Tourism and Water Shortages on the Greek Islands: A Delicate Balance

As climate change brings water shortages to vacation hot spots, we look at Greece’s tourism-dependent islands, where residents sometimes compete with visitors for a dwindling supply.As a prolonged heat wave scorched Greece in mid-June, with temperatures reaching over 104 degrees Fahrenheit, residents of Sifnos, a small island in the western Cyclades, faced a reality they had long anticipated and feared: Their taps ran dry.After months of practically no rainfall and record-breaking heat, the island had to rely on desalination units to convert seawater to fresh water for its 2,600 residents and thousands of tourists. But when one of the four units broke down in June, the water supply could not meet the demand, leaving some homes and vacation rentals with dry taps for 10 days.“It was a disaster,” recalled Roula Katselou, 50, a resident of Exambela, one of the largest villages on the island. “We could not shower, cook or clean. We had to carry buckets of water from our neighbors who had cisterns and buy bottled water to wash the children.”Nikos Galatas, 37, was renting out his parents’ vacation home to an Italian couple when the water was cut, and after reserves in his water tank ran out, the couple moved to another part of the island.“I lost a lot of money because they had booked the house for 12 days,” Mr. Galatas said. “And it was very stressful to find a suitable alternative when so many of the accommodations were booked up.”Even after the malfunctioning desalination unit was fixed, water cuts persisted as visitor numbers soared, reaching nearly 40,000 arrivals in August alone.We are having trouble retrieving the article content.Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings.Thank you for your patience while we verify access. If you are in Reader mode please exit and log into your Times account, or subscribe for all of The Times.Thank you for your patience while we verify access.Already a subscriber? Log in.Want all of The Times? Subscribe.

How to Find the Best Wholesale Supplier for Your Resale Business

—As a reseller, the wholesale supplier you choose to work with can either make or break your business. As your primary source of inventory, you need a supplier that’s not only trustworthy but also reliable. You also need one with high-quality, affordable prices that you can market to your customers and turn a profit.
However, finding a reliable wholesale supplier for resellers can be quite challenging, especially if you’re new to the business.
Read on to learn everything about wholesale suppliers, from what they are, why they’re so important, and how to find a reliable partner.
What Is a Wholesaler?
A wholesaler is a vendor that deals solely in bulk products. Rather than marketing directly to consumers in a B2C (Business to Consumer) model, wholesalers deal directly with businesses that wish to sell products directly to consumers, meaning they operate in a B2B (Business to Business) model.
Essentially, wholesalers act as middlemen in the supply chain by bridging the gap between manufacturers and resellers. They buy goods in bulk directly from the manufacturer and sell them to resellers at lower prices. Resellers then repackage the wholesale products to sell them at a profit.
This business model was practiced even in the past when people started exchanging goods. When money was introduced, it made wholesaling even easier. Currently, wholesalers have become an important part of every economy. Without them, manufacturers would have to market and deliver their goods directly to consumers, creating many problems.
What Are the Benefits of Working With a Wholesale Supplier?
As a reseller, working with a reliable wholesaler has many benefits, including the following:
Streamlined Business Model
Running a successful resale business is all about sourcing the right products at affordable prices. Manufacturers typically sell their products in bulk quantities that a regular resale business may not be able to purchase or store.
Wholesalers eliminate this problem from your business model by allowing you to purchase product quantities that you can actually handle. They also eliminate the need for finding a manufacturer willing to work with a small retail business.
This enables you to create a more favorable business model that allows you to purchase all the inventory you need without stretching your budget or storage space.
Huge Discounts
One of the greatest benefits of using a wholesaler for reselling is the huge discounts you stand to gain. Many resellers make the mistake of buying single products at high prices, making it hard to turn a profit.
Working with a wholesaler, on the other hand, gives you the benefit of negotiating for a bigger discount. Typically, the more items you buy, the higher the discount you’ll get.
A Steady Supply of Inventory
Wholesalers typically deal with domain-specialty products. This means that they always have a steady supply of whatever you need. Getting a steady supply of inventory at constant prices means you can perform better sales forecasting and upscale whenever you need to. It also gives you more convenience compared to resellers who buy individual pieces of inventory.
How to find a Reliable Wholesale Supplier
There are lots of wholesale suppliers in the market. But you need to put in some effort to find one that’s good enough for your business. Here are some tips that you can use to find a reliable wholesale supplier:
Expand Your Search
When looking for a wholesaler to work with, don’t limit your search to local wholesalers. While you might save money in transportation costs by working with local suppliers, it might also mean that you’re not getting the best deals.
To land the best wholesaler, you should look online for suppliers in your niche business. You should also visit their website and initiate direct communication with them to understand what they’re offering.
Examine Similar Products
Many resellers put the information of their suppliers on their product labels. So, if you’re dealing with specific products, you should consider checking the supplier details of similar businesses. If a business is offering high-quality products at affordable prices, it means that their supplier is giving them a huge discount that helps them stay competitive. This method simplifies your supplier discovery process, allowing you to focus on other important areas of business.
If you’ve been in business for some time, the chances are that you’ve met other business owners in your industry. You should use these connections to get recommendations for reputable wholesalers. You can also attend and participate in trade shows and engage with manufacturers, wholesalers, and other resellers in your industry.
These events offer an excellent opportunity to gain industry insights, construct relationships, and establish contacts with potential partners.
Ask the Manufactures
While this might sound far-fetched, directly reaching out to manufacturers could offer valuable insights into some of the best wholesalers in your industry. Manufacturers may be willing to connect you to a reputable wholesaler directly or offer a list of wholesalers operating within the industry.
Ask Questions
Once you’ve narrowed down a list of potential partners, contact them directly. You should also ensure you have the necessary business licenses and tax documents on hand, as some wholesalers may decline your orders or even refuse to engage with you without the necessary documentation.
When you do get their attention, here are a few questions to ask:

What are their minimum order quantities?
What’s the cost per unit?
What’s their return policy?
What is the lead time? This is especially relevant to drop-shippers, as they need to know the lead time to manage customer expectations.

Find the Best Wholesaler
Wholesalers are an important part of the resell industry. You simply can’t do without them. They make it easy to procure inventory and eliminate some of the problems associated with buying inventory directly from manufacturers. For your business to succeed, you should find a reliable partner that will offer you competitive prices, considerable order quantities, and timely order fulfillment. So don’t settle until you find the perfect partner.

This content is brought to you by Susan Melony.

UN Tourism joins G20 Presidency to discuss the future of tourism policies and governance

On the eve of the official meeting of the G20 Ministers of Tourism, the side event called for a new approach to tourism policy and governance that places a focus on people and planet. With the event held under the Brazilian Presidency of the G20, high-level representatives of Azerbaijan, Canada, Chile, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Saudi Arabia, Spain and the USA as well as the InterAmerican Development Bank, recalled the positive importance and impact of tourism in the economy and society and its potential to contribute to the SDGs and to reduce inequalities within and among countries.
Opening the event Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili applauded Brazil’s G20 Presidency focus on inclusion and sustainability and said “The challenges ahead of us are immense. As so are the opportunities offered by a sector that creates jobs and brings people together like no other. Yet, to really transform our sector, we need new policies and new governance models. We need to place communities and the environment at the centre of our polices and we need stronger coordination of all government agencies as well as among national and local stakeholders.”
Minister of Tourism of Brazil, Celso Sabino said “UN Tourism is bringing to Belem, an essential debate for the tourism sector but also for the world. Sustainability is a priority for the government of the President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and tourism when developed in a responsible manner, protecting the environment, culture and history, is the most prosperous way for the development of nations. And Brazil is leading this so much needed and urgent debate. We are very happy to host the G20 Tourism here at the heart of the Amazon, the capital of Pará.”
G20 Ministers outline way ahead for tourism
At a time of multiple challenges facing the world, participants agreed that with the growth of the sector there are increasing multidimensional externalities which require rethinking tourism planning and management. Key takeaways included the urgent need for:

A new governance build upon regular consultation and inclusion of residents, stronger coordination among all agencies in government and among national and local authorities as well as with the private sector.
Targeted polices on gender, social inclusion, decent jobs, climate change, circularity, nature net positive and regional development across all areas of tourism.
Improving the measurement of the impact of tourism in its three dimensions at national and local levels – economic, social and environmental. Participants welcomed the recent approval by the United Nations of the Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism.

Ministers represent top tourism economies
The G20 economies represent over 70% of all international tourist arrivals and receipts generated worldwide and 82% of tourism’s global GDP. In 2023, the sector accounted directly for 3.1% of the GDP of the G20 (USD 2.8 trillion), 5% of all exports of the group and 23% of all its service exports (USD 1.3 trillion).
In 2023, the G20 economies received 900 million international tourist arrivals. In the first seven months of 2024, international tourist arrivals to the G20 reached 97% of pre-pandemic levels with countries such as Saudi Arabia (+73%), Türkiye (+15%), Spain (+11%), Japan (+7%) and Brazil (+1%) leading growth and already surpassing 2019 levels.
Speaking at the UN Tourism side event were Mr Kanan Gasimov, Head of Administration, State Tourism Agency of Azerbaijan, HE Soraya Martinez Ferrada, Minister of Tourism of Canada, HE Verónica Pardo, Undersecretary of Tourism of Chile, HE Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, Minister of Tourism of India, HE Martini M. Paham, Deputy Minister for Human Resources and Institutions, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia, HE Edmund Bartlett, Minister of Tourism of Jamaica, HE Sultan AlMusallam, Vice Minister of Tourism of Saudi Arabia, HE Jordi Hereu Boher, Minister of Industry and Tourism of Spain, HE Alex Lasry, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Travel & Tourism in the USA and Pedro Martel, Division Chief Environment, Rural Development, and Disaster Risk Management at Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
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About UN Tourism
The World Tourism Organization (UN Tourism) is the United Nations agency responsible for the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism.
As the leading international organization in the field of tourism, UN Tourism promotes tourism as a driver of economic growth, inclusive development and environmental sustainability and offers leadership and support to the sector in advancing knowledge and tourism policies worldwide.
Our Priorities
Mainstreaming tourism in the global agenda: Advocating the value of tourism as a driver of socio-economic growth and development, its inclusion as a priority in national and international policies and the need to create a level playing field for the sector to develop and prosper.
Promoting sustainable tourism development: Supporting sustainable tourism policies and practices: policies which make optimal use of environmental resources, respect the socio-cultural authenticity of host communities and provide socio-economic benefits for all.
Fostering knowledge, education and capacity building: Supporting countries to assess and address their needs in education and training, as well as providing networks for knowledge creation and exchange.
Improving tourism competitiveness: Improving UN Tourism Members’ competitiveness through knowledge creation and exchange, human resources development and the promotion of excellence in areas such as policy planning, statistics and market trends, sustainable tourism development, marketing and promotion, product development and risk and crisis management.
Advancing tourism’s contribution to poverty reduction and development: Maximizing the contribution of tourism to poverty reduction and achieving the SDGs by making tourism work as a tool for development and promoting the inclusion of tourism in the development agenda.
Building partnerships: Engaging with the private sector, regional and local tourism organizations, academia and research institutions, civil society and the UN system to build a more sustainable, responsible and competitive tourism sector.
Our Structure
Members: An intergovernmental organization, UN Tourism has 160 Member States, 6 Associate Members, 2 Observers and over 500 Affiliate Members.
Organs: The General Assembly is the supreme organ of the Organization. The Executive Council take all measures, in consultation with the Secretary-General, for the implementation of the decisions and recommendations of the General Assembly and reports to the Assembly.
Secretariat: UN Tourism headquarters are based in Madrid, Spain. The Secretariat is led by the Secretary-General and organized into departments covering issues such as sustainability, education, tourism trends and marketing, sustainable development, statistics and the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA), destination management, ethics and risk and crisis management. The Technical Cooperation and Silk Road Department carries out development projects in over 100 countries worldwide, while the Regional Departments for Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and the Middle East serve as the link between UN Tourism and its 160 Member States. The Affiliate Members Department represents UN Tourism’s 500 plus Affiliate members.

Scientists, civil society members write open letter to Bharat Biotech and ICMR over prosecution of researchers

An open letter written to vaccine manufacturer Bharat Biotech International Ltd and to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), has called Bharat Biotech’s defamation suit filed against the authors of a research paper that studied the long-term effects of Covaxin, “short-sighted and punitive.”The letter, written by a group of scientists, researchers, ethicists, doctors, patients and civil society members slammed the action taken by the Hyderabad-based vaccine manufacturer, stating that: “Scientific disagreements have to be articulated as counterpoints in scientific fora. Forcing the journal to retract the paper, or filing a 5 crore defamation suit leads to a chilling effect on researchers, and is harmful for science and the trust people have on the institution of science.”The issue began in May this year, when a study by a team of researchers at Banaras Hindu University (BHU), was published in the journal Drug Safety. The one-year follow-up study titled ‘Long-term safety analysis of the BBV152 coronavirus vaccine in adolescents and adults: Findings from a one-year prospective study in North India’, said that adolescent girls and those with comorbidities were at a higher risk of adverse events after receiving Bharat Biotech’s BBV152 (Covaxin) vaccine against COVID-19. It also said that nearly a third of the participants of an observational study on the vaccine reported adverse events of special interest (AESI). A few days later, the ICMR distanced itself from the study, stating that it was poorly designed, with critical flaws, and asked why it should not take legal and administrative action for these lapses.The open letter states that like most research studies, this study too has various limitations which the authors acknowledge within the paper. It is common in science for starting from broad, simple studies and drawing on the results of these to go into more targeted and directed studies, the letter points out. “In the case of COVID-19 vaccines which were universally rolled out, the bare minimum one can do is to carefully document what has happened to people who have taken the vaccine(s). Moreover, in a petition challenging mandatory vaccination, the Supreme Court of India had specifically asked for collecting data about adverse events even if they are not already known to be caused by vaccine,” it says.“The results [of the study] were published in Drug Safety, the official journal of the International Society of Pharmacovigilance after a peer review process required and facilitated by the journal itself. And unsurprisingly, the study showed that 99% of the people did not have any serious events,” the letter says.“This was an opportunity for the government and its divisions like ICMR to bolster people’s trust in vaccine science. They could have thanked the researchers and set up follow-up studies to examine the causal relationship between any reported adverse events and the vaccine… But unfortunately things went in a very different direction.”Following media reports, the letter says, the ICMR and Bharat Biotech went on the defensive. “We wish to call out this intimidation and express solidarity with the researchers from BHU who are being prosecuted. We demand a mature, open-minded, and more confident response from scientific bodies like ICMR. We demand for the lawsuit to be withdrawn, for the paper to be reinstated in the journal, and for constructive engagement from all stakeholders,” it states.It may be noted that three years after interim data was posted as a preprint, Bharat Biotech and ICMR are yet to publish any long-term safety data of the Covaxin phase-3 trial. The letter has been signed by over 180 people so far, as of Monday, September 23, 2024. Published – September 23, 2024 02:27 pm IST
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The Bank of Russia will open a service for business verification

AK&M 23 September 2024 12:01

You can check the integrity of your business on the “Know your Customer” platform from October 1. The Bank of Russia will open a service that will allow, upon request, to obtain background information on whether an individual entrepreneur (IE) or a legal entity on the specified platform belongs to a high-risk group of suspicious transactions. This was announced by the Central Bank.

You can check both your own risk level and the risk level of third parties, including potential and existing counterparties. This will reduce the risks of interaction with unscrupulous companies, the regulator notes.

If the company or Sole proprietors do not agree that they are in the “red zone” on the KYC platform, they can apply to the Bank of Russia for a review of this decision. This can only be done by those customers to whom their bank has not applied restrictive measures under the “anti-money laundering” legislation. If such measures are already being applied, the company or sole proprietor, as before, may contact The Interdepartmental Commission at the Bank of Russia via the Internet reception.

The KYC platform has been fully operational since mid-2022. The Bank of Russia, based on its own analytical data and according to a set of criteria, distributes banking clients — legal entities and sole proprietors — into three risk groups: low, medium and high. To date, 96.8% of clients belong to the low—risk group, 1.9% – medium and 1.3% — high. 

The information of the KYC platform is auxiliary for banks, they independently assess the integrity of their clients’ business from the point of view of “anti-laundering” legislation.

Building a stronger business with G-A-V: A framework for technology upgrades and trends

You already know about G-A-V. But maybe you’ve never thought of it as a framework. Once you do, it can help make better decisions when upgrading your technology stack. So, what is it?
Following this simple framework allows you to keep up with the latest technology without getting caught by fading trends. It focuses on three core areas:

Identify your organization’s main business goals, priorities, and future roadmap.
Conduct a technology audit or reference your technology refresh cycle plan.
Research, meet, demo, and compare your technology vendor options.

There’s nothing new here. It’s just a reframing. Instead of three separate business tactics, it’s one guiding principle. It goes beyond a smooth technology refresh and focuses on the best way to use technology to build a stronger business.

As a leader in workplace technology, we see hundreds of projects deployed every year. We work with IT teams and technology integrators across multiple markets like enterprise, education, and government.
We’ve seen the technology refresh cycles from both sides of the fence. There are some key areas that stand out within each stage of the G-A-V framework.
Identify Business Goals
There’s a trap that some teams fall into. It’s called “doing IT for IT’s sake”.
It happens when things break and need to be replaced quickly. It happens when trendy tech makes all the headlines and we experience FOMO. It’s so tempting as a technology professional to get caught up in the hype or move fast in the moment. That’s when it’s important to stop and ask: Will this trend help us achieve our goals in the next 12 months? Will this quick fix give us extra mileage on our road map? Or is the car going to break down in the middle of a desert highway?
These questions force you to stop and zoom out beyond the problem in front of you. Now, you can refocus on the goals (your north star).
Maybe your company’s goal over the next 12 months is to increase orders shipped by “x” amount. You might focus on solutions that syndicate data quickly. These tools help shipping and ordering teams make better and faster decisions. That might lead you to generative AI tools.
If you know your organization is going to start building its AI technology stack, it makes sense to align the rest of your technology strategy.
Then, if your conference room cameras come up this refresh cycle, you can use your goals to justify a new camera purchase. You look for camera solutions that will prepare your meeting rooms for integration with AI. Companies like Microsoft are already implementing generative AI into their meeting technology. Now, you start to look at companies that have native integrations with Microsoft.
It’s easy to justify your camera purchase against company goals. That’s how we move closer to achieving them.

Conduct a Technology Audit or Consult your Technology Refresh Tracker
Can you quickly identify any device that is due for a refresh over the next 12 months?
If not, you need an audit. Either way, it’s not a bad idea. It’s a good way to stay on top of shadow IT practices. It helps mitigate risks and is essential for mapping out your technology refresh cycles. Audits help you plan for a refresh instead of putting out a fire.
Using the gen AI example above, when planning out any refresh over the next 12-15 months, think about solutions that align with those larger goals. If you do the simple, rip-and-replace solution, will that be good enough once AI rolls out further into your organization? Is that piece of technology going to fit into that AI puzzle or is it going to end up being another costly rip-and-replace later?
A refresh is always justifiable. Equipment needs to be updated periodically to keep things running. But your finance and executive teams will feel more confident if a refresh aligns with your goals and isn’t a band aid fix.
Select The Right Technology Vendor
A temptation creeps into this stage. A tech need is identified. We all agree it will help push us toward the company goals. We want it to make an instant good impression on our teams and leadership. So, we are tempted to fill technology gaps with a solution from a specialty vendor (a vendor that is hyper-focused on one product category).
These vendors claim they can make a better product because they aren’t distracted. Sounds like a sensible choice.
Choosing a specialty vendor might work out great. But there is a long-term risk with buying technology this way. When your next refresh cycle hits, and you need to replace a different piece of equipment that is integrated with your specialty product, concerns arise. The specialty vendor doesn’t make the new product. So, you’ll need to look at different vendors. You need to do research, compare pricing and features, and book demos all over again. This is time-consuming, and now you must worry about interoperability.
Most interoperability issues can be solved with custom programming or by using a special piece of gear to bridge connections. But that adds more costs, more time, and more layers of vulnerability.

That’s why IT teams we work with opt for a full-stack provider over specialty vendors. It’s about creating a seamless technology ecosystem from a single vendor. It reduces vulnerability and risk. And if/when issues arise, there’s one support number to contact — not a dozen.
G-A-V isn’t just a framework for buying technology. It’s a reminder to work together toward a better future where we meet our goals and get to play with the latest tech.

7 mind-bending and engaging movies with fascinating storytelling that explore alternate realities; on Amazon Prime Video, SonyLIV, ZEE5 and more

Movies that explore alternate realities or parallel universes tap into one of the most fascinating aspects of storytelling: the idea that our lives could unfold in different ways based on small changes in decisions, events, or the world itself. These movies allow viewers to imagine worlds where the rules of time, space, and reality are fluid, offering mind-bending plots that often leave us questioning the nature of existence. Whether it’s through time loops like The Butterfly Effect or multiverse theories like Dr Strange and Everything Everywhere All at Once, these movies explore the ‘what-ifs’ and ‘what-could-bes’ of existence. Below are some movies that offer a glimpse of alternate realities and parallel universes which you can binge on Amazon Prime Video, ZEE5 and other streamers.7 mind-bending and engaging movies with fascinating storytelling that explore alternate realities; on Amazon Prime Video, SonyLIV, ZEE5 and more1. Back to the Future II – ZEE5This sequel to the iconic Back to the Future is a quintessential film about alternate realities and time travel. The movie follows Marty McFly and Doc Brown travelling from 1985 to the future in 2015 to fix a problem. After altering the future, Marty picks up a sports almanack, hoping to use it to make bets when he returns to his own time. However, this harmless act leads to catastrophic consequences when Biff Tannen, the antagonist, steals the almanack and uses it to create a corrupt, alternate 1985 where he is wealthy and powerful. Realising the damage, Marty and Doc return to 1955 to stop Biff from altering the timeline in the first place. They carefully navigate around their past selves from the first movie to recover the almanack and restore the original timeline. The complex weaving of time travel, and alternate realities, and its engaging mix of humour and adventure make it a standout in the sci-fi genre. There’s a third movie that transports us to 1885, taking us on a new adventure.2. The Matrix – NetflixThomas Anderson, a computer hacker known as Neo, discovers that the world he knows is an artificial simulation created by intelligent machines to enslave humanity. After being freed from the Matrix by a group of rebels led by Morpheus and Trinity, Neo learns that most humans live in this simulated reality, unaware that their real bodies are being used as energy sources by the machines. As Neo trains and unlocks his potential, he begins to question the nature of reality and his role as “The One,” a prophesied saviour destined to free humanity from the Matrix. The movie delves into philosophical themes of perception, free will, and control while offering groundbreaking special effects, including the iconic ‘bullet-dodging’ scene and martial arts sequences. The movie redefined the sci-fi genre with its take on virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and the blurred lines between illusion and truth. 3. The Butterfly Effect – Amazon Prime VideoEvan Treborn is a young man who suffers from blackouts during traumatic events in his childhood. As an adult, Evan discovers that he can travel back in time by reading his old journals, allowing him to inhabit his younger self and alter the course of his life. Desperate to fix the painful and destructive lives of those he cares about, including his childhood love Kayleigh, Evan repeatedly travels back in time to change key moments. However, each attempt to “fix” the past only creates unintended and often disastrous alternate realities. He then realises that every small change he makes causes a ripple effect. As Evan navigates these disturbing realities, he is forced to confront the true cost of trying to control fate. 4. The One – Amazon Prime VideoStarring Jet Li, this movie explores the concept of parallel universes and alternate realities. The story follows Gabriel Yulaw, a former agent of the Multiverse Authority who discovers that by killing alternate versions of himself in different universes, he can absorb their energy and power, becoming stronger and faster with each kill. Yulaw’s goal is to eliminate every version of himself in all existing parallel universes, ultimately becoming “The One” – the most powerful being across all realities. Standing in his way is Gabe Law, his last surviving alternate self. Gabe, a police officer in Los Angeles, is unaware of his unique connection to the multiverse but quickly realises that Yulaw is after him. As Yulaw’s strength grows, Gabe must fight to survive and stop his evil counterpart from completing his deadly mission. The two face off in intense, martial arts-fueled battles, blending high-octane action with the idea of multi.5. Everything Everywhere All at Once – SonyLIVThis genre-bending, mind-bending movie explores the multiverse through the lens of family drama. The t focuses on Evelyn Wang, a Chinese-American immigrant who runs a struggling laundromat and feels disconnected from her family. Just as her life seems to be falling apart, Evelyn is thrust into a multiverse-spanning adventure. Evelyn realises that every decision she’s ever made has created alternate versions of herself across different universes, and she must tap into these alternate lives—including being a martial arts master, a celebrity, and even a chef with a raccoon sidekick—to gain the skills and knowledge needed to stop a villainous entity. As she navigates different alternate realities, Evelyn faces her regrets, unfulfilled dreams, and strained relationships with her husband Waymond and daughter Joys.6. The Adjustment Bureau – NetflixDavid Norris (Matt Damon), a rising politician who meets and falls in love with a dancer, Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt). Their romance is cut short when David learns of a mysterious organisation called the Adjustment Bureau. The Bureau’s agents, who are capable of manipulating the world and people’s destinies, work to ensure that everyone follows a preordained path set by a higher power referred to as The Chairman. When David’s relationship with Elise threatens to disrupt this plan, the Bureau intervenes to keep them apart, believing that their love would undermine the plan for David’s future. Determined to be with Elise, David fights against the Bureau’s attempts to control his fate, leading to a thrilling pursuit where he must navigate a world where reality can be altered by the Bureau’s agents. 7. Superman: Red Son – Amazon Prime VideoThe animated movie explores an alternate reality where Superman’s spaceship lands in the Soviet Union instead of Kansas, leading to a radically different version of the iconic superhero. In this alternate timeline, Superman is raised by Soviet ideals under the leadership of Joseph Stalin. As he grows into his role as a hero of the Communist regime, the world faces a new set of geopolitical tensions with Superman as a key figure in the Cold War. His presence alters the course of history, shaping a world where the USSR dominates, and ideologies clash with the rise of other superheroes and villains. Superman’s ideological conflicts with other characters, including Batman, Wonder Woman, and Lex Luthor, create a complex narrative exploring themes of power, ideology, and morality. The movie offers a fresh perspective on the Superman universe.

7 mind-bending and engaging movies with fascinating storytelling that explore alternate realities; on Amazon Prime Video, SonyLIV, ZEE5 and more

Movies that explore alternate realities or parallel universes tap into one of the most fascinating aspects of storytelling: the idea that our lives could unfold in different ways based on small changes in decisions, events, or the world itself. These movies allow viewers to imagine worlds where the rules of time, space, and reality are fluid, offering mind-bending plots that often leave us questioning the nature of existence. Whether it’s through time loops like The Butterfly Effect or multiverse theories like Dr Strange and Everything Everywhere All at Once, these movies explore the ‘what-ifs’ and ‘what-could-bes’ of existence. Below are some movies that offer a glimpse of alternate realities and parallel universes which you can binge on Amazon Prime Video, ZEE5 and other streamers.7 mind-bending and engaging movies with fascinating storytelling that explore alternate realities; on Amazon Prime Video, SonyLIV, ZEE5 and more1. Back to the Future II – ZEE5This sequel to the iconic Back to the Future is a quintessential film about alternate realities and time travel. The movie follows Marty McFly and Doc Brown travelling from 1985 to the future in 2015 to fix a problem. After altering the future, Marty picks up a sports almanack, hoping to use it to make bets when he returns to his own time. However, this harmless act leads to catastrophic consequences when Biff Tannen, the antagonist, steals the almanack and uses it to create a corrupt, alternate 1985 where he is wealthy and powerful. Realising the damage, Marty and Doc return to 1955 to stop Biff from altering the timeline in the first place. They carefully navigate around their past selves from the first movie to recover the almanack and restore the original timeline. The complex weaving of time travel, and alternate realities, and its engaging mix of humour and adventure make it a standout in the sci-fi genre. There’s a third movie that transports us to 1885, taking us on a new adventure.2. The Matrix – NetflixThomas Anderson, a computer hacker known as Neo, discovers that the world he knows is an artificial simulation created by intelligent machines to enslave humanity. After being freed from the Matrix by a group of rebels led by Morpheus and Trinity, Neo learns that most humans live in this simulated reality, unaware that their real bodies are being used as energy sources by the machines. As Neo trains and unlocks his potential, he begins to question the nature of reality and his role as “The One,” a prophesied saviour destined to free humanity from the Matrix. The movie delves into philosophical themes of perception, free will, and control while offering groundbreaking special effects, including the iconic ‘bullet-dodging’ scene and martial arts sequences. The movie redefined the sci-fi genre with its take on virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and the blurred lines between illusion and truth. 3. The Butterfly Effect – Amazon Prime VideoEvan Treborn is a young man who suffers from blackouts during traumatic events in his childhood. As an adult, Evan discovers that he can travel back in time by reading his old journals, allowing him to inhabit his younger self and alter the course of his life. Desperate to fix the painful and destructive lives of those he cares about, including his childhood love Kayleigh, Evan repeatedly travels back in time to change key moments. However, each attempt to “fix” the past only creates unintended and often disastrous alternate realities. He then realises that every small change he makes causes a ripple effect. As Evan navigates these disturbing realities, he is forced to confront the true cost of trying to control fate. 4. The One – Amazon Prime VideoStarring Jet Li, this movie explores the concept of parallel universes and alternate realities. The story follows Gabriel Yulaw, a former agent of the Multiverse Authority who discovers that by killing alternate versions of himself in different universes, he can absorb their energy and power, becoming stronger and faster with each kill. Yulaw’s goal is to eliminate every version of himself in all existing parallel universes, ultimately becoming “The One” – the most powerful being across all realities. Standing in his way is Gabe Law, his last surviving alternate self. Gabe, a police officer in Los Angeles, is unaware of his unique connection to the multiverse but quickly realises that Yulaw is after him. As Yulaw’s strength grows, Gabe must fight to survive and stop his evil counterpart from completing his deadly mission. The two face off in intense, martial arts-fueled battles, blending high-octane action with the idea of multi.5. Everything Everywhere All at Once – SonyLIVThis genre-bending, mind-bending movie explores the multiverse through the lens of family drama. The t focuses on Evelyn Wang, a Chinese-American immigrant who runs a struggling laundromat and feels disconnected from her family. Just as her life seems to be falling apart, Evelyn is thrust into a multiverse-spanning adventure. Evelyn realises that every decision she’s ever made has created alternate versions of herself across different universes, and she must tap into these alternate lives—including being a martial arts master, a celebrity, and even a chef with a raccoon sidekick—to gain the skills and knowledge needed to stop a villainous entity. As she navigates different alternate realities, Evelyn faces her regrets, unfulfilled dreams, and strained relationships with her husband Waymond and daughter Joys.6. The Adjustment Bureau – NetflixDavid Norris (Matt Damon), a rising politician who meets and falls in love with a dancer, Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt). Their romance is cut short when David learns of a mysterious organisation called the Adjustment Bureau. The Bureau’s agents, who are capable of manipulating the world and people’s destinies, work to ensure that everyone follows a preordained path set by a higher power referred to as The Chairman. When David’s relationship with Elise threatens to disrupt this plan, the Bureau intervenes to keep them apart, believing that their love would undermine the plan for David’s future. Determined to be with Elise, David fights against the Bureau’s attempts to control his fate, leading to a thrilling pursuit where he must navigate a world where reality can be altered by the Bureau’s agents. 7. Superman: Red Son – Amazon Prime VideoThe animated movie explores an alternate reality where Superman’s spaceship lands in the Soviet Union instead of Kansas, leading to a radically different version of the iconic superhero. In this alternate timeline, Superman is raised by Soviet ideals under the leadership of Joseph Stalin. As he grows into his role as a hero of the Communist regime, the world faces a new set of geopolitical tensions with Superman as a key figure in the Cold War. His presence alters the course of history, shaping a world where the USSR dominates, and ideologies clash with the rise of other superheroes and villains. Superman’s ideological conflicts with other characters, including Batman, Wonder Woman, and Lex Luthor, create a complex narrative exploring themes of power, ideology, and morality. The movie offers a fresh perspective on the Superman universe.