A.F. Branco Cartoon – Ready To Rumble

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Big talker Biden Challenged Trump to debate “Any time, any place” but with a load of stipulations that don’t favor Trump. No live audience; Trump’s Mic is Muted while Biden speaks, No RFK, Only hosted by Left-wing media and moderated by a Democrat-aligned reporter. But not to worry, Trump likes those…

A.F. Branco Cartoons Etc. 05/23/24

A.F. Branco and Joe Dan Gorman with special guest Ben & Tina Garrison. We talk about our political cartoons and the surrounding issues that inspired them. DONATE to A.F. Branco Cartoons – Tips accepted and appreciated – $1.00 – $5.00 – $25.00 – $50.00 – it all helps to fund this website and keep the…

A Current Focus on Israel

Date: May 22, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Dr. Gary Frazier MP3 | Order

Dr. Gary Frazier is a respected speaker and writer on the subject of Bible prophecy.  He is the founder and president of Discovery Missions.  He’s the author of numerous books including: Miracle of Israel, It Could Happen Tomorrow, Hell is for Real, Divorcing God: The Two Americas and The Event: The Dream of World Peace Realized.

On this broadcast, Gary shares the big picture when it comes to Israel.  It’s the fact that biblical prophecy will be fulfilled.  Gary noted that we forget that such prophecy is fulfilled incrementally over time.  So what exactly are we seeing at the present time as it pertains to this “big picture”?  It’s the idea that a well-funded hatred is showing toward Israel as people chant things like, “From the river to the sea.”  Interestingly, many of those protesting have no historical frame of reference for such activity.

Don’t miss this discussion as you’ll hear Dr. Frazier comment on points such as: 

Are we headed toward a Russian led Islamic invasion of Israel?  What part will Iran have in this?

How critical to this discussion is Isaiah 17:1 that describes the destruction of Damascus?

Will every single nation, including the U.S., turn against Israel?

What impact should everything that’s happening have on us as believers today?

These and other questions are answered, and listeners present their views as well, on this edition of Crosstalk.

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A.F. Branco Cartoon – Make MN Great Again

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Republican legislators on the State Emblems Redesign Commission say they will author a minority report criticizing the process for being too short and not including enough public input. Republican legislators on the State Emblems Redesign Commission say they will author a minority report criticizing the process for being too short and…

The Death of Iran’s President

Date: May 21, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Michael Germi MP3 | Order

Michael Germi is a former Muslim, born in Iran into a Shia Muslim family.  In this setting he learned to practice Islam praying 5 times a day toward Mecca.  He fasted during Ramadan.  He practiced self-mutilation for the cause of Allah.  He migrated to Australia in 2006 and in 2009 found faith in Jesus Christ.  He later moved to the U.S. where he now proclaims the Gospel to Islamic nations.  He’s written several Farsi Christian books and desires to plant churches around the world where Persians are scattered.

Michael began with some history of Iran as they moved from conditions under the Shah to rule by the Ayatollah.  He describes how he grew up learning the Qur’an and Islam, not by choice, but by force and how he was taught he’d go to Hell if he didn’t abide by/practice the Islamic traditions.

The focus eventually switches to the helicopter crash that took the life of 63 year old Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and other high ranking officials.  Raisi was known as the “Butcher of Tehran” and the “Hangman of Tehran”, having massacred thousands of Iranians.  Funeral services will run over several days.  

As the broadcast moves along you’ll hear Michael as he comments on how this will affect the political situation in Iran due to the fact that Raisi was the potential successor to the current Supreme Leader.  He also comments on the reaction of the people to the death of Raisi, whether an Iranian official might have caused the helicopter crash, what we know about the current vice-president, Michael’s passion for reaching people in Iran with the Gospel message and much more.

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Baptist World Mission

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Speak of The Devil

A.F.Branco Cartoon – When Pope Francis said, “Conservatism is a suicidal attitude,” he insulted millions of Christians around the world, both Protestants and Catholics. As a known socialist/Communist, one wonders if he isn’t lending his ear to darker spiritual forces. By Jim Hoft – May 17, 2024 During his homily, Red Francis preached that “sharing ownership is not…

Immigration Crisis Realities

Date: May 20, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Mark Krikorian MP3 | Order

Mark Krikorian is a nationally recognized expert on immigration issues serving as the Executive Director of Center for Immigration Studies.  They are an independent, non-partisan research organization examining and critiquing the impact of immigration on the United States.  He has testified numerous times before Congress and has published articles in many outlets.   

The discussion began with a look at the surge of Chinese nationals coming to the U.S. at rates never before seen.  In fact, Mark noted that since Biden became president, there have been more than 50,000 Chinese illegal immigrants that have come here, with most of them arriving through San Diego.  This is an obvious security issue for us and a great opportunity for the Chinese government to use the flow to include various types of espionage agents. 

According to Mark, people from about 175 countries are known to be here.  In other words, the immigration situation has to be dealt with in dramatic fashion and Senator Marco Rubio makes that clear in an audio clip presented by Jim from Meet the Press. 

Review this broadcast and you’ll also hear the following discussed:

Just last week nearly 150 House Democrats opposed legislation that detains and deports illegal immigrants who attack police officers.  

Are non-citizens illegally registering to vote?

How do you round up two million “gottaways”?

The latest attempt to pass a border security bill.

The connection between U.S. immigration policy and drugs.

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A.F. Branco Cartoon – Bernie Sanders says Israel is exercising genocide for trying to eliminate the Hamas terrorists that murdered 1700+ of their people on October 7, 2023. Calls for a halt to U.S.  weapons support to Israel. By Kristin Taylor – May 9th,2024 President Trump blasted Joe Biden in a Truth Social post early…

A.F. Branco Cartoon – The Silenced Minority

A.F. Branco Cartoon – House Republicans cry foul as Speaker Hortman cuts off debate over a paid leave tax hike -Democracy dying in Democrat darkness. By Hank Long – May 16, 2024 Can anything good happen after midnight? That adage was tested in both legislative chambers at the Minnesota Capitol in the early hours of Thursday…

News Roundup & Comment

Date: May 17, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​MP3 | Order

Here’s a sample of story headlines from the first quarter hour of the broadcast:

–In a repudiation of President Biden, the Israeli Security Assistance Support Act passed in the House on Thursday with bipartisan support.

–The U.S. State Department has moved a one billion dollar package of weapons aid for Israel into the congressional review process.  

–The floating pier that will allow humanitarian aid to flow into Gaza from the sea has now been anchored to a beach according to U.S. Central Command. 

–Amid heightened tensions with Egypt since Israel began its ground operation, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu intimated that Egypt was holding Gaza civilians hostage by not working with them to reopen the Rafah border crossing for humanitarian aid.

–Israel’s military suffered setbacks yesterday after officials confirmed that five troops were killed in a friendly fire incident in Gaza while elsewhere an Israeli air force space in northern Israel was hit by the Lebanon-based Hezbollah militia.

–Israeli Defense Forces have recovered the bodies of three hostages in a tunnel in the Gaza Strip.

–The IDF struck a Hamas command room and a school run by a U.N. agency, with fighter jets killing more than 15 terror operatives, including ten Hamas members and some involved in the October 7th invasion of Israel.     

–The Arab League met on Thursday in Bahrain to voice its opposition, not just to the Rafah operation, but to call for an immediate ceasefire and the full withdrawal of Israeli forces from the enclave.

–Despite months of deteriorating relations and increasing hostile rhetoric, the complete shutdown of trade between Turkey and Israel earlier this month came as a shock to many. 

–In a dramatic shift, the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has revised its data pertaining to the number of Palestinian casualties in the 7 month old Gaza war, reducing by almost half the number of women and children that previously were said to be killed in the hostilities between Israel and Hamas.

–Former President Trump surprised many people both inside and outside of Israel recently when he came out against a two-state solution for the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

–Police in Savage, Minnesota, are investigating an attack on a little girl at a local school by other girls who told officials they beat her up because she wasn’t Muslim.

–Slovakia’s Prime Minister is expected to survive after being shot five times outside the House of Culture while meeting supporters. 

–Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing and announced the strengthening of defense and trade relations. 

–A report from the Network Contagion Research Institute shows a political activist group linked to the Chinese Communist Party has played a crucial role in funding and organizing the anti-Israel protests on college campuses across the U.S.