Right-Wing Activists Pushed False Claims About Election Fraud. Now They’re Recruiting Poll Workers in Swing States.

This article was produced for ProPublica’s Local Reporting Network in partnership with Wisconsin Watch. Sign up for Dispatches to get stories like this one as soon as they are published. Reporting Highlights Recruiting Poll Workers: Ahead of the 2024 election, activists who have promoted debunked claims about election fraud are recruiting poll workers to serve…

Is disinformation the next critical frontier for business?

Shortly after declaring “the bird is freed”, Twitter’s new owner, Elon Musk, unleashed his own particular brand of chaos across the platform.In one of his first acts as CEO, the Tesla founder introduced a new paid verification system in early November 2022, ‘democratising’ access to the blue tick to anyone willing to stump up $8 a month. In no time, a slew of spoof accounts were running riot on the social network.“We steal your water and sell it back to you lol,” declared one blue-ticked – but nonetheless fake – Nestlé account, while Mario flipped the bird (literally and figuratively) at the franchise’s owner from a verified, but also fake, Nintendo of America page. But it was a seemingly more innocuous message that arguably wrought greater havoc for the company at the centre of it: “We are excited to announce insulin is free now.”

Aspiring writer? Here’s how to self-publish a book on Amazon”


Self-publishing a book on Amazon involves setting up a Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account, customizing your book page with details like title, author, and a compelling description, and selecting relevant keywords and categories.

You’ll need to upload a well-formatted EPUB file and an attractive book cover, set a price within Amazon’s recommended range for maximum royalties, and then publish.

The book will be available for purchase worldwide within 72 hours, post Amazon’s content compliance check.

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Publishing on KDP is free

Oct 16, 2024

12:19 pm

What’s the story

Publishing a book on Amazon has become an increasingly popular choice for authors across the globe. The process, though simple, can be intimidating for those who are not familiar with it.

So, here’s a detailed guide on how you can publish your book on Amazon’s platform, Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).

The first step is to set up a KDP account, which is free and easy to create.

Account creation

Setting up your KDP account

To set up a KDP account, authors can either use their existing Amazon account or create a new one.

After logging in, they will see a notification indicating that their account is incomplete.

To proceed with book upload, authors have to provide information on their business type (individual or corporation), date of birth, and country of residence.

They also need to enter payment details for receiving royalties from sales across all Amazon marketplaces.

Page customization

Customizing your book page on Amazon

Once your KDP account is ready, you can publish your work as a Kindle ebook, paperback, hardcover, or a Series page.

The next step is to customize the book page to attract potential buyers.

For this, you will have to provide information about the language of your book, its title and/or subtitle, series inclusion (if any), new edition status (if applicable), author name and other contributors like cover design artist or editor for anthologies.

Synopsis creation

Crafting a compelling description

A key element of the book page customization process is writing an interesting product description, just like the ones you see on the back of physical books.

The first line should be especially interesting as Amazon only shows an abbreviated preview of the blurb, encouraging readers to click “Read more” to view the complete text.

Authors can use Amazon’s formatting options like bold, italic, bullet lists for visual appeal but are advised against going overboard.

Keyword selection

Selecting keywords and categories

Next, you’ll have to choose the right keywords and categories for your book. This is important as it helps ensure that your book reaches the right audience.

KDP lets authors choose two categories and up to seven keywords that best describe their work.

You can even define an age and grade range for your target audience, particularly if you’re writing for younger readers.

File upload

Uploading your EPUB and book cover files

After choosing keywords and categories, authors have to upload their EPUB and book cover files.

The EPUB file should be properly formatted to ensure a smooth reading experience on Kindle devices.

The book cover should be professionally designed to attract potential readers.

Both these elements play a crucial role in the overall presentation of the book on Amazon’s platform.

Setting a price for your book

The penultimate step in the publishing process is setting a price for the book.

Amazon recommends pricing e-books between $2.99 and $9.99 (in the US), depending on factors like length, genre, author’s reputation among others.

This range is suggested as it falls within Amazon’s 70% royalty plan, allowing authors to earn more from each sale.

However, authors have the flexibility to choose a price outside this range if they prefer.


Publishing your book on Amazon

Finally, you can publish the book.

Once you’ve done all the above steps, you can click on “Publish Your Kindle eBook” to make your work available for purchase on Amazon.

It usually takes up to 72 hours for the book to show up in Kindle stores around the world. During this time, Amazon checks the content for compliance with its guidelines before it goes live.

A preview of the latest innovations in logistics – IntraLogisteX USA 2024 opens next week!

The UK’s leading warehousing and materials handling exhibition, IntraLogisteX, is set to launch in the USA at the Miami Convention Center next week!
IntraLogisteX USA, which takes place on 22-23 October 2024, will build on the legacy of the IntraLogisteX brand while also establishing itself as a new, exciting and independent exhibition for the US logistics market.
Florida offers a strategic location for logistics companies due to its proximity to the intersection of trade lanes from across the USA, as well as a larger consumer population and its dominant share in the USA’s export trade.
The state likewise has a strong presence within both domestic and international manufacturing industries, which means IntraLogisteX USA will provide a focused environment for practitioners within these sectors to share ideas, discover solutions and improve operational efficiency, agility, scalability and accuracy.
Attendees to the exhibition will see a range of next-generation warehousing and materials handling solutions live and in-person, including the latest in robotics and automation for these industries, from world-class solution providers and suppliers such as Ocado Intelligent Technologies, Dematic, AutoStore, Dexory, Lucas Systems, Nokia AIM and many more.
In addition to the vast range of solutions on the show floor, the event will host an extensive two-day conference programme featuring more than 40 sessions delivered by seasoned practitioners and industry experts across two theatres. Featuring sessions from the likes of Nike, Johnson & Johnson, The Eastern Transportation Coalition, among others, attendees have an invaluable opportunity to learn from and contribute to discussions on the latest industry trends and best practices.
Supported by global B2B publisher and events organiser Akabo Media’s Logistics Manager magazine – the UK supply-chain industry’s foremost title and its sole monthly publication for more than 40 years – IntraLogisteX USA is poised to provide a unique platform for organisations looking to remain competitive in the ever-evolving North American logistics space.
For more information on the USA’s all-new dedicated exhibition for warehousing and logistics, please read the official IntraLogisteX preview in this month’s issue of Logistics Manager!

Visit www.intralogistexusa.com to register for a FREE visitor pass now! This all-new event takes place on October 22-23, 2024 at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami, Florida!

If L.A.’s a mystery, 25 Harry Bosch books are a brilliant, gripping way to solve it

When we first meet Det. Hieronymous “Harry” Bosch, in the 1992 Michael Connelly novel “Black Echo,” he is in his early 40s, working homicide out of the Hollywood Division, and decidedly out of favor with his higher-ups at the LAPD. He is a loner, angry and impulsive.Recently booted from the elite Robbery-Homicide Division after shooting and killing an unarmed man (who also happened to be a serial killer), Bosch has been put on a short leash. But even a top-heavy, hierarchical bureaucracy like the Los Angeles Police Department can’t tamp down Bosch’s need to solve murders and make predators pay.Drawing on intelligence, intuition, methodical police work and an unquenchable drive to know the truth, Bosch solves two murders and the underlying crime that sparked them, consequences be damned.In “The Waiting,” Connelly’s latest book, Bosch is in his 70s, retired and in failing health. He has become an icon, respected in the circles he cares about; reviled in those he doesn’t. But he is at heart the same detective we met 30 years earlier. He has slowed down and learned from his mistakes, but he is still solitary, still infuriating to those trying to supervise him, still driven and brilliant. And more than ever, he is a cop you can’t help but root for. Michael Connelly counts his latest Harry Bosch mystery, “The Waiting,” as the 25th in the series. (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times) “The Waiting” is a milestone of sorts for Bosch. On his website, Connelly lists it as the 25th book in his “Harry Bosch Series.” Whether this is really a key anniversary for the detective is a little squishy, since he also appears in other of the author’s book series. But I decided to accept Connelly’s tally and celebrate Bosch’s silver jubilee by rereading all 25 books in order, something you might consider doing, too, if you love mystery novels and Los Angeles.Why? Because Bosch is a complicated, maddening, impulsive, brilliant, beautifully drawn character. Because the books are gripping, with a momentum that starts on the first page and builds steadily to the last. And because Connelly describes Los Angeles as well as any writer ever has.Connelly once told an interviewer that he would love to ask Raymond Chandler about Chapter 13 of Chandler’s novel “The Little Sister.” It describes a drive through L.A., and Connelly said he’d ask Chandler “how he pulled that off” and “tell him that that short chapter of his was what made me want to become a writer.”That slice of “The Little Sister” is stunning. Chandler’s detective, Philip Marlowe describes “the fast boys in stripped down Fords,” the “tired men in dusty coupes and sedans,” and “the great fat solid Pacific trudging into shore like a scrubwoman going home.”Does Connelly’s prose reach the literary heights of Chandler’s? Not exactly. But that’s not the point.In journalism, editors trot out this advice to writers: You have to take the reader to the dance. That’s what Connelly does. He sets us right down on the dance floor of Los Angeles.In “The Dark Hours,” he describes the midnight “gunshot symphony” on New Year’s Eve. “It was like a bag of popcorn cooking in a microwave. A few pops during the final countdown of the year and then the barrage. … It didn’t matter that what goes up must come down. Every new year in the City of Angels began with risk.”In “The Last Coyote,” we visit Mount Olympus, a “gaudy outcropping of modern Roman-style homes above Hollywood,” where oversized houses are “jammed side by side as close as teeth.”Bosch’s relationship with Los Angeles is complicated. He describes it in “A Darkness More Than Night” as “a city with more things wrong than right. A place where the earth could open up beneath you and suck you into the blackness.”But L.A. is also the home he loves, “a place to begin again … the city of the second chance.” He is never contemptuous of Los Angeles the way Chandler is.If Bosch’s worldview is dark, he comes by his perspective honestly. When Bosch was born, his mother, a prostitute, chose for her son the name Hieronymous Bosch, after the 15th century phantasmagorical painter. And the world he grew up in was every bit as disturbing as his namesake’s artwork.At 10, Bosch was taken from his mother and put into the foster care system. A year later, his mother was murdered. He enlisted in the Army at 17 and was sent to Vietnam, where he became a tunnel rat, assigned to destroy the labyrinthine underground passageways constructed by the Viet Cong. Most tunnel rats didn’t make it home. Bosch did, but not without damage. As someone says about him in “A Darkness More than Night,” “You don’t go into the darkness without it going into you and taking its piece.”By book four of the series, “The Last Coyote,” Bosch’s demons have taken firm control. He’s living illegally in his house in the Hollywood Hills, which was red-tagged after the 1994 earthquake, drinking heavily and sleeping poorly. And, after physically assaulting his lieutenant in the Hollywood Division, he has been suspended and ordered to see an LAPD psychologist. The therapist asks Bosch if he has heard of post-traumatic stress syndrome. “I have to say,” she concludes, “that you are a walking, talking example of this disorder’s symptoms.”The therapy is helpful, as is solving the murder of his mother, and Bosch resumes his job. But he never travels easily in the world.As a policeman, Bosch starts from a position that “everybody counts or nobody counts,” a maxim repeated throughout the series. He works as hard to solve the murder of a teenage hustler in Hollywood as that of a city councilman’s son. But that’s not to say Bosch is always an admirable cop.He breaks laws repeatedly in the service of what he considers justice, roughing up unwilling witnesses, searching residences without warrants and breaking into homes and businesses without a qualm.If Bosch doesn’t mellow, he does grow over time, especially in how he learns to love and be loved. (Be warned, the next few paragraphs contain spoilers though not about the mysteries themselves.)Romantic love never quite works out for the detective, perhaps because of his oddly sentimental view of the subject. “I’m a believer in the single bullet theory,” Bosch tells us in “Lost Light,” book nine in the series. “You can fall in love and make love many times. But there is only one bullet with your name etched on the side. And if you are lucky enough to be shot with that bullet, then the wound never heals.”Bosch’s bullet carried the name of Eleanor Wish, whom he meets in the first Bosch book, “The Black Echo.” Although there are other women both before and after Wish, she is the only one he marries. It does not end well.But Wish is also the source of Bosch’s greatest joy in life — perhaps his only true joy — his daughter Maddie. He first learns of her existence in “Lost Light,” when she is already nearly 4.As Connelly tells us, Bosch believed that his mission required him “to build himself and his life so that he was invulnerable, so that nothing and no one could ever get to him.” Meeting Maddie rocks his worldview. “In that moment, he knew he was both saved and lost. He would be forever connected to the world in the way only a father knew.”As Bosch ages, so does Los Angeles. The L.A. riots add to a building distrust of the police. The LAPD hierarchy changes with each new police chief. Mayors and council members come and go. The pandemic hits, as do the Black Lives Matter protests. Favorite restaurants — Gorky’s, Chinese Friends, Kate Mantilini — close their doors. And then there’s technology.In 1992, when Bosch made his first appearance, DNA profiling was in its infancy. There were no cellphones. Cops carried pagers and had to find pay phones to call in when their beepers sounded. Back at the station, they compiled their murder books on typewriters.And it’s not just Bosch’s circumstances and his city that change. Over the course of the series, Connelly’s writing becomes more assured, and his plotting more complex. In a couple of the books, he experiments with writing in the first person, narrating the action through Bosch’s eyes.A friend recently asked which two or three Bosch books I’d recommend “for those of us who aren’t completionists.” There are certainly some standouts among the 25, as well as a couple that aren’t up to snuff. But the series as a whole is so much more than the sum of its parts.Reading the books in order is like a walk through the city’s recent history with a guide who knows it intimately. So I’m afraid my advice has to be, start with “The Black Echo” and read straight through to “The Waiting.”Sue Horton is a writer and former Op-Ed editor of The Times. Although Connelly also worked at the paper, their tenures didn’t overlap, and she doesn’t know the author. More to Read

Local author pens second children’s book

Watch more of our videos on ShotsTV.com and on Freeview 262 or Freely 565Visit Shots! nowThis article contains affiliate links. We may earn a small commission on items purchased through this article, but that does not affect our editorial judgement.A Yorkshire author with Dewsbury connections has published his second children’s book after his first effort hit the top ten in the Amazon children’s charts.Richard Clarke is a trained PE teacher who has spent nearly 30 years in the education sector. His family are from Dewsbury, and he spent many days in his childhood with his grandparents in Thornhill Lees. His first book, ‘Calm Pond’ was a great success, leading to several BBC and radio interviews. He found himself in the Amazon children’s book charts, rubbing shoulders with literary greats such as JK Rowling and Roald Dahl. His success has led to a second book, The front cover of the new book‘Further Adventures at Calm Pond.’His books are aimed at 5 to 11 year olds and contain nine short stories about a group of creatures who live near his current home in Blackstone Edge, on the border between Yorkshire and Lancashire. He hopes, amongst other things, the tales inspire a love for the environment!The stories cover many topics to help children understand life issues. Calm Pond looked at equality, resilience, honesty, change, strengths and weaknesses, anxiety, differences, empathy and bereavement. Further Adventures at Calm Pond looks at patience, tests/exams, kindness, mindfulness, critical thinking, creativity , inclusion, courage and compassion. Richard in front of Calm PondRichard hopes the short stories will become invaluable resources for parents, carers and anyone who works with children. Each story ends with thoughts that will hopefully develop life skills and strong mental health. ‘Further Adventures at Calm Pond’ is currently available to pre order on Amazon. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Further-Adventures-Calm-Richard-Clarke/dp/1068521805Continue Reading

The Importance Of Financial Systems In A Successful Business

Managing your business finances can feel overwhelming, especially when you’re just starting or if your business is growing fast. However, if you want your business to thrive long-term, establishing solid financial systems is essential. They aren’t just for tracking revenue and expenses—they serve as the backbone of your business, guiding decisions and ensuring profitability.

What Are Financial Systems?
In the simplest terms, financial systems are the processes and tools that help you track, manage, and optimize the money flowing in and out of your business. This can range from setting up a proper accounting system, automating payments, monitoring cash flow, to forecasting future expenses and revenue.

For women entrepreneurs, especially those running service-based businesses or tech startups, these systems are crucial. They don’t just keep your business running smoothly—they give you clarity, reduce financial stress, and allow you to make informed decisions that push your business toward growth.

Let’s dive into why financial systems are important:
1. Clarity and Visibility Over Your Financial Health
Without clear financial systems in place, it’s easy to lose track of your money. You might find yourself guessing how much profit you’re making or wondering if you’ll have enough cash to cover upcoming expenses. Financial systems, like accurate bookkeeping and real-time dashboards, provide you with up-to-date information on your financial health.

This clarity empowers you to make better decisions. You can quickly see what’s working, what’s not, and where your money is going. As a result, you’ll be able to spot potential problems before they escalate into bigger issues.

2. Managing Cash Flow Efficiently
Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. You could be bringing in a lot of revenue, but without a system to manage cash flow, you might still find yourself struggling to pay your bills.

Setting up financial systems allows you to forecast when money will come in and when it will go out, helping you avoid cash crunches. With a solid cash flow management system, you can plan for upcoming expenses, save for future growth, and ensure that your business is always running with enough liquidity.
3. Strategic Budgeting and Forecasting
Every successful business has a plan, and financial forecasting is a key part of that plan. Financial systems help you create realistic budgets and forecasts that align with your business goals. Whether you’re planning to hire new staff, invest in marketing, or launch a new product, these systems give you insight into how those moves will impact your finances.
Budgeting and forecasting also allow you to be proactive rather than reactive. Instead of scrambling to find funds when opportunities arise or challenges pop up, you’ll already have a clear financial strategy in place.
4. Tracking Profitability
It’s not enough to simply generate revenue; your business needs to be profitable. Financial systems help you track profitability at a detailed level. You’ll be able to see which services, products, or projects are making you the most money and which are underperforming.
By knowing what’s driving your profits, you can focus your energy on the most lucrative parts of your business and either improve or eliminate the rest. This ensures that your business continues to grow sustainably.
5. Tax Compliance and Deductions
Proper financial systems also ensure that you stay on top of your taxes, reducing the stress that often comes with tax season. With a well-maintained financial system, you’ll have all the information you need to file taxes accurately and on time. Plus, it allows you to take advantage of all the deductions and credits available to you, which can save you a significant amount of money.
6. Supporting Business Growth
As your business grows, the complexities of managing finances will as well. Without proper financial systems in place, this growth can become chaotic. With strong financial processes in place, scaling your business will be more manageable. You’ll be able to invest in growth confidently because you have a clear understanding of your financial situation and how much you can afford to expand.
The bottom line is that the most successful businesses have one thing in common: they all have rock-solid financial systems in place. If you want to build a sustainable, scalable business, you need to prioritize getting your financial systems in order. Not only will this give you peace of mind, but it will also provide the foundation you need to make informed decisions and achieve long-term success.