Israel’s War Against Hamas Update

Date: February 14, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, Jr MP3 | Order

This Crosstalk featured the return of Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Jr.  Dr. DeYoung is a speaker, teacher, Mideast guide, videographer and speaker on Prophecy Today.  He lived and worked in Jerusalem for many years, is a fully credentialed journalist and has led numerous tours to Israel.

Just over 4 months ago, Israel suffered a very barbaric attack by Hamas, an Islamic terrorist group, that denies Israel the right to exist.  Due to this planned genocide by Hamas, Israel declared war and has been systematically rooting out and eliminating the evil doers.  

A dramatic rescue this past weekend freed a couple of Israeli hostages, while many more still remain.  Negotiations to release the rest have fallen short.  A truce or cease-fire seems unlikely as well.  Meanwhile, Israel has discovered a top secret Hamas intelligence center right underneath the United Nations Palestinian refugee agency, and recently President Biden described Israel’s response in Gaza as “over the top”

Don’t miss the coverage of these and other aspects of the Israel/Hamas war, as described by Jimmy DeYoung Jr., on this edition of Crosstalk.

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Climate Change Agenda Targets the Populace

Date: February 13, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Tom DeWeese MP3 | Order

Perhaps you’re not aware, but there are ways in which Agenda 2030 is being methodically implemented, not just in the U.S. but around the world.  This has ramifications for our economy, our food supply/security, land use, private property, our energy independence and much more.  This pressure isn’t just coming from the United Nations.  Sometimes this pressure comes from our own state legislatures and city planning commissions.

Regardless of the level of influence, there are those making a positive impact on many fronts.  These individuals realize that this is not a spectator sport and that as many as possible must be engaged to make a difference.   

One of those difference makers is Tom DeWeese.  Tom is president of American Policy Center.  Tom is one of the nation’s leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education, American sovereignty and independence and protecting our Constitutionally-guaranteed rights.  Tom is also the grassroots coordinator for CFACT.

Tom framed the discussion by noting that there’s always been a force in human society that seeks to rule everyone else.  They usually put together armies, invade, break things, kill people and subjugate others.  In the same way we have people today who are diabolical.  They’ve come up with a way to get us to voluntarily give up our liberties in order to subjugate us.  It’s the scare tactic of environmental Armageddon.  It’s about creating a crisis leading to fear.  If you look deeply into it you’ll find that almost everything they’re proposing to allegedly save the planet is actually much more damaging than anything currently being done. 

Join Jim and Tom as they discuss the following:

Why earth temperature monitoring stations have a heat bias.

Biden’s climate agenda could cost as much as 800 billion dollars.  Tom believes this is really a redistribution of wealth issue. 

John Kerry is stepping down as climate czar.

Where does the carbon capture pipeline stand in relation to private property rights and the battle in the South Dakota legislature.

Why is the beef supply plunging?

Are efforts such as carbon and beef reduction pointing to the desire of some to reduce the population of the planet?

Other targets on the agenda include human breath, rice, coffee and even your backyard garden!

Find out more on these points, what you can do to make a difference, and hear what listeners had to say, on this edition of Crosstalk!

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Butler County OH Sheriff Issues Warning

Date: February 12, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

There are significant warnings being expressed by some individuals concerning the internal safety and security of the United States.  These warnings are coming from the highest levels of government all the way down to the level of our county sheriffs.

The importance of this matter cannot be overstated.  Jim proved the point as he aired 3 audio clips.  The first was from Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson as he questioned Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas concerning what’s been taking place at the southern border.  The second audio clip featured Director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, who noted how multiple foreign terrorist organizations have called for direct attacks on the U.S. or its assets and the threat from domestic extremist groups.  In the third clip, FBI Director Wray discussed the ongoing, multi-pronged threat of China.  

These audio clips set the stage for comments that came from Butler County, Ohio, Sheriff Richard Jones.  At a press conference conducted last week, he shared information obtained while attending the National Sheriffs Association Winter Conference that was held in Washington, D.C., on February 3-6.  The sheriffs were briefed at the conference by numerous high level government officials and heard the latest regarding crime and national security, border crime, gangs, drugs, terrorism and violent extremism.

You’ll want to share this information with others as you’ll hear Sheriff Jones discuss the warning as well as the actions he’s taking in his county.

News Roundup & Comment

Date: February 9, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

Here’s a sample of the many stories Jim rolled out to get listeners caught up on the news.  Listeners were given their chance to comment as well.

–The Supreme Court seems poised to allow former President Trump to remain on the Colorado ballot and expressing deep concerns about permitting a single state to disqualify the leading Republican candidate from seeking national offices.

–A visibly upset President Joe Biden addressed the nation late Thursday to respond to news that a special counsel tasked with investigating his handling of classified documents had chosen not to charge him but also detailed numerous examples of his memory loss.  The special counsel report, while clearing the president, sparked questions about his mental fitness.   

–President Biden got completely lost during a press conference and a reporter had to remind him they were talking about Hamas. 

–Congressional Republicans were quick to condemn the Justice Department for not prosecuting Joe Biden for his mishandling of classified documents despite charging former President Trump in the case against him.

–Nikki Haley was defeated in the Nevada GOP primary Tuesday night despite the fact that Donald Trump was not on the ballot.  The person who won was labeled, “None of these candidates.” 

–Former President Trump cruised to an easy victory in the Nevada GOP caucus on Thursday evening.

–A federal appeals court Tuesday ruled that Donald Trump does not have immunity from charges that he plotted to overturn his 2020 election defeat, bringing him a step closer to an unprecedented criminal trial.

–Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected Hamas’ cease-fire demands on Wednesday, vowing to fight on until absolute victory. 

–Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel has destroyed 70% of the battalions of Hamas.

–The Israeli Defense Force spokesman said that the military has notified 31 hostage families that their loved ones are no longer alive.

–An Iranian watchdog group says the nation has enough weapons grade uranium to     build a nuclear weapon in just one week.

–House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, his panel, and Ohio GOP Senator J.D. Vance on Wednesday, announced a probe into taxpayer funded military aid to Ukraine following the inspector general’s report indicating that large portions of war material were unaccounted for.

–House Republicans failed to muster enough support to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over his handling of the border crisis.

–Despite the failed vote to impeach Mayorkas, House Republicans have indicated that the impeachment effort will be brought back to the House floor as early as next week.

–Last weekend, a group of Republican governors from across America traveled to Texas to show their solidarity with Governor Greg Abbott over his border battle with President Biden.

 “Religion and Science” Weekend

Date: February 8, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Jay Seegert MP3 | Order

Jay Seegert is the founder & managing director for The Starting Point Project.  He holds degrees in both Physics and Engineering Technology.  Jay is an international speaker and author.  He conducts trips to the Grand Canyon and is President of Logos Research Associates, the world’s largest group of scientists who are Christians and biblical creationists.  He’s speaker for the Creation Science Association of Fiji and has been speaking on science and the authority of Scripture for nearly 4 decades.

This coming Monday, February 12th, is the birthday of Charles Darwin who was born in 1809.  This is the same day as Lincoln’s birthday, but unlike the former president, Darwin was a promoter of evolution and his teachings have been promoted throughout society, especially in educational settings and museums.  Sadly, this theory has also been adopted by many churches and religious organizations.

Back in 2004, a man named Michael Zimmerman was engaged in a battle against a school district in Wisconsin because he didn’t like creation being taught.  He brought approximately 200 clergy together to sign a letter to the school board.  As a result, they retracted their policies regarding the teaching of creation.

Zimmerman was encouraged by this and others encouraged him to take this nationwide, so he started the Clergy Letter Project.  The goal was to get churches to celebrate evolution on the Sunday closest to Darwin’s birthday.  So from 2006 to 2007 they celebrated what was called, “Evolution Sunday.”  That was expanded to “Evolution Weekend” from 2008-2022.  Then last year it was changed to “Religion and Science Weekend.”   

This program covers who Charles Darwin was and what he believed, evolution’s undeniable racist thread, the biblical problems with evolution, and the unfortunate attempt at syncretism that’s causing some churches to fall prey to this errant teaching. 

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Essential Archaeological Guide to Bible Lands

Date: February 7, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Dr. Titus Kennedy MP3 | Order

Many skeptics feel the Bible is a fairy tale or myth.  Some claim it can’t be trusted because it’s full of contradictions and errors.  Still others doubt the locations and events that the Bible describes.  While the historical accuracy of the Bible has fallen under increased scrutiny and has been a topic of debate, new archaeological discoveries from an expanding host of ancient sites found in Bible lands continue to provide evidence pertaining to questions of reliability.

To provide insight on this issue, Crosstalk welcomed Dr. Titus Kennedy.  Dr. Kennedy is a professional archaeologist and a research fellow at Discovery Institute.  He is a consultant, writer and guide for history and archaeology documentaries and curricula, and currently directs archaeological projects in Bible lands.  He’s also researched and photographed archaeological sites and artifacts around the world.  He’s an author of the newly released, The Essential Archaeological Guide to Bible Lands: Uncovering Biblical Sites of the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean World.

Dr. Kennedy noted that if we didn’t know where many biblical ancient sites were, we’d have a very different view of geography and specifically, biblical geography.  So don’t miss this edition of Crosstalk as Dr. Kennedy shares examples showing why archaeological sites have been instrumental for furthering our understanding of ancient locations, geography, history, chronology, economics, language, religion and the culture of the biblical world.  For example, you’ll hear about the following:

What archaeology tells us about the size of the ancient biblical world.

What constitutes an archaeological site?

What helps Dr. Kennedy find some of these ancient sites?

The city of Uruk in Mesopotamia (southern Iraq), Ptah–a god of ancient Egypt, and Babylon.

What is the Levant?

The Pool of Siloam and the Pilate stone… 

   …and much more!

More InformationSpecial Offer: The Essential Archaeological Guide to Bible Lands is being featured this month as a book of the month at the VCY Bookstore.  This is a hardcover book of just over 475 pages featuring more than 200 full-color photos that show ancient ruins and brings the Bible to life.  This book retails for $34.99.  However, through February 29, 2024, the VCY Bookstore is making this book available at 50% off, just $17.49 plus any applicable tax and/or shipping.  It’s available 24/7 at or call 1-888-722-4829.

How to Brainwash a Nation

Date: February 6, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: William J. Federer MP3 | Order

Recently Jim reported on some startling figures indicating that nearly 30% of Gen-Z’ers are identifying as LGBTQ+.  In some areas, Social Services are removing minor children from parents because they believe parents are not affirming.  

The Daily Caller is running a story today regarding audio they’ve obtained of a psychologist at a medical training summit in 2022.  This psychologist indicated that it’s parents who do not affirm their child’s gender identity as having a mental illness.

What’s causing this brainwashing that makes people believe that socialism is better for America, that taking the life of the unborn is good but abusive to women to protect that same life?  

Perhaps even more telling is a statistic from George Barna and the Cultural Research Center indicating that pre-teens are on track to abandon biblical Christianity in record numbers. 

Can we document what’s causing this deterioration of society?  William Federer can and he does just that on this broadcast.  He’s a nationally known speaker, historian, author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc.  He’s the speaker on The American Minute daily broadcast.  He has authored numerous books including, America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, Who is the King in America?, and Socialism: The Real History From Plato to the Present – How the Deep State Capitalizes on Crises to Consolidate Control.

The best way to summarize this edition of Crosstalk is through the following quote by socialist Antonio Gramsci, who realized that if you’re going to defeat the West, you have to do it slowly by rotting things from the inside.  It’s known as the long march through the institutions.  From his 1937 prison notebook, here’s the quote as presented by William:

“The civilized world has been thoroughly saturated with Christianity for 2,000 years.  Any country grounded in Judeo-Christian values cannot be overthrown until those roots are cut.  Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity.  In the new order, socialism will triumph by capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches, media, transforming the consciousness of society.” 

It’s all about brainwashing America through psychological operations, and more specifically, doing it by weaponizing marketing techniques.  From Crisco to colleges and everything in between, you’ll hear William explain how it all works in its attempt to promote socialist political agendas. 

More InformationBook Offer: Socialism: The Real History From Plato to the Present – How the Deep State Capitalizes on Crises to Consolidate Control is available for a donation of $18 to Crosstalk.  Go to or call 1-800-729-9829.

Socialism by William Federer

Full title is Socialism – The Real History from Plato to the Present: How the Deep State Capitalizes on Crises to Consolidate Control.

By William J. Federer

Available for a donation of $18.00

Click here to order or call 1-800-729-9829. You may also send a check, cash, or money order to VCY America, 3434 W Kilbourn Ave, Milwaukee WI, 53208.

The Unravelling Border

Date: February 5, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Andrew Arthur MP3 | Order

Andrew Arthur is Resident Fellow in Law and Policy for the Center for Immigration Studies. He began his legal career through the Attorney General’s Honors Program as a clerk to an Administrative Law Judge in the Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer at the United States Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review.  Later in his career he was promoted to the Immigration and Naturalization Service General Counsel’s Office in D.C., first as an Associate General Counsel, then as an Assistant General Counsel and Acting Chief of the INS National Security Law Division.  In the General Counsel’s Office, he supervised attorneys handling cases involving espionage, terrorism, and persecutors.  He advised the Attorney General among others on matters pertaining to National Security.  In 2001, he left INS to become a Counsel on the House Judiciary Committee where he performed oversight of immigration issues.  After 5 years there, he was appointed to the immigration bench serving for eight years as an Immigration Judge at the York Immigration Court in York, Pennsylvania.  At the beginning of the 114th Congress, Judge Arthur left the bench and came back to Capitol Hill, where he served as Staff Director of the National Security Subcommittee at House Oversight and Government Reform before taking retirement from federal service in 2016.

Crosstalk continues to monitor progress on our nation’s southern border because many believe this to be a national security issue.  One state, however, decided to take action.  The governor of Texas made great efforts to secure his state but is being thwarted and fought against by the Biden administration.  Speaking of the President, he curtailed many of the Trump policies which brought much broader protection to the U.S.  He seeks to blame the previous administration and Congress as a source for failing to take action on what he describes as meaningful border control legislation.  So what about the Senate?  Just yesterday they released their border bill.  Speaker of the House Mike Johnson described it as “dead on arrival.”

Just how bad is the situation?  FBI Director Christopher Wray has indicated that the number of illegal immigrants evading border patrol agents and escaping into our nation is a source of “great concern for the FBI.”  Andrew noted that in December, Customs and Border Protection encountered about 300,000 people entering the U.S., of which nearly 250,000 were entering illegally.  These are the largest numbers ever seen in U.S. history and doesn’t include those aliens that entered our country illegally and managed to evade border patrol agents (the “got-a-ways”).

Get caught up on the details of this issue as Jim and Andrew cover the following and more…

What’s happening with the massive spike in the number of “no-shows” to our immigration courts?

What is the morale of border patrol officers at this time?

What exactly is asylum?  

What’s the latest concerning additional wall construction?

Where does the attempt to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas stand?

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