potential tax increases to fund the bond.
Allocation of Funds: Doubts about whether the money will be used effectively.
Timing: Questioning if the current economic climate is suitable for such investments.

The Role of Custom Do My Paper Services

As educational demands increase, students may need extra support to keep up with the rigorous STEM curriculum. This is where custom do my paper services come into play.

Personalized Assistance: Tailored help to understand complex subjects.
Time Management: Balancing homework with extracurricular activities becomes easier.
Improved Performance: Extra resources can lead to better grades and deeper understanding.

Preparing Students for Future Careers
Modern facilities can significantly influence students’ readiness for college and the workforce.
Enhanced Learning Opportunities

Advanced Courses: New labs enable schools to offer higher-level STEM classes.
College Preparedness: Students become more competitive in college applications.
Skill Development: Hands-on experience with technology used in today’s industries.

Economic Benefits for the Community

Attracting Talent: High-quality schools draw in families and professionals.
Business Growth: A skilled workforce can attract companies looking to invest.

Challenges to Consider
Implementing these upgrades isn’t without its hurdles.

Construction Disruptions: Building can temporarily interfere with daily school activities.
Maintenance Costs: Ongoing expenses to keep facilities up-to-date.
Equity Issues: Ensuring all students have equal access to the new resources.

Steps Forward: Making the Vision a Reality
For the bond measure to succeed, collaboration between the school district and the community is essential.

Transparent Communication: Clearly outline how funds will be used.
Community Involvement: Host forums and surveys to gather input.
Accountability Measures: Set benchmarks to track progress and spending.

The proposed upgrades to Hermosa Valley School could be a game-changer for STEM education in Redondo Beach. By providing students with modern science labs and athletic facilities, we’re not just enhancing their school experience—we’re investing in the future of our community.
As voters, parents, and community members, it’s crucial to weigh the potential benefits against the costs. With thoughtful planning and community support, these improvements could shape the next generation of innovators, leaders, and thinkers.

Why Are Medical Costs So High In The United States?

The cost of medical treatment in the United States has been a topic of concern for decades. With soaring healthcare bills and insurance premiums, many Americans are left struggling to understand why they pay significantly more for medical care compared to other developed countries. The reasons for this are complex and multi-faceted, with a range of contributing factors that influence the high price tag on health services. In this article, we’ll explore the key drivers behind these costs.The Role of Administrative CostsOne of the main reasons healthcare in the U.S. is so expensive is the administrative burden. The complexity of the American healthcare system, which involves multiple payers, both public and private, creates inefficiencies. According to a report by the Center for American Progress, administrative costs account for roughly 25% of total healthcare spending in the U.S. This includes expenses associated with billing, insurance processing, and compliance with regulations. These costs are much higher in the U.S. than in countries with more streamlined systems, such as those with a single-payer model.Moreover, medical providers often need to employ extra staff solely to manage billing and insurance claims. This additional layer of bureaucracy drives up costs, which are ultimately passed on to patients in the form of higher medical bills.Pharmaceutical Prices Are Sky-HighPrescription drugs are another major factor in the high cost of healthcare. The U.S. pays some of the highest prices for pharmaceuticals in the world. Americans spend about $1,300 per person annually on prescription drugs, more than twice the amount paid in other high-income countries. Why?One reason is the lack of government regulation over drug prices. Unlike many other nations, the U.S. government does not negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies, leaving the market to set its own rates. This often results in pharmaceutical companies charging exorbitant prices, especially for brand-name drugs. Additionally, patents and market exclusivity rules allow drug manufacturers to maintain high prices without competition from generics, further driving costs.The High Price of Medical Technology
The U.S. healthcare system is heavily reliant on cutting-edge medical technology. From advanced imaging machines like MRIs and CT scanners to robotic surgery systems, hospitals often invest in the latest equipment to offer the best care possible. However, these technologies come at a steep price. Hospitals must cover the cost of purchasing, maintaining, and operating this equipment, which can cost millions of dollars. These expenses are then passed on to patients in the form of higher fees for diagnostic tests and treatments.While technological advancements have improved the quality of care, they have also contributed to higher healthcare costs. The frequent use of expensive medical equipment, even when not absolutely necessary, has been criticized for inflating prices without always improving patient outcomes.The Impact of Defensive MedicineDefensive medicine refers to the practice of ordering unnecessary tests or treatments to avoid potential lawsuits. In the U.S., the threat of malpractice litigation looms large for healthcare providers, leading many to take extra precautions that might not be medically necessary. While defensive medicine is meant to protect doctors from legal repercussions, it often results in patients undergoing additional tests and procedures, driving up their medical bills.The cost of malpractice insurance is also a significant factor. Physicians pay substantial premiums to protect themselves from lawsuits, and these costs are often passed on to patients. Although reforming malpractice laws could help mitigate this issue, it remains a deeply entrenched aspect of the American healthcare system.Hospital Fees and Profit MarginsHospitals in the U.S. are another source of high medical costs. Unlike in many countries where hospitals are non-profit or publicly funded, many American hospitals are run as for-profit businesses. This business model drives the need for hospitals to generate revenue, which often results in higher fees for services such as surgeries, overnight stays, and emergency room visits.Hospital fees are notoriously opaque, making it difficult for patients to understand what they are being charged for. The same procedure can cost vastly different amounts depending on the hospital, even within the same city. In some cases, hospitals mark up prices significantly, sometimes as much as 20 times the cost or more, according to a study published in Health Affairs.Lack of Transparency in PricingAnother significant issue contributing to high healthcare costs is the lack of transparency in pricing. Patients often don’t know how much a treatment or procedure will cost until after it has been performed, leading to unexpected bills. This opacity not only makes it difficult for consumers to shop around for the best prices but also leaves many struggling to keep track of what they owe.It’s not uncommon for individuals to find unpaid medical bills months after receiving care, as they often get lost among various statements from providers and insurance companies. Without clear, upfront pricing, patients are left in the dark, unsure of how much their medical care will ultimately cost.Efforts have been made to improve transparency, such as recent federal regulations requiring hospitals to post prices for common procedures. However, these measures have yet to make a significant impact on reducing overall healthcare costs.ConclusionThe high cost of medical treatment in the United States is the result of multiple factors, from administrative inefficiencies and pharmaceutical pricing to the expense of medical technology and hospital fees. While there is no single solution to reducing these costs, reforms in areas such as drug pricing, administrative streamlining, and transparency could help ease the burden on American patients. Until then, the U.S. will likely continue to grapple with the issue of expensive healthcare, leaving many wondering how to afford the care they need.

Historian Stacy Cordery Returns to Monmouth to Discuss Her Biography of Business Pioneer Elizabeth Arden

Stacy Cordery speaks to a large audience at the Buchanan Center for the Arts in downtown MonmouthMONMOUTH, ILLINOIS (September 19, 2024) — If pressed to condense the life of her most recent biographical subject into three words, historian and former Monmouth College professor Stacy Cordery said the phrase “Beauty is power” would be an apt description for Elizabeth Arden.Fortunately for the large crowd that turned out September 18 to hear Cordery deliver a book talk at the Buchanan Center for the Arts, she was able to provide many more words in recounting the life of Arden, who rose to world fame from very humble beginnings in rural Canada.Cordery’s book, Becoming Elizabeth Arden: The Woman Behind the Global Beauty Empire, which was published earlier this month by Penguin Random House, joins biographies the Iowa State University history professor has written on Alice Roosevelt Longworth and Girls Scout founder Juliette Gordon Low. Those books were both published during her 22-year tenure at Monmouth, which spanned from 1994-2016.She’s not making this upCordery devoted several years of research to her 512-page rags-to-riches tale, which was not immune to a delay due to the COVID pandemic. Born Florence Nightingale Graham, Arden’s career was already on a solid trajectory at her “tony” Fifth Avenue location in New York City. What helped propel her to becoming “a household name on six continents” was eliminating the stigma connected to wearing makeup and elevating its application to an art form.”In those days, the only women who wore makeup were prostitutes and actors,” said Cordery. “They wore a ‘false face.’ If they lied about that, what else would they lie about? But Arden thought, ‘They look good,’ and her question to other women was, ‘Wouldn’t you like to look like that?'”So Arden taught women how to apply makeup and, said Cordery, “That gave birth to the Arden look. Every woman she worked with would come back to her salon with three of her friends saying ‘I want to look like that.'”What Arden did was make makeup acceptable. You have to understand, this is a sea change.”Cordery signs a copy of her book for her former Monmouth faculty colleague Jim De Young and his wife, JanArden made sure that her business momentum continued, expanding from her base in New York City with salons in Washington DC, Boston, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles. Soon, she had more than 350 up-market salons across the United States, as well as locations in several foreign countries. She created a successful international business empire before women gained the vote and at a time when virtually no woman owned or ran a national company.Her products stood out, and so did what Cordery called the “instantly recognizable” red doors on her storefronts and the packaging of her products in containers with a color that became known as “Arden pink.”Helping Arden peddle her products were a select group of women.”Her traveling demonstrators were the most beautiful women you’d ever seen — she sought them out,” said Cordery, who noted that Arden reached out to consumers in rural America through those demonstrators. “They’d be in Des Moines or in Galesburg, and people would come (to department stores) just to see these beautiful women.”More of the storyDuring her talk and the Q&A session that followed, Cordery touched on several other aspects of Arden’s life, including her two marriages. Her first, said Cordery, ended when her husband “tried to take over her business.” The second, she said, was ill-fated from the beginning.”It failed because she discovered he was gay,” said Cordery. “He brought his boyfriend along on the honeymoon. The longer story’s in the book, but that’s the shorthand version.”On a related note, men weren’t part of the picture for what Arden sought to provide for women.”She studied women and her field, not so that she could follow other women, but so she could lead them,” said Cordery, who noted that Arden developed the first luxury spa. “And her belief that beauty is power was not so that women could land a man. Her ads didn’t mention men. She believed in health and beauty because if you feel good and you think you look good, you can conquer the world.”Cordery also shared Arden’s love of thoroughbred horses, which included owning the 1947 Kentucky Derby winner, Jet Pilot.”She never had children,” said Cordery. “She said her horses were her babies.”The author said her favorite chapter in the book detailed Arden’s efforts during World War II, which included encouraging women to serve and providing, free of charge, lotions, makeup and other products for the women’s service centers she helped to start, in partnership with the Kappa Kappa Gamma women’s fraternity.Today, the company founded by Arden, who died in 1966 at the age of [perhaps] 84, is owned by Revlon.“Arden” admirersCordery’s book is receiving favorable feedback, including a Kirkus review that called her work “a lusciously long and lively biography. . . Cordery makes a convincing case that Arden was responsible for many of the innovations taken for granted in the beauty industry today. As beguiling as a day of luxury beauty treatments.”Publisher’s Weekly wrote, “The detailed insight into (Arden’s) business practices — including how she framed her treatments as a gateway to the elite — intrigues. Beauty buffs will be rapt.”More information about the book and the author is available at

Top 5 Bong Joon Ho films: Parasite, Memories of Murder and more

The South Korean filmmaker Bong Joon Ho got widespread recognition after his 2019 film Parasite, but the first movie to come under his name was almost two decades before that. Let’s take a look at some of his best films.

posters of Bong Joon Ho films Parasite, Memories of Murder Okja (left to right) (Source: YouTube)

New Delhi: The South Korean filmmaker Bong Hoon Ho is a name that runs synonyms with excellence. Filmmakers and critics around the world are of the opinion that anything and everything that this guy puts out is nothing short of spectacular. Hollywood legends such as Quentin Tarantino and Martin Scorcese have several of his movies on their watchlist. His films are known for their emphasis on class division, social justice, and capitalistic greed. His morbid sense of humour is pretty evident in his filmographic style, mixed with sudden tone shifts that help take the edge off of the gruesome topics that are otherwise difficult to talk about. Although the Korean maestro has made only a handful of films in his career, every one of them is a masterpiece in its own right.
Bong Joon Ho’s top 5 films
Let’s take a look at 5 of his top-rated films:
1. Parasite (2019)
IMDb rating – 8.5/10
Parasite is a dark comedy thriller in which a poor family infiltrate the life of a wealthy family. The movie is based on a play by Bong Joon Ho written in 2013, which was later adapted into a film. Parasite premiered at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival, where it became the first Korean film to win its top prize, the Palme d’Or. Parasite created history by winning the Academy Award for Best Picture at the 92nd Academy Awards in 2020 and became the first non-English-language film to win the award. The movie also won the Oscars for Best Director, Best Original Screenplay, and Best International Feature Film. Bong tied with Walt Disney for the most Oscars awarded to a person in a single night. It has since gained the status of one of the greatest films of all time.
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2. Memories of Murder (2003)
IMDb rating – 8.1/10
Set in a rural district of South Korea in 1986, Detective Park Doo-man and Cho Yong-koo are determined to solve a series of rape and murder cases. Memories of Murder is the film that put Bong Joon Ho on the radar. With this movie, he was able to blend the familiar crime genre with comedy and social satire. This movie serves as a perfect entry point if you’re looking to take a deep dive into the excellence-driven cinematic universe of Bong Joon Ho. There’s a slew of great, highly rated crime thrillers out there but what makes this film quite possibly the best crime/serial killer movie out there is the realistic and flawed portrayal of the detectives that is inherent to human nature. Which more often than not is missing from films of this genre, most filmmakers take the easy route by painting an untarnished picture of the hero. Famed Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino named this movie as one of his favourite top 20 movies to watch along with Bong Joon Ho’s 2006 film The Host. 
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3. Mother (2009)
IMDb rating – 7.7/10
Mother is a story of a disabled boy who gets accused of the murder of a young girl, and his single mother attempts to find the killer and free her son. This movie displays the art of genre-bending that Bong Joon Ho has mastered over the years. Mother is a slow-burn thriller that weaves suspense and drama together like no other, at times it’s a crime movie that keeps you at the edge of your seat with your mouth wide open and at the same time it also is a chilling character study. The sheer depth that this movie has makes you feel like you’re falling into an endless pit. Add on top of that the absolute unpredictability which leaves you baffled at times. This film stands as a testament to why he’s an Academy Award-winning filmmaker.
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4. Okja (2017)
IMDb rating – 7.3/10
Okja is the story of a young girl from South Korea named Mija who does everything in her power to save her best friend and pet Okja, a genetically modified pig. This movie further pushes the envelope for Bong Joon Ho’s coverage of topics and genres. Dealing with environmentalist themes, this movie and a commentary on capitalistic greed. Okja features an elaborate Hollywood star cast with names such as Tilda Swinton, Paul Dano, Steven Yeun, Lily Collins, Shirley Henderson, Daniel Henshall, Devon Bostick, Giancarlo Esposito, and Jake Gyllenhaal along with Ahn Seo hyun who plays Mija. Okja leverages the imaginative world of sci-fi fantasy to ask some really uncomfortable yet fundamental questions about ethics and morality.
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5. Snowpiercer (2013)
IMDb rating – 7.1/10
Snowpiercer is a post-apocalyptic action thriller science fiction film set in the year 2031, based on the French novel Le Transperceneige by Jacques Lob. Snowpiercer is the name of a train that circumnavigates the planet after a climate engineering experiment to control global warming goes wrong, and plunges the Earth into an ice age. Bong Joon Ho uses this fictional story to depict class inequality and all the horrors that come along with it, where the locomotive serves as a fascist kingdom on wheels. This film marks Bong Joon Ho’s debut in English filmmaking, with a star-studded cast including Chris Evans, Tilda Swinton, Song Kang Ho, Jamie Bell, Octavia Spencer, Ed Harris and John Hurt among others. With this film, the Korean maestro delivers yet another genre-bending masterpiece that intertwines capitalism and climate change.
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The word auteur refers to an artist with a distinctive approach, who has their own way of doing things. Being called an auteur is a huge accomplishment, and calling Bong Joon Ho is nothing short of appropriate. With his extraordinary approach towards filmmaking that’s unlike anybody else, he’s an auteur in its true sense.

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Upcoming Friday movie release: What to watch in theatres and OTT on 20 September

Looking for this Friday’s OTT and theatrical releases? From Jo Tera Hai Woh Mera Hai to Transformers One, check out all the films debuting on September 20 across platforms and theatres.

Upcoming Friday [20 September] releases this week: Yudhra, Thangalaan and more

[Photo Credit: Instagram]

New Delhi: This Friday, September 20, we have a slate of captivating films that are set to release on OTT platforms and theatres. From Thangalaan to Paresh Rawal’s Jo Tera Hai Woh Mera Hai, we have curated a list of movies and TV shows released on various OTT platforms and in theatres this Friday.
So, if you are wondering how to spend your weekend, then here’s your cue. Just sit back and relax on your couch to binge-watch these movies and TV shows on OTT. In case, you are planning a weekend outing, then grab a tub of popcorn and visit your nearest theatres to watch the upcoming releases of the week.
Friday releases this week
Friday OTT releases
1. Jo Tera Hai Woh Mera Hai – JioCinema
Starring Paresh Rawal and Amit Sial, Jo Tera Hai Woh Mera Hai, is a slice-of-life drama that is arriving on JioCinema this Friday, September 20. The film revolves around a tea seller who turns into a hustler. However, his plan to reverse the mortgage goes for a toss when an old man refuses to die.
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2. Thangalaan – Netflix
Vikram and Malavika Mohanan starrer Thangalaan, which was appreciated by audiences and critics alike, is all set to premiere on September 20 on Netflix. The film centres around a fearless tribal leader who embarks on a quest to baffle an alleged sorceress after he helps Britishers to find gold in the village.
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3. Klass 95: The Power of Beauty – JioCinema
Klass 95: The Power of Beauty is an edge-of-the-seat that centres around a woman who sets up her modelling agency but her life turns upside down when a mobster tries to be a partner in the buisness. The film will be released this Friday on JioCinema.
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4. Lal Salaam – Sun NXT
Rajinikanth’s Tamil film, Lal Salaam, centres around aspiring cricketers who are thrown out of the team despite being talented. The film is set to release on Sun NXT on September 20.
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5, Thalaivettiyan Paalayam – Prime Video
The Tamil remake of Jitendra Kumar starrer Panchayat, Thalaivettiyan Paalayam, will premiere on Prime Video on September 20. It is one of the much-anticipated shows of the week, especially after the success of Panchayat.
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6. His Three Daughters – Netflix
His Three Daughters is a comedy-drama starring Elizabeth Olsen of Marvel’s Wanda Vision fame along with Carrie Coon, Natasha Lyonne, Rudy Galvan, Jovan Adepo, and Jasmine Bracey. The film revolves around three sisters who reunite to take care of their ailing father and bond with each other.
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7. The Penguin – JioCinema
The Penguin is a mini-series that focuses on the rise of Oswald Cobblepot. The series is a spin-off on Robert Pattison’s Batman (2022).
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Friday theatre releases
1. Yudhra
Yudhra stars Siddhant Chaturvedi, Raghav Juyal, and Malavika Mohanan. The film is set to release in theatres this Friday, September 20. The film revolves around an ex-prisoner, who has major anger issues. He is then asked to work with a drug cartel.
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2. Transformers One
The animated movie, Transformers One, centres around the origins of Optimus Prime and Megatron, whose bond changed the fate of their planet. The film is set to release in theatres on September 20.
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3. Never Let Go
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Never Let Go is a horror-thriller that revolves around a mother and her twins who live in a secluded house and are haunted by an evil spirit.
Here’s our well-curated list of upcoming Friday releases on OTT platforms and theatres. What’s your pick for this weekend?

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