China and Quantum Technologies

The three main quantum technologies are quantum communications, quantum computing, and quantum sensing. First, a very little bit about quantum physics. According to Cal Tech, “Quantum physics is the study of matter and energy at the most fundamental level. It aims to uncover the properties and behaviors of the very building blocks of nature.” The central concepts of quantum physics are very esoteric things like wave-particle duality, superposition, the uncertainty principle, and entanglement.

These concepts are all very exciting, but what does it mean in a practical sense, and why is it important to the average American?

It is important in that quantum science has the promise to bring ever more advanced methods of communications, computing, and sensing to the world. Quantum technology has such potential that for whoever perfects it first, it will be like the invention of the light bulb as a world-shaking phenomenon that will change things forever. Whoever is the leader in this field will gain great advantages and power over those lagging behind.

Guess who is leading the world in quantum communications? You guessed it, China. Who is leading the world in quantum computing? Most say the U.S. is leading, but other sources say that China has caught up and will quickly surge ahead. Who is leading the world in quantum sensing? Again, the consensus is that it is also China. Who has a centralized, disciplined approach to divining the secrets of the quantum world? Again, China. The U.S. effort is small in investment terms and fractured between government, academia, and business, with less than optimal coordination or cooperation between the various entities pursuing it. Whoever wins this race will likely be more powerful and more advanced and will lead the world of tomorrow.

The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) has done a comprehensive analysis of the quantum field and published its results in a new report. Some of the findings of this report are:

China has over $15B in public quantum funding, far ahead of the U.S. at only $3.8 billion.
China benefits from Western efforts in the quantum field, which tend to be very open such that they garner the benefits of others’ efforts while carefully concealing what research they are doing.
Quantum technologies are critical for national defense and potentially transformative for the economy and society.
China has the world’s longest quantum key distribution network, which stretches 1,200 miles and connects four major cities — Beijing, Jinan, Hefei, and Shanghai.
China boasts the world’s only quantum satellite, which has been in operation since 2016.
China is at the forefront of secure, long-distance quantum communications.
China focuses on turning innovative research into practical commercial applications quickly.
China’s efforts are done in secret with little to no international collaborations.
China values:

Secure communications that ensure confidentiality and integrity
Development of computers exponentially faster than conventional computers
Enhanced sensing and measurement using quantum technology

China has consolidated commercial quantum research into the government, which ensures complete control over development and deployment.
According to international experts, China is significantly ahead of the rest of the world, including the U.S., in using quantum communications.
China has already fielded devices that enable the detection of submarines and other hidden threats. This represents a significant problem for the U.S. in and around the South China Sea, where tensions are already high.
The Chinese government dictates the linking of research results being integrated into their industry. For example, they can order the centralization by location of Chinese industry in the same geographical area and thereby gain an advantage in the fielding of that technology.
The analysis by ITIF concludes, “The United States approaches quantum innovation as a ‘Vannevar Bush science project’ rather than as a national security of competitiveness priority.” Meanwhile, “China’s approach is designed for speed and efficiency.”
China leads the U.S. in global research output in all three areas:

38% to 13% in communications
23% to 21% in computing
25% to 15% in sensing

China leads in patents, 6,000 to 3,300 for the U.S.
China’s effort in the quantum realm focuses on national security over commercial objectives.
During the National CCP Congress in 2017, President Xi Jinping articulated a vision for China to lead the U.S. in quantum science, so this is a political goal, not just a scientific one.

ITIF’s conclusions:

There is broad consensus that the U.S. needs to spend more on quantum science.
The U.S. should move quickly to commercialize the quantum industry.
The U.S. should treat quantum technology as a national security and economic imperative, not just a scientific pursuit.
Export controls are vital for safeguarding quantum technologies from misuse and to prevent an advantage to China.

Science has just started to scratch the surface of the quantum world. How it will play out is unknown. Suffice it to say that China is serious about dominating the field. The quantum world in science fiction involves concepts such as time travel, wormholes for spaceships to travel incredible distances instantaneously, or quantum world portals for instantaneous transportation. Whatever it brings, the U.S. better discover it before China does. Imagine our dismay if the critical breakthroughs are made by China. If what is depicted in science fiction is anywhere close to the truth, the U.S. better win the race to perfect quantum technology. If China wins this race, it will rule the world.

Tired? Here’s what science tells us about getting a better night’s sleep.

Sleep is a peculiar habit. It forces us, and countless other organisms on the planet, to forgo food, mating, and avoiding predators for substantial chunks of every day. And while we can all attest that when we don’t get enough sleep, we feel it, it’s not totally clear why. Indeed, it might surprise you to learn that exactly why we need sleep in the first place remains a mystery.Such unknowns mean that researchers send back frequent bulletins from the frontiers of science: Sleep deprivation causes dangerous molecules to accumulate in the gut, work with mice and fruit flies reveals, perhaps explaining why a total lack of sleep can kill lab animals. Sleep lets waste products drain from the brain, one set of studies shows — but newer work challenges that. Sleep improves our ability to consolidate new memories, though perhaps not more than simple, quiet wakefulness does.What’s not controversial is that many of us just aren’t sleeping enough: According to a CDC survey, over one-third of Americans report not getting the recommended amount of shut-eye. This should not be taken lightly, as those getting insufficient sleep “are at a much greater risk for diabetes, stroke, hypertension, obesity, depression, anxiety, cancers,” says neuroscientist Steven Lockley, a visiting professor at the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom.We spoke with experts to find out what’s important for all of us to know about sleep and how, perhaps, to improve our experience of it. Here are five takeaways.1. Tired? You’re not alone.Are we living in an age of unprecedented sleepiness? Though modern phone use may have exacerbated problems with getting to sleep, it’s not as clear-cut as you might think.A major review of studies between 1960 and 2013 found that people slept about the same amount regardless of the year. It doesn’t seem to be about tech either: A 2015 study had people in three pre-industrial societies in Namibia, Bolivia, and Tanzania wear activity trackers to record sleep habits, and found that they did not sleep more than their industrialized counterparts — the duration ranged from 5.7 to 7.1 hours a night. And anxiety about lack of sleep has long been a perennial problem. In 1894, a British Medical Journal editorial included this tidbit: “The subject of sleeplessness is once more under public discussion. The hurry and excitement of modern life is quite correctly held to be responsible for much of the insomnia of which we hear.”Regardless, the fact remains that many today would like to be sleeping more. For adults, pressures of commutes, child care, and multiple jobs may mean they are not able to follow their body’s cues as closely as they’d like. Sleep deprivation is a problem for teenagers as well. The recommendation for children ages 13 to 18 is eight to 10 hours a night. But two-thirds of middle and high schoolers responding to a CDC survey slept less than that, which the health agency says could affect mental health, attention, and behavior, among other outcomes.There are racial and ethnic disparities to consider as well. “This is a bigger problem for underrepresented populations,” says Tom Scammell, a Beth Israel Deaconess neurologist and a professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School. The most sleep-deprived in the CDC survey were Black and Pacific Islander adults, with roughly 1 in 2 respondents saying that they needed more sleep.The consequences of sleeplessness today could be more serious than they were in the past, says Lockley, who is also the cofounder of Timeshifter, an app aimed at helping travelers reduce the symptoms of jet lag. “You wouldn’t have had to worry about drowsy driving 150 years ago,” he says.Lorenzo Gritti for the Boston Globe2. You’re probably a poor judge of your own sleepiness.The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends adults get a minimum of seven hours of sleep a night. That means you have to be in bed longer than seven hours, Lockley says, because normal night sleep is peppered with tiny awakenings.But if you’re regularly getting less sleep than that and feel fine, should you be worried? Scammell says people are not very good at assessing whether they are suffering from sleep deprivation. In his experience, asking more questions often reveals red flags, like drinking four cups of coffee a day or needing an afternoon nap.“When people get into these chronic situations, what they consider normal may not be representative of how their day should be,” he says. Lockley points to studies suggesting that sleep-deprived subjects perform worse on cognitive tests without realizing it. “Your ability to assess is impaired,” he says. “You often think you are doing better than you are.”People with severe sleep apnea, a condition which causes them to stop, then restart, breathing at night, may feel foggy during the day. But they may also think they sleep wonderfully, says Andrew Wellman, director of the Sleep Disordered Breathing Lab at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He tells a story of a patient who insists he is a good sleeper, while his assessment results tell a different story, full of disturbed sleep. “The reason he thinks he sleeps fine,” Wellman says, “is he is so tired that he falls asleep instantly.”Wellman recommends this test: Do your eyelids feel heavy during the day? If they do, that’s a better indication of sleep deprivation than whether you feel “fine.”3. Can’t sleep? The best treatment isn’t a pill.The gold standard treatment for insomnia — having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep — is not sleep medication, which can cause side effects such as cognitive impairment and dizziness. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), which may include patients recording how long they spend in bed asleep and awake, dimming the lights before bed, and working with a therapist to build habits that help them feel tired at the right time, is as effective or more effective than sleeping pills and has fewer side effects, a 2019 study showed.It can be challenging to find a CBT-I practitioner, Scammell says. But even without a therapist, there are apps that aim to help people gain some of these skills. Sleepio, for instance, has been found to be useful in treating anxiety and insomnia in two large randomized controlled trials.For insomniacs, aiming for a certain number of hours a night can be counterproductive, Wellman says. When anxiety about getting enough sleep makes it harder to sleep, it’s time to take off your activity tracker and start focusing on good habits, rather than numbers. “It’s not one size fits all,” he says, of sleep advice. It all depends on context.When it comes to children, improving habits — such as dimming lights in the house and avoiding screens for several hours before bedtime — should be the first step in improving sleep, experts say.A recent trend has seen parents giving the hormone melatonin to their children, in hopes of helping them sleep. According to one study, 6 percent of preschoolers and nearly 20 percent of older children had been given melatonin, many of them every night. This may seem harmless, as melatonin — a hormone produced by the body in the hours before sleep — is available without a prescription. But there is almost no data about the safety of long-term melatonin use in children, Scammell warns. What’s more, Lockley says, in many animals, melatonin is known to impact the reproductive system, raising questions about whether it should be considered safe for children without further study.Lorenzo Gritti for the Boston Globe4. Light is a powerful drug. Let it help you.The timing of sleep is controlled in part by your internal sleep drive, which keeps track of how long it’s been since you slept. It’s also controlled by the body’s circadian clock, which keeps track of the daily cycle of light and dark. Both systems are affected by light, a stimulant that can keep your sleep drive from getting you to drift off, Lockley says. Light at the wrong time can shift your clock so you are no longer in tune with your environment. (Think trying to sleep in a very different time zone.)Lockley says he and his colleagues have exposed volunteers briefly to bright indoor lights, and found something striking. Even 15 seconds of very bright light was shown to shift the internal clock, he says. The clocks of those who’d seen the bright light, in other words, had shifted more than those who hadn’t.Blue light, emitted from fluorescent and LED lights and back-lit electronic screens, has more impact on circadian rhythms than other types of light, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Indeed, during the evening, exposure to even moderate amounts of blue light can cause your body to delay the production of melatonin. Those who have trouble falling asleep should consider avoiding screens on televisions, smartphones, and other digital devices before bed, NIOSH recommends.Red light, however, has little effect on circadian rhythms, which is why doctors may suggest reading by a warm-colored light before bed rather than using your phone.Lorenzo Gritti for the Boston Globe5. Sleep is older than brains.In all the anxiety over getting enough sleep, it may help to reflect on the bigger picture. It’s easy to assume that sleep evolved for the brain — after all, we feel “clear-headed” after a good night’s rest — and for many years, sleep scientists believed this was the case.But something more unexpected may be closer to the truth. The road to our current understanding began in the 1970s, when biologist Irene Tobler began documenting behavior in cockroaches — whose nervous systems have two brain-like clusters of neurons — that looked a lot like sleep.The insects had periods of stillness during which they were hard to rouse, and if they were roused, they had to make up for it later with more rest. In the decades since, studies based on Tobler’s criteria have revealed sleep in organisms as diverse as fruit flies and roundworms. Those same sleep behaviors can be seen in Cassiopea jellyfish, which have no centralized brain, just a nervous system. An even simpler creature, the hydra, was spotted sleeping in 2020.That suggests two things: One, that sleep is perhaps more than a billion years old, when the last shared ancestor of humans and hydras lived. Two, sleep may not have evolved as a maintenance procedure for the thinking appliance in our skulls. For us, sleep keeps us alert, supports cardiovascular health, and likely allows our bodies to take care of things they can’t while we are awake. For the earth’s first sleeper, we can only imagine what it meant.Think of that the next time you get into bed — what you are about to do is ancient and mysterious, and we are only just beginning to understand its profound role in our lives.Veronique Greenwood is a science writer based in the United Kingdom. Send comments to [email protected].

Is Allegiant Travel Company (ALGT) Among the Worst Airline Stocks to Buy?

We recently compiled a list of the 10 Worst Airline Stocks To Buy According to Short Sellers. In this article, we are going to take a look at where Allegiant Travel Company (NASDAQ:ALGT) stands against the other airline stocks.The airline industry is one of the most crucial industries to the global markets and supply chains. It did suffer quite significantly over the last 4 to 5 years mainly due to the pandemic. However, in 2024, the airline industry is projected to achieve operating profits of more than $49 billion, which is supported by strong demand and pricing power, according to a PwC report from January.Passenger numbers are rebounding to almost pre-COVID levels, although full recovery of lost growth may take longer. However, there are still a few challenges that the industry needs to overcome, including supply chain and production quality issues, which are expected to continue impacting aircraft deliveries throughout the year.Trends in Advancement of the Airline IndustryAccording to PwC, generative AI is set to change the industry by improving efficiency and customer service. Additionally, 2024 is an important year for increasing the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), with goals to reach 5-10% SAF by 2030. However, large investments are necessary to create the needed infrastructure.We also discussed the role of AI in the industry in our article 11 Worst Aviation Stocks to Buy According to Analysts. Here is an excerpt from the article: “Like most industries of today, airlines are also implementing AI to improve the efficiency of their operations. According to an August report by CNBC, these companies are using AI for tasks like ground control, customer service, and optimizing flight routes. American Airlines introduced its AI-powered “smart gating” system at its Dallas-Fort Worth control center. The tool automatically assigns gates to incoming flights, which cut runway taxi time by around 20%, or two minutes per flight, across five airports. The system also helps passengers, baggage, and crews make quicker connections, which improves overall efficiency. Alaska is using AI to streamline flight paths and optimize aircraft turnaround times at gates. Its tool is described as “Waze for the skies,” and it uses AI to plan faster routes, which saves fuel and reduces delays. Additionally, the system monitors ground operations as it tracks when fuel, catering, and baggage trucks arrive and depart, which allows agents to address delays immediately. United has implemented generative AI for customer service, especially during flight disruptions. The AI generates detailed, empathetic messages explaining delays, which has increased customer satisfaction by 4% since its rollout on 6,000 flights.” North America Leading the WayAccording to a KPMG report posted in January, the North American airline market has been the primary driver of global traffic growth and profitability, accounting for 56% of the IATA’s industry profit forecast for 2024. The region quickly recovered from the pandemic and achieved profitability in 2022, with transatlantic travel rebounding in the summer of 2023.While low-cost carriers (LCCs) initially benefited from early domestic recovery, premium international travel demand has surged which favors the bigger airlines. The major carriers have seen strong demand for their premium services, which are driven by both leisure and business travelers. On the other hand, LCCs like Spirit and JetBlue have faced challenges, including softer demand, higher fuel and labor costs, and capacity constraints due to engine issues.In June, IATA increased its profit forecast for global airlines in 2024 and now expects a net profit of $30.5 billion, which is higher than both the $27.4 billion expected in 2023 and the earlier 2024 forecast of $25.7 billion.Some major expectations for 2024 include record revenue of $996 billion and 4.96 billion passengers, but ongoing supply chain issues are limiting aircraft deliveries. Cargo revenues are also declining from their pandemic highs but remain above 2019 levels.IATA also highlighted the need for supply chain improvements and favorable public policy to support industry profitability and investments in sustainability.Our MethodologyTo select the 10 worst airline stocks according to short sellers, we used a Finviz stock screener to identify over 20 airline stocks. Next, we narrowed our list to 10 stocks with the highest short interest but were also the most popular among elite hedge funds, as of Q2 2024. Finally, these stocks were ranked in ascending order of their short interest.Why are we interested in the stocks that hedge funds pile into? The reason is simple: our research has shown that we can outperform the market by imitating the top stock picks of the best hedge funds. Our quarterly newsletter’s strategy selects 14 small-cap and large-cap stocks every quarter and has returned 275% since May 2014, beating its benchmark by 150 percentage points (see more details here).A busy airport terminal with travelers passing through on their leisure travels.Allegiant Travel Company (NASDAQ:ALGT)Short Interest as % of Shares Outstanding: 10.77%Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 17Allegiant Travel Company (NASDAQ:ALGT) is a major U.S. airline, headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada. It is known for its ultra-low-cost business model. The airline focuses on serving underserved leisure markets and connects smaller and medium-sized cities to popular vacation destinations. The company uses a fee-based revenue structure, according to which it keeps base fares low while offering several add-on services such as seat selection, baggage handling, and food purchases.Allegiant Travel’s (NASDAQ:ALGT) ancillary revenue is one of the most attractive features of its business model, which includes fees for services beyond just the ticket price. The approach has helped the airline maintain profitability while keeping base fares competitive. It also partners with hotels, car rental services, and tourist attractions and offers bundled travel packages.On September 20, Allegiant Travel (NASDAQ:ALGT) raised it Q3 outlook based on its August performance. Chief Commercial Officer Drew Wells reported stronger-than-expected demand and unit revenue for late September, with third-quarter unit revenues showing a 5.5% year-over-year decline, an improvement from the earlier forecast of a 7.5% decline.The company’s CFO, Robert Neal said that non-fuel unit costs for Q3 increase is expected to be 4.5%, which is 2.5% lower than expected. Fuel costs for the quarter are expected to average $2.70 per gallon, down from $2.80.Allegiant Travel (NASDAQ:ALGT) expects its August capacity to be up around 1.8%, compared to previous forecasts of 1.3%. In August, the company updated Q3 guidance, which shows a 1.8% year-over-year rise in system available seat miles (ASMs), with scheduled service ASMs up 1.6%. The company anticipates an operating margin between -0.5% and -1.5%, and EPS excluding special charges, is projected to range between -$0.75 and -$1.25, compared to the previously forecasted range of -$1.50 to -$2.50.However, even with a positive outlook, some analysts remain bearish on Allegiant Travel’s (NASDAQ:ALGT) stock. On September 21, TipRanks reported that Bank of America Securities analyst Andrew Didora reiterated a Sell rating on the company with a $40 price target. Despite its positive update on third-quarter guidance, including better-than-expected revenue and cost control, the analyst remains skeptical.The analyst stated concerns over its unique route network, high expenses from new pilot agreements, and the costly Sunseeker project. Despite lower fuel costs, the company’s financial challenges and high debt levels contribute to his bearish outlook.In Q3, 17 hedge funds had stakes worth $111.800 million in Allegiant Travel (NASDAQ:ALGT). With 945,839 shares worth $47.51 million, Diamond Hill Capital is the company’s largest shareholder as of Q2.Overall ALGT ranks 3rd on our list of the worst airline stocks to buy according to short sellers. While we acknowledge the potential of ALGT as an investment, our conviction lies in the belief that AI stocks hold greater promise for delivering higher returns and doing so within a shorter timeframe. If you are looking for an AI stock that is promising and trades at less than 5 times its earnings, check out our report about the cheapest AI stock.Read Next: $30 Trillion Opportunity: 15 Best Humanoid Robot Stocks to Buy According to Morgan Stanley and Jim Cramer Says NVIDIA ‘Has Become A Wasteland’.Disclosure: None. This article is originally published at Insider Monkey.

The US could ban all Chinese tech for connected vehicles

The United States could take a new step in its trade restrictions policy against China. Recently, the government announced heavy tariffs on Chinese EVs. Now, a new report claims that the United States will soon propose a ban on Chinese software and hardware for connected vehicles.
The connected and autonomous vehicles segment is booming in the Asian country. Chinese companies have been developing connected and autonomous EVs for a long time, a sector where even Xiaomi has ventured. However, the United States government is responding with protectionist policies on the local market.
Washington may soon propose a ban on Chinese hardware and software for connected vehicles
Recently, Washington announced a severe 100% tariff on Chinese electric vehicles. According to Reuters, the next step will be a proposal for a total ban on hardware and software used in connected vehicles. If it sounds familiar, it’s because the United States did the same thing years ago with Huawei’s telecommunications equipment. The United States Department of Commerce could announce the measure on Monday.
As with Huawei, the US Department of Commerce will give connected vehicle manufacturers a period to adjust to the new law. The software ban would come into effect in 2027, while the hardware ban would do so in 2030. So, companies will have to look for replacements for components from other suppliers outside China. As is normal, this could have an impact on an overall increase in costs.
Chinese EVs have not yet entered the US market. Even so, there are companies, local and international, that use hardware and software components of Chinese origin. Searching for a replacement could disrupt their medium and long-term plans. Indeed, a trade group comprising prominent brands like Toyota, Volkswagen, General Motors, and Hyundai cautioned about the challenges to overcome to locate replacements for all the targeted components.
Trade war impacting some big Chinese companies, but also American ones
The trade war has had a direct impact on more than just Huawei. TikTok is in the middle of a legal process that could lead to ByteDance, its parent company, divesting itself of its US division. In similar cases, Washington often uses the protection of national security as its main argument, although with TikTok it also added the protection of children. However, protectionist policies may also backfire on the US market.
Regarding the potential ban on software and hardware for connected vehicles, tech industry experts say that they may be too costly for companies operating in the US. Mobile carriers and internet providers also had to make huge investments to replace all Huawei equipment years ago. In the end, the measures may not achieve the desired effect for the US, as Chinese industry has sought ways to continue developing amid the tense environment. In related news, Google is working on a Gemini-powered Android Auto for an advanced navigation experience.

Migration Marvels: 5 Wildlife Journeys For Your Travel Bucket List

Share to FacebookShare to TwitterShare to LinkedinLooking for a unique travel experience that is truly out of the ordinary and will provide a lifetime of memories? Discover some of the most beautiful places on earth as you go on a journey to witness a handful of the world’s most spectacular wildlife migrations that offer an unparalleled opportunity to connect with nature and experience different cultures. From the great migrations of wildebeest across the Serengeti, to the breathtaking journey of monarch butterflies in Mexico, these are five wilderness migrations worth traveling for.

In Mexico’s Central Highlands one of the planet’s most spellbinding wildlife events unfolds: the yearly migration of the monarch butterfly. Naturalgetty
Mexico Highlands: Watch the Annual Monarch Butterfly Migration (January, March & December)

In Mexico’s Central Highlands one of the planet’s most spellbinding wildlife events unfolds: the yearly migration of the monarch butterfly. Natural Habitat Adventure’s Kingdom of the Monarchs is an amazing 6-day tour that takes you on a journey to a secluded mountaintop forest to spot myriad monarch butterflies taking to the skies in a mesmerizing spectacle (they have even been known to land on lucky onlookers). The exclusive group tour also lets participants explore the incredible culture of Mexico’s mountain villages as you discover traditional communities and local markets.

In Africa: Chase the Great Migration (June-March)

Go on a 9-night Tanzania Migration Safari to see the legendary Great Migration, which is when millions of wildebeest and zebra move annually across the Serengeti in search of water and food. Unforgettable Travel Company’s tour experts offer a wealth of insights on the region and will create a custom itinerary that allows for plenty of intimate wildlife encounters and travel to unforgettable UNESCO sites, such as Zanzibar’s Stone Town. This tour includes a stay in a luxury tented camp in the northern Serengeti.
In Moab, Utah: See Moab’s Bats in Action (August-October)

Utah’s famous bat migrations, especially around Moab, happen yearly from August to October as bats make their way from their summer feeding to their winter hibernation homes. The Moab Resort, WorldMark Associate, in partnership with Bat Conservation International, offers some engaging family-friendly programming to teach guests about these fascinating, if often misunderstood and unfairly maligned, creatures. Events include bat boxes placed throughout the resort, bat-themed coloring books and more. Guests get the opportunity to watch bats at dusk and learn about the pivotal role they play in our environment.Who could resist watching baby sea turtles escape their shells and bravely make their way to the sea.getty
In Jamaica: Watch Baby Turtles Make Their Race to the Water (July-December)
Who could resist watching baby sea turtles escape their shells and bravely make their way to the sea. Guests staying at Sandals Dunn’s River, Sandals Royal Plantation or Sandals Ochi can book the Turtle Watching Experience through Island Routes, with proceeds benefiting the Oracabessa Foundation and its impressive turtle conservation efforts. Island Routes, the Sandals Foundation and local turtle conservation authorities have collectively come together to help protect and monitor baby turtles and do all they can to ensure they reach the water safely.
From LA to La Paz: Experience Baja’s Fall Migration (November-December)
Baja, California, is an ideal destination to observe the fall migration of wildlife, including humpback whales and a variety of seabirds. Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic offers a 12-day journey from Los Angeles to La Paz where you can snorkel with vibrant marine life and explore incredible landscapes. The journey features highlights, such as the Channel Islands, Mexico’s Wine Country and the abundant birdlife of the Pacific Flyway. With expert guides and a focus on community engagement, this adventure is a wonderful way to experience Baja’s natural beauty. It’s a perfect trip for nature enthusiasts.

Taiwan shares end up led by tech sector

Taipei, Sept. 23 (CNA) Shares in Taiwan closed up Monday, extending momentum from a session earlier as the bellwether electronics sector continued to lead the broader market higher, dealers said.However, turnover failed to expand significantly, with many investors preferring to stay on the sidelines amid fears of U.S. market volatility in the lead-up to the United States’ presidential election in November, dealers added.The Taiex, the Taiwan Stock Exchange’s (TWSE) weighted index, ended up 126.11 points, or 0.57 percent, at 22,285.53 after moving between 22,170.94 and 22,307.46. Turnover totaled NT$300.99 billion (US$9.41 billion).The market opened up 11.52 points before rising a further 148.04 points in the early morning session to reach the day’s high as local investors shrugged off a lackluster Friday for the U.S.’ Dow Jones Industrial Average (up 0.09 percent) and tech-heavy Nasdaq (down 0.36 percent).With the Taiex moving closer to the nearest technical resistance ahead of the 60-day moving average of 22,322 points, the main board closed near the day’s high after last-ditch buying in large-cap tech stocks, including contract chipmaker Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) and iPhone assembler Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., the top two stocks in terms of market value.”Turnover remained moderately thin and it was unable to create big swings in the Taiex,” MasterLink Securities analyst Tom Tang said.”Despite the gains, the local main board fluctuated in consolidation mode amid uncertainties ahead of the [U.S.] presidential vote.”Moreover, technically speaking, the Taiex’s upturn was limited ahead of the 60-day moving average,” Tang said.Thanks to buying in the last few minutes of trading, the electronics sector continued to anchor the main board, with TSMC rising 0.41 percent to close at the day’s high of NT$977.00.”TSMC remained stable and technically healthy driven by investor optimism that artificial intelligence (AI) development will boost the company’s bottom line,” Tang said.Among other semiconductor heavyweights, smartphone IC designer MediaTek Inc. rose 1.78 percent to end at NT$114.50, and IC packaging and testing services provider ASE Technology Holding Co. gained 1.62 percent to close at NT$157.00.Despite the upturn, application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) designer Alchip Technologies, Ltd. lost 1.08 percent to end at NT$2,300.00.Hon Hai, a maker of AI servers, gained 1.69 percent to end at NT$180.00 after playing catch-up with TSMC on its relatively low valuation, Tang said.Bargain hunters also poured funds into other AI-related stocks, with Quanta Computer Inc., another AI server maker, gaining 1.78 percent to close at NT$257.00, and leading AI graphics card vendor Giga-Byte Technology Co. closing up 2.75 percent at NT$262.00.Led by TSMC and other big tech stocks, the electronics index rose 0.67 percent, while the semiconductor subindex also climbed 0.59 percent.While the tech sector attracted most of the market attention, it was a mixed trading day for most non-tech stocks, Tang said.The construction index, which lost 6.26 percent on Friday, plunged an additional 2.95 percent on Monday, as the central bank’s imposition of a seventh round of selective credit controls to rein in property prices continued to reverberate.”The latest credit controls [introduced at a quarterly policymaking meeting on Thursday] were a shock to the property market. It is possible that transactions will shrink with home prices likely to be capped to some extent in the fourth quarter,” Tang said.Among the falling property stocks, Hsin Ba Ba Corp. tumbled 10 percent, the maximum daily decline, to close at NT$145.50, JSL Construction & Development Co. shed 8.97 percent to end at NT$106.50, and King’s Town Construction Co. lost 5.00 percent to close at NT$104.50.However, Kindom Development Co. rose 0.84 percent to end at NT$48.00, with Tang citing relatively sound fundamentals for the firm’s resilience.In the transportation index, which rose 1.51 percent on expectations that a strike threatened by port workers on the U.S.’ east coast will boost freight rates, Evergreen Marine Corp., the largest container cargo shipper in Taiwan, rose 3.17 percent to close at NT$195.00.Evergreen Marine’s rivals, Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp. and Wan Hai Lines Ltd., gained 1.42 percent and 1.73 percent to end at NT$64.50 and NT$82.50, respectively.Elsewhere in the old economy sector, Formosa Plastics Corp. closed unchanged at NT$48.75, while Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corp. lost 0.97 percent to end at NT$40.80.The financial sector rose 0.94 percent as CTBC Financial Holding Co. gained 3.97 percent to close at NT$35.35 after the company dropped a tender offer plan Friday to acquire Shin Kong Financial Holding Co., which ended down 3.27 percent to end at NT$11.85.Taishin Financial Holding Co., which had previously competed with CTBC Financial to buy Shin Kong Financial, rose 0.27 percent to close at NT$18.30.”Local investors have been the major players in the local stock market recently, while many foreign institutional investors stayed on the sidelines by taking into account the presidential vote,” Tang said. “It is possible turnover will continue to be capped.”According to the TWSE, foreign institutional investors bought a net NT$11.59 billion worth of shares on the main board Monday.
(By Frances Huang)

‘Visit Qatar Pass’: Deals for GCC travellers

The pass is available for free through the Visit Qatar mobile app
Image Credit: Bloomberg

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Dubai: Qatar announces deals for GCC residents in a bid to attract tourists from the region.

The newly introduced ‘Visit Qatar Pass’ allows GCC visitors to discover a variety of attractions with benefits. Extended until September 30, 2024, the pass provides discounts ranging from 30 to 50 per cent across multiple categories, including, food and drinks, beauty and spa, health and fitness, fun and leisure, room nights, and services and retail.

The pass is available for free through the Visit Qatar mobile app. Travellers can redeem offers in advance or directly at participating venues.

This initiative is a step towards placing Qatar as an attractive tourist destination.

Additionally, Visit Qatar is launching a Buy-One-Get-One-Free campaign throughout September, exclusive to the Visit Qatar Pass.

This enables visitors to enjoy buy-one-get-one-free deals on a range of experiences, including hotel stays, ticketed attractions, and dining.

In partnership with Qatar Tourism, Katara Hospitality, a hotel owner and operator in Qatar, is providing exceptional deals across its 14 properties.

Shule county boosts tourism efforts

An exhibition that focuses on the imperial envoy of Zhang Qian’s diplomatic missions to the Western Regions over 2,000 years ago is now ongoing at the Zhang Qian Memorial Hall (Shule Musem) in Kashgar, Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. [Photo by Xu Lin/]

Located in Shule county, Kashgar, Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, Zhang Qian Memorial Hall (Shule Museum) showcases over 310 exhibits, including 113 cultural artifacts, telling the legend of Zhang Qian (164-114 BC), Shule’s traditional culture and rich history.
One exhibition focuses on the imperial envoy of Zhang Qian’s diplomatic mission to the Western Regions over 2,000 years ago. His pioneering trek across Central Asia opened up a route that later became the Silk Road.

Direct flights from Beijing to Casablanca to woo Chinese tourists

Abdelkader El Ansari, Ambassador of Morocco to China gave a speech.[Photo provided to]

The Moroccan National Tourist Office hosted a promotional event in Beijing last week, announcing the resumption of direct flights between Beijing and Casablanca, set to begin in January 2025.
This initiative aims to highlight Morocco’s diverse tourism offerings and unique cultural heritage, targeting increased visitation from Chinese travelers.
During the event, Abdelkader El Ansari, ambassador of Morocco to China, emphasized the enduring friendship between the two nations and commented on the outcomes of the recently concluded Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.
Hicham Bellaziz, chief representative of the Moroccan National Tourist Office in Beijing, highlighted the country’s tourism attractions, including its breathtaking Mediterranean coastline, expansive Sahara Desert, historic ancient cities, and rich cultural diversity. He noted that Morocco offers a variety of experiences to meet the needs of all travelers.

Hicham Bellaziz, chief representative of the Moroccan National Tourist Office in Beijing, introduced the country’s tourism attractions.[Photo provided to]

The event also spotlighted Morocco’s recent initiatives to enhance tourism service quality. As part of its preparations for the 2030 World Cup, the country has made significant strides in improving infrastructure, expanding tourist capacity, attracting luxury hotel brands, and developing new cultural venues, alongside hosting festive celebrations.
As China’s outbound tourism market continues to expand, Morocco recognizes substantial market potential. Bellaziz highlighted that the number of Chinese tourists visiting Morocco has steadily risen in recent years, indicating a growing interest in the destination.
To facilitate better communication with Chinese travelers, the Moroccan National Tourist Office has recently launched official accounts on WeChat and social media platform Xiaohongshu, with plans to establish additional social media platforms in the future.

The event featured authentic Moroccan tea.[Photo provided to]

Bellaziz also announced the launch of an online learning platform designed to help Chinese travel service providers gain insights into Morocco’s latest tourism resources and products, fostering deeper learning and communication.
He stressed the significance of the Chinese market and expressed a commitment to enhancing collaboration with the Chinese tourism industry through this promotional event. The goal is to deliver a higher quality and more convenient travel experience for Chinese tourists.

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