The battle over books in Livingston Parish comes down to a single shelf. Here’s the latest.

The battle over books in Livingston Parish libraries has dwindled down to one sore spot: A shelf. For more than two years, the parish has been embroiled in debate over what some call inappropriate books for children. No books have been removed from libraries, but there have been frozen library cards, social media callouts and book removal attempts. And the Livingston Parish Library Board of Control has seen some of its members pushed out and replaced.

The latest development is a debate over the location of the new “Parenting Shelf.” The shelf, created by the board of control, holds books that are a combination of juvenile nonfiction and fiction that cover topics such as sexual education, drug abuse, grief, mental health, racism, puberty and more. The library staff, not the board, decides what goes on the shelf.

A meeting Tuesday night became tense when the discussion turned to the parenting shelf. Board member Larry Davis wanted to move it outside the children’s area to a neutral location near the front desk.“We received a lot of good feedback from what I was looking at. Everybody loves the shelf,” he said. “The main thing that the parents called me about is that the books are at eye level, which is what we did not want.”

Davis said he was concerned about the possibility of a child roaming the area and grabbing a book that covers a sensitive topic.Fellow member Dewanna Christian agreed that the shelf needs extra attention or precaution.

“What is the point of putting it on the shelf, if no one’s policing the shelf,” she asked.But moving the shelf isn’t as straightforward as one may think.

Parish Attorney Brad Cascio advised the board in July that relocating books can face the same scrutiny as removing books.“I would just warn you to be careful when relocating a book. Like I said, it’s going to be looked at the motivation for relocating it, where you’re relocating it, and it’s going to be looked at just as tightly and just as closely as if you took it off the shelves completely,” he wrote to the board.

Some don’t like the idea of the shelf at all.Elise Leblanc, a Denham Springs retired English teacher, thinks the shelf defeats its own purpose. She said now all the books some people are worried about are in one central location.”I think it’s ridiculous based on the Parish Attorney’s information and risky business,” Leblanc said. “It’s ridiculous to have all this commotion and stir up this trouble.”

Is the shelf censorship?Currently, there is only one book under review on the parenting shelf: “Fire Safety” by Emma Bassier. Public records show a patron wanted the book to be placed back in the general children’s section.

Cascio, the attorney, has previously said that books that are not clearly for children can easily be moved outside the children’s area — but books that are meant for children should be placed in that section.

In July, Tulane University Law Clinic wrote to the board: “The potential policy of relocating challenged works pending review violates the Constitution because it removes protected works from the shelves… Federal courts have held that stigmatizing controversial books by relocating or removing them from circulation is a First Amendment violation.”

The rest of the board — and the public — was split on the idea of moving the shelf or giving it extra attention.

During public comment, board member Abby Crosby told the room it breaks her heart to “know that some of these children might stumble across something and they might think that it’s OK.”Watson resident Mandy Pickering said she wasn’t originally in support of the shelf but believes the Watson branch has done a wonderful job with it. She even said during public comment that her friend in Ascension Parish wishes their libraries had something similar.

Pickering is against moving the shelf out of the children’s section, however, due to the possibility of it being unconstitutional. She and several other attendees said children 13 and under must be accompanied by an adult in the library, so parents should be able to steer their kids away from the shelf if they wanted to.

Jordan Gonzalez, a Denham Springs resident, said it’s important to learn and have conversations about the topics on the shelf, rather than shy away from them. He pointed out that there’s an age restriction on checking out books, so children will only be looking at books briefly. 

“If my daughter is old enough to recognize a vagina on this page — ‘Daddy, what is this vagina?’ — then she’s old enough to learn what that is,” Gonzalez said.Public commenters, including District 7 council member Ricky Goff asked if they could just raise the height of the shelf if it being eye-level is the issue. Board member Shalisha Labat said the parenting shelf is in the taller stacks of the juvenile section.

The controversy over books Livingston kicked off when former library board member Erin Sandefur, who is now a parish council member, shared she wanted to ban or restrict books about gender identity and an LGBTQ guide for teens.

For some in Livingston, the fact that there is so much controversy over a single shelf shows how people trying to ban books won’t take no for an answer. 

“There was a community post saying it was a great idea, now it’s not good enough, now it needs to be moved,” said Amanda Jones, a Livingston Parish school librarian whose opposition to attempts to remove books got her national attention.

Jones said the parental shelf is not a problem “as long as the books aren’t all a catch-all for LGBTQ+ themes.”Nationally in 2023, books about the experiences of LGBTQ+ people and people of color made up 47% of titles targeted for censorship, according to the American Library Association.

The debate has not been settled. The board majority voted to table the parenting shelf discussion until Nov. 19 — extending the shelf life of Livingston’s book control conversation.

Blacklisted ‘dirty oil’ suppliers back in business despite ongoing ban


Trafigura HQ in Singapore

International oil trading giants Trafigura and Totsa, which in 2013 were blacklisted by the government following alleged claims of corruption and backhanders to several Enemalta officials, are back in business.
Investigations by The Shift found that through Enemed – a wholly owned government company tasked with the procurement of fuel – both blacklisted companies have entered contracts with the state entity, supplying it with heavy fuel oil (HFO) and biofuel supplies, despite the ongoing ban.
The Shift found that the ‘ban’ has been compromised in 2023 as Enemed, under the remit of Energy Minister Miriam Dalli, procured oil from both companies, despite the minister telling parliament the ban was still in place in reply to questions from PN MP Ryan Callus.
A government spokesperson admitted that Enemed awarded Trafigura and Totsa contracts last year and that Trafigura supplied HFO to Enemed.
Also, Total Energies Marketing Deutschland, a sister company of Totsa, supplied oil to Enemed during the same year “for the holding of security stocks for part of 2023.”
So far, it is unclear whether the two companies also provide oil and petroleum products through private companies. Industry sources indicated to The Shift that a Maltese-licensed bunkering company might be selling Trafigura oil in Maltese waters, possibly against local bunkering rules.
Further investigations by The Shift are still ongoing.
Reuters reported the blacklisting of Trafigura and Totsa in 2013.
In 2013, Trafigura and Totsa, at the time represented by rogue oil dealer George Farrugia and his company Powerplan, were at the centre of a political storm in the dying days of the PN administration as a scandalous commissions racket involving the highest echelons of Enemalta was revealed.
This led to the arrest and prosecution of key Enemalta figures, including former chairman Tancred Tabone and Frank Sammut, then the CEO of Mediterranean Offshore Bunkering Corporation (MOBC) – an Enemalta subsidiary.
Procedures in court are still ongoing.
It was alleged that Farrugia, formerly a partner in family business John’s Group of Hamrun and subsidiary Powerplan, used to pay commissions to Enemalta officials to favour his tenders for the procurement of oil.
He was alleged to have paid €1 million in commissions over several years, and members of his family had also accused him of defrauding them.
George Farrugia.
To prosecute the Enemalta officials involved, Farrugia was given a presidential pardon to turn state witness.
The government banned further business with Trafigura and Totsa to remain in place until the end of court procedures.
The Shift is informed that the contracts signed with Totsa and Trafigura in 2023 involved transactions worth several millions.


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Across China: Chinese, foreign scientists to start new expedition into Asia’s longest cave

Scientists from China, France, Portugal, Belgium and other countries attend the launch ceremony of the 23rd joint international scientific expedition into the Shuanghe Cave, Asia’s longest known cave, in Suiyang County, southwest China’s Guizhou Province, Sept. 20, 2024. (Photo by Zhang Haisheng/Xinhua)GUIYANG, Sept. 22 (Xinhua) — Scientists from China, France, Portugal, Belgium and other countries gathered on Friday at the Shuanghe Cave, Asia’s longest known cave, in southwest China’s Guizhou Province for a launch ceremony of the 23rd joint international scientific expedition into the cave.The expedition is scheduled for Oct. 7 to 24, and the results of their findings will be made available on Oct. 24.Previous scientific expeditions found 44 individual giant panda fossils, with the oldest specimen dating back 100,000 years and the most recent dating back a few hundred years.The fossils prove that Guizhou was once a habitat for giant pandas, which are today known to survive in the provinces of Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu.Zhou Wenlong, deputy secretary general of the Guizhou Cave Association, said the upcoming cave expedition will further study the cave’s resources, formation and evolution.According to the results of the 2023 joint expedition, the cave network has 107 connected openings and boasts a length of 409.9 kilometers, making it the longest known cave in Asia and the third-longest in the world. It is also the world’s longest dolomite cave.French caver Jean Bottazzi, who has more than three decades of cave exploration experience in China, is acting as chief of the upcoming cave research. He calls Shuanghe Cave his second home.He said that since the late 1980s, the discoveries of Chinese and foreign experts in the cave have led to repeated updates of the cave’s length, and many cave fossils and living organisms have been unearthed, providing rich, valuable scientific research materials.During this year’s scientific expedition, Suiyang County, which administers the cave area, will hold activities such as a geological science photography contest and a short video contest to promote the cave geopark. ■This undated file photo shows a concert held in the Shuanghe Cave, Asia’s longest known cave, in Suiyang County, southwest China’s Guizhou Province. (Xinhua)

World on the Brink: Will International Tech Partnerships or Global Apathy Define Our Net-Zero Destiny by 2050?

As the clock ticks towards 2050, nations across the globe are setting their sights on a monumental goal: achieving net-zero carbon emissions. This bold ambition is more than just a political promise or an environmental necessity; it’s a sweeping challenge that demands a unified, innovative approach across all sectors of society. But what exactly does “net-zero” mean, and why is it such a crucial target?
In simple terms, “net-zero” refers to balancing the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere with the amount removed. Think of it as a seesaw where emissions on one side are countered by solutions that absorb or eliminate these gases on the other. Attaining net-zero means either drastically cutting emissions or employing methods to suck carbon dioxide (CO2) out of the air, such as planting trees or using advanced technologies.
Journey to Net-Zero: Quick Article Breakdown
Technological advancements hold the key to this vast endeavor. From transforming the way we power our homes and vehicles to redefining agricultural practices and industrial processes, technology offers pathways we might never have dreamed possible just a few decades ago. However, innovation alone isn’t enough. This mission requires unprecedented global cooperation and strategic shifts in policy, behavior, and investment.
Futuristic Tech and Regenerative Agriculture Fight for Net-Zero
Energy remains a pivotal area for technological breakthroughs. Innovations like green hydrogen vehicles promise zero-emission transport, while China’s progress in nuclear fusion—often described as replicating the sun’s energy production on Earth—hints at a future of limitless and clean energy. Meanwhile, regenerative agriculture practices led by a new generation of farmers are restoring land while capturing carbon—transforming farming into a frontline defense against climate change.
AI and Sustainable Innovations Pave the Path to Net-Zero
Moreover, the role of artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly critical. Advanced frameworks like ClimateGPT are shaping how we understand climate dynamics, offering data-driven insights beyond wind turbines and into future solutions. Even the fashion industry is shifting gears, with eco-friendly practices reducing waste and promoting sustainability.
Collective Action and Visionary Steps Toward a Net-Zero Future
As we stand on this precipice of potential change, it’s clear that a multi-faceted approach is essential. Industries must embrace sustainable practices, governments need to enact supportive policies, and individuals are called to action in making mindful choices. Our world is ripe for transformation, fueled by innovation and a deep-seated commitment to future generations.
The journey to net-zero is not for a select few but for every community, every industry, and every individual. The road ahead still holds challenges, but with determination and collaboration, achieving net-zero by 2050 isn’t just possible—it’s imperative. Let this moment be where history records not just a global initiative but a unified global triumph.
(Credit: Intelligent Living)
I. Innovative Energy Solutions
As we envision a future less reliant on fossil fuels, groundbreaking changes in how we create and use energy are taking center stage. Energy innovation is a cornerstone of tackling climate change and achieving the ambitious goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Let’s explore two promising developments in energy that may redefine how our world powers itself.
Green Hydrogen Vehicles
Imagine a car that emits only water vapor as it drives. This isn’t science fiction; it’s the promise of hydrogen-powered vehicles. At their core, these vehicles use hydrogen fuel cells. Unlike gasoline engines that burn fuel to create energy, fuel cells generate electricity through a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, with water as the only byproduct. This makes them a zero-emission solution for transportation, offering an environmentally friendly alternative to internal combustion engines.
Overcoming Challenges and Driving Global Adoption
However, rolling out hydrogen vehicles on a large scale hasn’t been easy. In the United States, for instance, the lack of a comprehensive network of hydrogen refueling stations has limited growth. The setup of these stations is expensive and complex, hindering widespread adoption.
Yet, countries like China are forging ahead. With significant backing from the government, China aims to build over 1,200 hydrogen refueling stations by 2025. This aggressive push is part of China’s broader strategy to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and combat urban pollution.
In Europe, hydrogen is also gaining traction as a key player in sustainable transportation systems. It’s particularly appealing for heavy-duty transport, where it can provide the energy density and quick refueling needed. The European Union’s policies encourage hydrogen investment, especially for industrial and grid applications, integrating hydrogen use with renewable sources for a robust energy mix.
(Credit: Intelligent Living)
Nuclear Fusion: The Promise of Clean Energy
Nuclear fusion has long been touted as the ‘holy grail’ of clean energy. Unlike nuclear fission—used in traditional nuclear power plants, where heavy atoms are split to generate energy—fusion works by fusing light atoms like hydrogen. The process releases vast amounts of energy and produces minimal radioactive waste, offering a safer and theoretically limitless power source.
Quest for Sustainable Energy Through Tokamak Technology
China is at the forefront of nuclear fusion research with its artificial sun projects. Utilizing devices known as tokamaks, China aims to replicate the energy production processes of the sun on Earth. This involves containing and heating a plasma—the state of matter where atoms are stripped of their electrons—to temperatures even hotter than the sun to induce fusion. In August 2023, China’s HL-3 tokamak device achieved a significant milestone by operating under a plasma current of 1 million amperes, positioning China as a leader in global fusion research.
Fusion brings hopes of revolutionizing energy generation, providing a cornerstone for sustainable, large-scale power without the carbon emissions tied to fossil fuels. While technical challenges remain in perfecting this process for commercial use, international collaborations in fusion research signify a collective effort to harness this powerful energy source for future generations.
Hydrogen Vehicles and Nuclear Fusion Drive Sustainable Revolution
In this journey toward innovative energy solutions, both hydrogen vehicles and nuclear fusion embody the potential of science-driven advancements to emerge as pivotal heroes in the fight against climate change. These technologies highlight the importance of setting bold visions and investing in infrastructures and policies that support cleaner, more efficient energy use worldwide.
(Credit: Intelligent Living)
II. Sustainable Agriculture and Materials
As we confront the challenges of climate change, rethinking how we farm and what materials we use becomes essential. Our traditional methods often contribute significantly to environmental degradation, but sustainable innovations promise a future where agriculture and material production can thrive in harmony with the planet.
Regenerative Agriculture and Young Farmers
Picture a farm where the soil is rich with nutrients, teeming with life, and not just used but replenished with each harvest. This vision is at the heart of regenerative agriculture, an approach that prioritizes the health of our soil and ecosystems. Unlike conventional farming, which often depletes the land, regenerative practices aim to restore and enhance biodiversity, water retention, and soil fertility.
At the forefront of this agricultural revolution are young farmers who are passionate about sustainability. For instance, Alice Tibbetts, a 21-year-old farmer in California, employs no-till farming methods. This means she avoids plowing the fields, which helps preserve soil structure, retain moisture, and store carbon—a vital contributor to combating climate change.
Innovation and Sustainability Transform Agriculture
Despite facing challenges like access to affordable land and resources, these young pioneers are driven by a shared vision: to make farming both sustainable and viable. Their dedication is reshaping the agricultural landscape, infusing it with innovative practices that ensure productivity without sacrificing environmental health.
Moreover, urban initiatives, such as Farmer Chippy’s Plantation Park Heights Urban Farm in Baltimore, highlight how regenerative methods are taking root in cities, transforming underutilized spaces into productive lands. This urban twist on farming not only feeds communities but educates them on sustainable practices, illustrating a broader commitment to environmental stewardship.
(Credit: Intelligent Living)
Advances in Material Science
Beyond agriculture, the world of materials is undergoing a transformative shift thanks to technological innovations. The process of creating materials—whether for buildings, vehicles, or everyday products—has traditionally been energy-intensive and polluting. But advances in material science promise to turn this around.
Olivine as a Game Changer for Carbon-Negative Concrete
One standout example is the development of a new type of concrete made with olivine, a naturally abundant mineral. Traditional cement production is notorious for its carbon emissions due to the extensive heating required to produce clinker, a key ingredient. However, researchers from Imperial College London have discovered that olivine can replace clinker, leading not just to reduced emissions but potentially transforming concrete into a carbon-negative material. As olivine-based cement cures, it naturally absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere, helping offset its environmental footprint.
AI Accelerates Eco-Friendly Material Science
Moreover, advancements in machine learning and AI are revolutionizing material science by speeding up the discovery and development of new materials. These technologies analyze vast data sets to predict material properties, leading to faster, more efficient creation processes. This paradigm shift enables the design of materials that are not only high-performing but also ecologically responsible.
Sustainable Agriculture and Materials Validate Eco-Friendly Economy
Together, these innovations in agriculture and materials highlight a growing commitment to sustainable practices. We are taking essential steps toward a more resilient and environmentally conscious global economy by reimagining how we cultivate land and manufacture goods. Sustainable agriculture and advanced materials exemplify how ingenuity and dedication can reshape industries to work with, rather than against, the natural world.
(Credit: Intelligent Living)
III. Transformative Technologies Across Industries
Technology stands as a beacon of hope in our journey toward a sustainable future. It’s transforming industries across the board, from the way we protect our planet to how we enhance our daily lives. Here, we explore some of the groundbreaking technologies leading this charge.
Artificial Intelligence and Climate Management
Imagine a world where computers can predict climate changes with incredible accuracy, offering wisdom and solutions to some of humanity’s greatest environmental challenges. This is the promise of artificial intelligence (AI) in climate management, encapsulated by tools like ClimateGPT.
ClimateGPT is an advanced AI model specifically designed to understand climate science. It synthesizes vast amounts of data from various fields, such as environmental sciences, economics, and social studies, to provide nuanced insights into the complex topic of climate change. Its purpose is not only to equip scientists and policymakers with accurate information but also to present actionable solutions that can be implemented on a global scale.
AI for Climate Research: Space to Sea in Environmental Management
The reach of AI in climate management goes further. For example, NASA has teamed up with companies like IBM and Nvidia to use AI-driven models in analyzing satellite data, predict weather patterns, and understand the impacts of climate shifts. One of their models, the Prithvi-weather-climate foundational model, offers highly detailed forecasts, aiding communities in preparing for severe weather events.
Moreover, AI is not limited to terrestrial concerns. The Mayflower 400, an AI-run autonomous ship, crosses the ocean to gather crucial data about sea levels, whale populations, and microplastics. This project showcases AI’s formidable role in enhancing our understanding of marine environments, which is crucial for developing strategies to protect our oceans.
(Credit: Intelligent Living)
Quantum and Photonics Redefines Tech Frontiers
Quantum computing and photonics are at the leading edge of technology that could redefine numerous industries. Quantum computing uses principles of quantum mechanics—like superposition and entanglement—to perform calculations at speeds far beyond the capabilities of traditional computers. This technology holds the key to solving complex problems in fields like cryptography, drug discovery, and logistics, where it can explore scenarios at a scale that would be otherwise impossible.
China’s Quantum Leap: Tech Pioneer in New Era of Computing
China is making significant strides in quantum technologies, emphasizing its potential to transform computing power. For instance, China’s development of the “Xiaohong” chip, which includes 504 qubits, highlights their technological commitment. This chip will soon be accessible worldwide via a quantum cloud platform, fostering collaboration and research across borders.
Photonic chips are another marvel, using light rather than electricity to transmit data. This method increases speed and efficiency while reducing energy consumption, and when combined with quantum systems, it further amplifies the miraculous capabilities of computing. The interplay of photonic and quantum technologies is poised to revolutionize industries ranging from artificial intelligence to healthcare, enabling faster data-processing and real-time decision-making.
AI and Quantum Computing Push Boundaries Toward Green Future
In this era of rapid technological advancement, both AI and quantum computing are shaping new possibilities and providing tools that transcend conventional approaches to problem-solving. As industries harness these powerful technologies, they pave the way for a future where innovation and sustainability go hand in hand, fulfilling the promise of a world equipped to face its greatest challenges head-on.
(Credit: Intelligent Living)
IV. Circular Economy and Eco-Innovation
In a world striving for sustainability, the concept of a circular economy emerges as a beacon of hope. Unlike the traditional linear economy—where we take resources, make products, and then dispose of waste—a circular economy aims to mimic nature’s cyclical processes. This transformative approach not only reduces waste but also builds resilience in the economy by keeping resources in use for as long as possible.
Circular Economy Surge
The circular economy isn’t just about recycling—it’s about reimagining how products are designed, used, and reused. Companies and industries worldwide are now embracing this model to address resource scarcity and environmental concerns.
Industrial firms are significantly investing in circular practices, motivated by the pressing need to secure resources and cut emissions. A recent report highlighted that nearly 90% of industrial businesses are increasing their investments in circular solutions, driven by the environmental and financial benefits that these practices promise.
Redesigning Economics for Sustainability and Value
In practical terms, this means redesigning products to eliminate waste, regenerate natural systems, and maintain the value of resources for as long as possible. For example, electronics manufacturers are rethinking device design to make them easier to repair and upgrade, extending their useful life and reducing waste. Such shifts offer not only environmental benefits but also the potential for cost savings and enhanced market competitiveness.
A circular economy framework stands firm against unviable wasteful practices. By observing nature, where nothing is wasted, industries are creatively finding ways to convert waste products into valuable resources, thus fostering a system that supports a regenerative and sustainable business model.
(Credit: Intelligent Living)
Eco-Friendly Fashion
The fashion industry is known for its rapid production and disposal of clothing, which can have massive environmental implications. However, a paradigm shift towards eco-friendly fashion is taking hold, aiming to reduce this impact while keeping style and innovation at the forefront.
Eco-friendly fashion, also called sustainable fashion, focuses on using materials and processes that are less harmful to the planet. This includes utilizing organic or recycled materials, cutting down on water and chemical use, and ensuring ethical labor practices in the manufacturing process.
Sustainable Fashion: Transforming Waste into Wearable Solutions
One significant advantage of sustainable fashion is its ability to reduce the massive waste generated by the industry. Traditionally, synthetic fabrics like polyester contribute to non-biodegradable waste and pollution. In contrast, materials like organic cotton or bamboo are biodegradable and often require fewer resources to produce. Moreover, these materials are healthier options for consumers, as they are less likely to contain harmful chemicals that can cause skin irritations or other health complications.
Consumer demand is a powerful driver in the fashion industry’s transformation. As awareness grows about the environmental impact of ‘fast fashion,’ more people are seeking out brands that prioritize sustainable practices. This shift is further aided by the influence of celebrities and fashion icons who champion eco-friendly choices, making sustainable fashion more mainstream and accessible.
Embrace Circularity: Symbiosis of Sustainability and Economic Growth
Through the adoption of circular economy principles and eco-friendly innovations, industries are not only reducing their carbon footprints but are also laying the groundwork for a sustainable future. By viewing waste as a resource and cultivation as a holistic practice, these advancements symbolize an important evolution in how we relate to the environment and each other—ushering in an era where sustainability and economic success go hand in hand.
(Credit: Intelligent Living)
V. Seize the Moment: Your Role in Crafting a Sustainable Future
Now, the next chapter in this journey is yours to write. Every individual, community, and organization has a role in steering our global society towards a more sustainable future. Here’s how you can contribute:
1. Educate Yourself and Others:
Knowledge is power. Understand the impact of different industries on the environment and educate those around you. Encourage discussions about sustainability within your community.
2. Adopt Sustainable Practices:
Whether it’s choosing eco-friendly fashion, reducing waste, or supporting local, sustainable agriculture, every small action contributes to a larger impact.
3. Drive Policy Change:
Advocate for policies that support renewable energy, sustainable practices, and carbon reduction. Engage with local representatives to voice your support for environmental initiatives.
4. Support Innovators and Industries Committed to Change:
Choose products and services from companies that are dedicated to sustainable practices. Support the innovators who are developing the technologies of tomorrow, from AI to green hydrogen vehicles.
5. Encourage Collaboration:
Engage in community projects that aim to plant trees, conserve water, or recycle resources. Collaboration amplifies our efforts and unites us toward shared goals.
United for Change: Call to Action for a Sustainable Future
The call to action is loud, clear, and urgent. Every effort counts, and together, we can achieve the vision of a sustainable world. Let this era be defined not by the challenges we face but by the triumphs we deliver in unity and with unwavering commitment. Our collective action is the blueprint for our children’s futures, and the time to forge ahead is now.
(Credit: Intelligent Living)
Net-Zero Odyssey: Tech and Community Chart Sustainable Future
The journey toward a sustainable future is an incredible story of ambition, innovation, and the collective determination of global communities. As we’ve traveled through the realms of innovative technologies, sustainable agriculture, transformative materials, and pioneering industry shifts, a single narrative emerges: achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 is not only possible but imperative.
Revolutionizing Energy: Fossil-Free Future
In the heart of this endeavor are technologies like green hydrogen vehicles and nuclear fusion, offering glimpses of an energy system free from fossil fuel dependency. These advancements promise to reshape our cities and skies, providing a cleaner, more efficient future that protects our planet.
Regenerative Agriculture and Carbon-Negative Materials
Our agricultural fields and material sciences tell a similar story of transformation. Young farmers adopting regenerative practices signify a shift toward responsible stewardship of our land. Likewise, the innovative materials emerging from modern labs paint a picture of a sustainable manufacturing landscape, where even cement can potentially capture more CO2 than it emits.
AI and Quantum Innovation Guide Sustainable Progress
Moreover, the integration of AI in climate management and quantum innovations stands testament to human ingenuity. These tools are not just technological leaps; they are the compasses guiding us toward informed, effective decisions that can safeguard future generations.
Sustainable Fashion and Business Principles in Modern Economics
Lastly, the embrace of circular economy principles and the rise of eco-friendly fashion reflect a cultural shift towards valuing sustainability as a core business principle. Industries and consumers alike are recognizing that environmental responsibility and economic success can, and should, go hand in hand.
Building Blocks of Sustainability: Harmonious Path to Net-Zero
The road to net-zero is filled with challenges, but what we’ve seen is a world brimming with opportunity. With each sector pioneering its path toward sustainability, we lay building blocks for a future that thrives in harmony with our planet—where innovation and nature coexist beneficially.

Old Firehouse Books suggests some offbeat fiction — and Kafkaesque tales

Each week as part of SunLit — The Sun’s literature section — we feature staff recommendations from book stores across Colorado. This week, the staff from Old Firehouse Books in Fort Collins recommends some laid-back sci-fi, a fashion misadventure and a nod to Kafka.

A Prayer for the Crown-Shy

By Becky ChambersTordotcom$21.99July 2022Purchase

From the publisher: After touring the rural areas of Panga, Sibling Dex (a Tea Monk of some renown) and Mosscap (a robot sent on a quest to determine what humanity really needs) turn their attention to the villages and cities of the little moon they call home. They hope to find the answers they seek, while making new friends, learning new concepts, and experiencing the entropic nature of the universe. Becky Chambers’ new series continues to ask: in a world where people have what they want, does having more even matter?

From Simon, bookseller: Autumn approaches! If you’re picturing yourself sipping tea in a bay window while the leaves drift aesthetically downward, this is the book that should be in your hand. Wholesome, cozy, blisspunk sci-fi that ventures to ask, “What if you just calmed down for once?” Technically a sequel to “A Psalm for the Wild-Built” if you want more context, but they can be enjoyed out of order.


By Delilah S. DawsonTitan Books$24.99September 2024Purchase

Try your hand at the Sun’s free 6-Word Mystery contest. Submit

From the publisher: Thrift fashionista Dez Lane doesn’t want to date Patrick Ruskin; she just wants to meet his mother, the editor-in-chief of Nouveau magazine. When he invites her to his family’s big Easter reunion at their ancestral home, she’s certain she can put up with his arrogance and fend off his advances long enough to ask Marie Caulfield-Ruskin for an internship someone with her pedigree could never nab through the regular submission route.

When they arrive at the enormous island mansion, Dez is floored—she’s never witnessed how the 1% lives before in all their ridiculous, unnecessary luxury. But once all the family members are on the island and the ferry has departed, things take a dark turn. For decades, the Ruskins have made their servants sign contracts that are basically indentured servitude, and with nothing to lose, the servants have decided their only route to freedom is to get rid of the Ruskins for good…

From Teresa, bookseller: First time reading Delilah S. Dawson and it definitely won’t be my last! I loved this book so much…it was pitched really well as “The Menu” meets “Ready or Not” (two of my favorite movies) and it did not disappoint. Dez is just looking for a leg up in the fashion world, being a scholarship student with no connections; so when Patrick Ruskin (creep extraordinaire) shows interest in her simply because of her looks, Dez weighs whether it’s worth it to meet his mother, her idol and head of the fashion magazine. She decides it is and gets whisked away to the Ruskin private island, where everything is messed up right from the beginning — and it only gets worse. This book has plenty of trigger warnings, so be kind to yourself.

A Cage Went In Search of a Bird

By Tommy Orange with Contributions from Ali Smith, Naomi Alderman, Elif Batuman, Helen OyeyemiCatapult$16.95June 2024Purchase

From the publisher: What happens when Kafka’s idiosyncratic imagination meets some of the greatest literary minds writing in English across the globe today? Find out in this anthology of brand-new Kafka-inspired short stories by prizewinning, bestselling writers.

Franz Kafka is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most enigmatic geniuses of European literature. He’s been hailed a prophet and a diagnostician, and a century after his death, his unique perspective on the anxieties, injustices, and rapidly shifting belief systems of the modern world continues to speak to our contemporary moment. 

From Dany, bookseller: From some of the most prolific authors of this generation including Tommy Orange, Elif Batuman, Charlie Kaufman, and Yiyun Li comes 10 original stories in the style of Franz Kafka. Now I am not the most read of Kafka with the usual exception of “Metamorphosis” and a few short stories here and there, but this collection of short stories is like an itch in search of a scratch. Each author masterfully captured a particular element of Kafka’s prose that is claustrophobic, horrifying, and hilarious. With a poignant introduction from my homegirl Becca Rothfeld, this collection is the perfect selection for Kafka enthusiasts and the like!


Old Firehouse Books

232 Walnut St., Fort Collins

As part of The Colorado Sun’s literature section — SunLit — we’re featuring staff picks from book stores across the state. Read more.

Type of Story: ReviewAn assessment or critique of a service, product, or creative endeavor such as art, literature or a performance.

Book Review: Gwynfyd by Ian Parri

Gwynfyd is published by Melin Bapur
Ant Evans
Following on from a very successful National Eisteddfod in Pontypridd in August, could any of us imagine a world where the Gorsedd controlled every aspect of our lives? Ian Parri introduces the reader to such a world courtesy of his debut novel, Gwynfyd (meaning happiness, delight, pleasure, and suchlike).
Don’t let the title fool you, though. From the beginning, the author illustrates that all is not well on Yr Ynys (The Island). The reader is initially introduced to the less than idyllic home of Maldwyn Tanat, our protagonist, which he shares with a sad looking spider. It consists of a room with mould on the ceiling, bare floors, and more often than not, smells of sweaty old shirts and the remains of ready meals.
We also learn what he does for a living, as another hologram from the Stream, of a druid singing the Republic’s praises, appears in the centre of the room. Maldwyn wonders why he’s badgered by these holograms so often, as his job is to contribute towards them (though he makes them more often than not). Could it be that the sinister sounding Truth Spreading Network, which runs the Stream, do this as they suspect Maldwyn of being disloyal in some way? Aside from still having avoided taking Gwynfyd, a drug pushed by the Gorsedd to keep the population under control, that is, as a voice message on his answering machine reminds him. Though the reader is informed that, for the time being at least, that’s not legally enforced.
In many ways of course, unbeknownst to the powers that be, Maldwyn is something of a rebel, drinking Fav Du (Black Bean), his favourite coffee, which has to be smuggled in from the Mainland following the Cynghanedd War, out of his mug with the Mainland’s black and white flag on it. The use of the Breton language for the name of the coffee and the Mainland having a black and white flag suggesting that Brittany is the location in question, though it’s never explicitly stated. In addition, he goes to Yr Ogof, a rather dingey sounding pub at cellar level near where he lives, which is a local haunt for “non-conformists” such as himself. Another haunt of Maldwyn’s is the Coelbren, a casino located in, wait for it, a former chapel! It is in these two locations where our protagonist meets women who prove to be important catalysts for the plot’s progression.

In stark contrast to Maldwyn, others, such as Goronwy Taliesin and his wife Ceridwen, are eager enough to swallow the propaganda of the Gorsedd’s Daily Compositions. They are demonstrably better off than Maldwyn (due in no small part presumably to their loyalty to the powers that be). The couple own a corgi by the name of Gelert, as it is illegal to own non native dog breeds on the Island. Indeed, the “genetic purification” of the island’s canine population sounds rather sinister to this reviewer, what with my having grown up with Labradors.
Funny that Gelert’s name is on the Gorsedd’s list of pre-approved dog names, when you consider that the famous Gelert after whom the corgi was named was an Irish Wolfhound! Goronwy’s mortality is bothering him. He’s keen to climb the ranks of the Gorsedd in order to be granted extra time. For once the Republic’s citizens reach seventy, unless they’re granted an extension on their lifespan, they’re sacrificed.
Only the higher ups in the Gorsedd are eligible for extra time on their mortal coils however. Unlike Ceridwen, his wife, who’s now in her green robes, Goronwy’s been stuck in yellow for so long that he fears the Gorsedd have forgotten about him. Or else have given up on him entirely. That’s not to say he hasn’t had his moments. The reader reads how he ‘heroically’ had the word “llefaru” (recite) banned, leading to a book burning ceremony including all of the island’s dictionaries. The reader later learns about an indiscretion of Goronwy and Ceridwen’s when they accidentally trespass on the outskirts of a restricted area, never to be repeated.
Cruel world
We also learn that even messing up in Cerdd Dant rehearsals, as Ceridwen does one night, can carry harsh penalties (isn’t that the point of rehearsals, to learn from any mistakes? Not so in the cruel world Parri has created, it would seem). Clearly then, even the reasonably well to do loyal servants of the Gorsedd have to navigate a tightrope to avoid being sent to camps in the mountains, or worse.
From the first page on, the reader is immersed in the world created by Parri, learning an incredibly detailed amount about the society that Maldwyn Tanat and the other characters inhabit, its history, and the level of control exerted by the Gorsedd over the Island’s citizens. Consequently, Gwynfyd is something of a slow burner, Parri giving the reader ample time to get to know the world he has skilfully crafted. From the harsh punishments dished out to anyone caught breaking any laws, to the half empty shelves of the state run Delyn Aur supermarkets to Crynoeg, a simplified version of the language created initially to ensure linguistic uniformity, though it ended up being used as a method to keep undesirables out of high office, ensuring success only for the most fluent of Welsh speakers.
Maldwyn Tanat is portrayed as being something of an unlikely hero, filled with fear and cowardice. It’s only the idea of a night of passion with a colleague, Samantha, which pushes him to gather video evidence of the cruelty of the Gorsedd, with the intention of broadcasting it to every home in the republic.
Having learned so much about life on the Island, the reader is very much in Maldwyn’s corner, his fears being only too understandable when the time to act presents itself, knowing as we do, what’s at stake if he should fail.
This reviewer found Gwynfyd almost impossible to put down, due in no small part to the excellent world building abilities of the author, immersing the reader in The Island’s sinister surroundings. In that sense, it has at least that in common with the fictional drug with which it shares its name.
Following on from this novel’s unexpected twist at the end, which I personally hadn’t seen coming, this reviewer has found himself very much looking forward to Ian Parri’s next novel. As first novel’s go, (as well as being the publisher’s first original novel) this was truly brilliant!
Gwynfyd by Ian Parri is published by Llyfrau Melin Bapur and is available from Cant a Mil, Literary Cat Books, Siop y Siswrn, Palas Print as well as from their website.

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Book Review: Gwynfyd by Ian Parri

Gwynfyd is published by Melin Bapur
Ant Evans
Following on from a very successful National Eisteddfod in Pontypridd in August, could any of us imagine a world where the Gorsedd controlled every aspect of our lives? Ian Parri introduces the reader to such a world courtesy of his debut novel, Gwynfyd (meaning happiness, delight, pleasure, and suchlike).
Don’t let the title fool you, though. From the beginning, the author illustrates that all is not well on Yr Ynys (The Island). The reader is initially introduced to the less than idyllic home of Maldwyn Tanat, our protagonist, which he shares with a sad looking spider. It consists of a room with mould on the ceiling, bare floors, and more often than not, smells of sweaty old shirts and the remains of ready meals.
We also learn what he does for a living, as another hologram from the Stream, of a druid singing the Republic’s praises, appears in the centre of the room. Maldwyn wonders why he’s badgered by these holograms so often, as his job is to contribute towards them (though he makes them more often than not). Could it be that the sinister sounding Truth Spreading Network, which runs the Stream, do this as they suspect Maldwyn of being disloyal in some way? Aside from still having avoided taking Gwynfyd, a drug pushed by the Gorsedd to keep the population under control, that is, as a voice message on his answering machine reminds him. Though the reader is informed that, for the time being at least, that’s not legally enforced.
In many ways of course, unbeknownst to the powers that be, Maldwyn is something of a rebel, drinking Fav Du (Black Bean), his favourite coffee, which has to be smuggled in from the Mainland following the Cynghanedd War, out of his mug with the Mainland’s black and white flag on it. The use of the Breton language for the name of the coffee and the Mainland having a black and white flag suggesting that Brittany is the location in question, though it’s never explicitly stated. In addition, he goes to Yr Ogof, a rather dingey sounding pub at cellar level near where he lives, which is a local haunt for “non-conformists” such as himself. Another haunt of Maldwyn’s is the Coelbren, a casino located in, wait for it, a former chapel! It is in these two locations where our protagonist meets women who prove to be important catalysts for the plot’s progression.

In stark contrast to Maldwyn, others, such as Goronwy Taliesin and his wife Ceridwen, are eager enough to swallow the propaganda of the Gorsedd’s Daily Compositions. They are demonstrably better off than Maldwyn (due in no small part presumably to their loyalty to the powers that be). The couple own a corgi by the name of Gelert, as it is illegal to own non native dog breeds on the Island. Indeed, the “genetic purification” of the island’s canine population sounds rather sinister to this reviewer, what with my having grown up with Labradors.
Funny that Gelert’s name is on the Gorsedd’s list of pre-approved dog names, when you consider that the famous Gelert after whom the corgi was named was an Irish Wolfhound! Goronwy’s mortality is bothering him. He’s keen to climb the ranks of the Gorsedd in order to be granted extra time. For once the Republic’s citizens reach seventy, unless they’re granted an extension on their lifespan, they’re sacrificed.
Only the higher ups in the Gorsedd are eligible for extra time on their mortal coils however. Unlike Ceridwen, his wife, who’s now in her green robes, Goronwy’s been stuck in yellow for so long that he fears the Gorsedd have forgotten about him. Or else have given up on him entirely. That’s not to say he hasn’t had his moments. The reader reads how he ‘heroically’ had the word “llefaru” (recite) banned, leading to a book burning ceremony including all of the island’s dictionaries. The reader later learns about an indiscretion of Goronwy and Ceridwen’s when they accidentally trespass on the outskirts of a restricted area, never to be repeated.
Cruel world
We also learn that even messing up in Cerdd Dant rehearsals, as Ceridwen does one night, can carry harsh penalties (isn’t that the point of rehearsals, to learn from any mistakes? Not so in the cruel world Parri has created, it would seem). Clearly then, even the reasonably well to do loyal servants of the Gorsedd have to navigate a tightrope to avoid being sent to camps in the mountains, or worse.
From the first page on, the reader is immersed in the world created by Parri, learning an incredibly detailed amount about the society that Maldwyn Tanat and the other characters inhabit, its history, and the level of control exerted by the Gorsedd over the Island’s citizens. Consequently, Gwynfyd is something of a slow burner, Parri giving the reader ample time to get to know the world he has skilfully crafted. From the harsh punishments dished out to anyone caught breaking any laws, to the half empty shelves of the state run Delyn Aur supermarkets to Crynoeg, a simplified version of the language created initially to ensure linguistic uniformity, though it ended up being used as a method to keep undesirables out of high office, ensuring success only for the most fluent of Welsh speakers.
Maldwyn Tanat is portrayed as being something of an unlikely hero, filled with fear and cowardice. It’s only the idea of a night of passion with a colleague, Samantha, which pushes him to gather video evidence of the cruelty of the Gorsedd, with the intention of broadcasting it to every home in the republic.
Having learned so much about life on the Island, the reader is very much in Maldwyn’s corner, his fears being only too understandable when the time to act presents itself, knowing as we do, what’s at stake if he should fail.
This reviewer found Gwynfyd almost impossible to put down, due in no small part to the excellent world building abilities of the author, immersing the reader in The Island’s sinister surroundings. In that sense, it has at least that in common with the fictional drug with which it shares its name.
Following on from this novel’s unexpected twist at the end, which I personally hadn’t seen coming, this reviewer has found himself very much looking forward to Ian Parri’s next novel. As first novel’s go, (as well as being the publisher’s first original novel) this was truly brilliant!
Gwynfyd by Ian Parri is published by Llyfrau Melin Bapur and is available from Cant a Mil, Literary Cat Books, Siop y Siswrn, Palas Print as well as from their website.

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