A.F. Branco Cartoon – Smoke Signal

First, there is no question Democrats will regret this day. They’ve crossed a line that has never been crossed in the history of America. They’ve touched “the third rail.” They’ve destroyed the justice system and “the rule of law.” They’ve turned America into a combination of a Banana Republic, the Soviet Gulag and 1930s Nazi…

Andy Woods Rally – “Signs of the Times”

Date: June 6, 2024 Host: Dalton Windsor MP3 

Dr. Andy Woods is the president of Chafer Theological Seminary and senior pastor of Sugar Land Bible Church.  He’s contributed to numerous theological journals and Christian books and has spoken on a variety of topics at Christian conferences.  He’s the author of The Middle East Meltdown, The Falling Away, as well as other books. Dr. Woods spoke at a VCY America spring rally in Southeast Wisconsin in April of this year.      

Dr. Woods began by describing how Jesus rebuked the religious leaders of his day because they should have been able to recognize who he was based on the signs of the times.  In spite of this, they refused to pay attention.  They completely failed to recognize the messianic time period they were living in.

Dr. Woods reminded listeners that throughout history we see that when God sets something up, there are signs of the times that people are to be aware of and to pay close attention to them.  This is especially important in our day because there are more signs pointing to Christ’s second coming than his first. 

In this broadcast, Dr. Woods analyzes numerous signs that point to this return, beginning with the regathering of the Jews to Israel, the nation that’s the modern miracle and focal point of biblical prophecy.  He also looks at the third Temple, the red heifers, an invasion by Turkey/Russia/Iran and much more.  

More Information

Call 1-800-729-9829 and ask for the DVD or CD of Signs of the Times.


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Click here to obtain a DVD copy for a donation of $15.


A.F. Branco Cartoon – Brace For Impact

A.F. Branco Cartoon – After the Democrats have implemented a steady barrage of weaponized lawfare at Trump and the Conservatives, the only thing the GOP can muster is some feckless, strongly worded letters. By Jim Hoft – May 11, 2024 FOX News anchor Maria Bartiromo held nothing back as she confronted Congressman Russell Fry (R-SC)…

Homosexuality:  What Does the Bible Say?

Date: June 3, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Pastor Rick Rogers MP3 | Order

With each passing year, advocates of the LGBTQ+ agenda are more vocal and more aggressive in advancing their cause while denouncing those who object.  As has been his custom, President Biden issued a proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Pride Month.  His proclamation stated,   “Advancing equality for the LGBTQI+ community is a top priority.”

Is this the last word because churches are becoming more accepting, because “drag queens” are allowed to read stories to children, because world governments, or specifically, a U.S. administration, makes it a “top priority”?  Instead, what we should be asking is: What does the Bible say?

Joining Crosstalk to answer that question was Pastor Rick Rogers of Calvary Baptist Church in Sturtevant, Wisconsin.  He’s a chaplain for law enforcement, is a former director of the Alpha Women’s Center and also previously served on the Board of Baptists for Life of Wisconsin.

Pastor Rogers began by noting how God has ordained 3 institutions: The family (Genesis 1), human governments (Genesis 9) and the Church of Jesus Christ.  These were ordained for godliness, law and order.  This is where Satan has been attacking the hardest.  Pastor Rogers noted that if you dismantle those three, you’ve dismantled the foundation of the calling we have from the Lord.  In other words, it’s a war against the natural order.

What about those who believe this is a genetic issue?  If that’s the case, how can God condemn it?  Pastor Rogers communicated that there are some things in genetics you just can’t prove and this is one of them.  We see this by the fact that no “gay gene” has been found.  

With all of the debate that goes on over this issue, is it possible that God and the Bible are ambiguous about it?  Find out for yourself as Pastor Rogers looked at the Adamic Covenant, Romans 1, 1 Corinthians 6, the growing LGBTQ militancy and much more. 

In the end, this subject is not about rights, inclusion, diversity, feelings and emotion.  It’s about what God’s Word says.  Discover what that is when you review this important edition of Crosstalk.

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A.F. Branco – The Difference

A.F. Branco Drawing – A Minneapolis police officer is dead, and another was injured when they were fired upon while responding to a report of a shooting in the Whittier neighborhood on Thursday evening. By Crime Watch MN – May 31/2021 The fallen officer has been identified as Jamal Mitchell, who had only been with…

Joe Dan Gorman Video – WAR

Joe Dan Gorman Video – Most of us agree that the only explanation for how Trump has survived, after 8 years of having the full force of the federal government attacking him at every turn… is Divine Providence.Impeachment, indictments, show trials… and not only has he survived, but the dude is thriving. America loves President…

News Roundup & Comment

Date: May 31, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​MP3 | Order

From former President Trump to the Middle East and more, Jim had much to present to listeners from the news desk.  Here’s a sample from the broadcast:

–A jury found former President Trump guilty of 34 counts of business reporting violations claimed by Alvin Bragg, the District Attorney.  Jim provided audio from Mr. Trump who is due in Manhattan court for sentencing on July 11th.

–Trump’s campaign raised 34.8 million dollars after the verdict.

–The Biden/Harris campaign released a statement yesterday celebrating the verdict of the jury.

–Robert F. Kennedy expects that Trump will be helped by the guilty verdict.

–Jim provided audio from Jill Biden on “The View” claiming that it’s actually Trump that can’t put a sentence together.

–Democrats will virtually choose President Joe Biden as their nominee after Ohio lawmakers dragged their feet in changing a state deadline that clashed with the party’s convention.

–The Israeli Defense Forces reported that a deadly blaze in Rafah, Gaza, may have been caused by a hidden store of Hamas weapons rather than the airstrike itself.

–In a major breakthrough, Israel announced that it had regained control over the strategic Philadelphi Corridor cutting off the Gaza-to-Egypt terror tunnels. 

–Several “Students for Justice in Palestine” set to travel to Washington, DC, to surround the White House on June 8th.

Jim provided audio of Osama Abuirshaid, the executive director for the American Muslims for Palestine.  He spoke at George Washington University where he told listeners that they would take back America just like they’ll take back Palestine.

–Pro-Hamas rioters set fire on Tuesday to the Israeli embassy in Mexico during a protest against the Israeli military operation in Rafah.

–Brazil withdrew its ambassador to Israel on Wednesday at the direction of the Brazilian president following months of tension between the two nations over Israel’s actions in Gaza.  

–Xi Jinping, leader of China, used a speech to Arab leaders on Tuesday to demand the establishment of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.  He pledged 3 million dollars in funding to a Hamas affiliated U.N. agency.

–A maniac tried to mow down orthodox students and a rabbi outside a Brooklyn Jewish school while allegedly yelling that he would kill all the Jews. 

–President Joe Biden has authorized Ukraine to use U.S. weapons to strike against targets inside Russia.

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Devils Advocate

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Judge Merchan has managed to slaughter the rule of law and the Justice system all in one highly politicized lawfare campaign against Trump. Everyone knows it’s a sham and will only help Trump’s poll numbers. By Jim Hoft – May 30, 2024 The political temperature in America has reached a boiling…

Reaching Children with the Gospel

Date: May 30, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Fred Pry MP3 | Order

According to the World Population Review, there are approximately 2 billion children in the world ranging in age from 0-14.  That’s one-quarter of the world’s population.  

Sadly, children today are in the cross-hairs of efforts like the trans agenda and their admitted grooming and indoctrination.  They’re also being affected by broadcast and streaming TV, corporate America, social media, the educational system and other efforts.

All of these things magnify the need to reach children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Joining Crosstalk to discuss one such effort was Fred Pry, Vice President of Administration for Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF).

After sharing some background on CEF, Fred described how a Supreme Court ruling now allows for CEF Good News Clubs to have equal access/equal treatment and take these clubs into the public schools.   

The result is that this past school year there have been over 3,000 Good News clubs that have operated with over half a million children involved.  This is important because many of these children don’t attend church anywhere.  

Fred discussed the impact of Satan clubs, CEF summer ministry camps/clubs, how the five-day clubs operate, how you can host a five-day club in your garage or backyard, the incredible worldwide emphasis of CEF and much more.  

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A.F. Branco Cartoon – Seeking Guidance

A.F. Branco Cartoon – I can almost envision Fake News  Jake Tapper asking Judge Merchan for advice on ways to silence Trump from exposing the truth when he hosts the 2024 Biden-Trump debates since they’re so politically aligned. By Cristina Laila – May 29, 2024 President Trump was back in court on Wednesday morning in…