Answers in Genesis:  30 Years-Upholding Biblical Authority!

Date: January 3, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Ken Ham MP3 | Order

Today there are numerous attacks taking place upon the authority of God’s Word.  The mantra in society today is often what we see communicated by Satan in Genesis 3:1–”Yea hath God said?”  The result is that many are turning their backs on God’s Word and the result is that great efforts have been underway to remove God from the halls of government and academia.  However, even more alarming is the increasing number of churches and other Christian institutions that are doing much the same thing.  This merely echoes the words of the serpent from Genesis 3.

Joining Jim to bring his perspective on this battle as he looked back at 30 years of ministry, Crosstalk welcomed Ken Ham.  Ken is the founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis-US, and the highly acclaimed Creation Museum, and the world-renowned Ark Encounter.  Ken is a biblical apologist and is one of the most in-demand Christian speakers in North America.  He became internationally known for his 2014 creation/evolution debate with Bill Nye “the Science Guy.”  He’s the host of the daily radio broadcast, Answers…with Ken Ham heard on stations across the country.  He is the author of more than 30 books including Creation to Babel: A Commentary for Families, Divided Nation, Six Days, Will They Stand? and numerous others.

Ken moved to the U.S. in 1987 and he compared the spiritual atmosphere then in the U.S. with what it’s like now.  He described America now as “…very, very secularized and anti-Christian.”  The result, as Ken noted, is that Christians have become the enemy in American culture.  So if you stand for God’s Word in regard to marriage, pro-life or male/female genders, you’ll be accused of hate speech, intolerance, misogyny and homophobia.  This has even impacted the church as many have gone “woke” and become soft on such issues.

Ken described how this goes hand-in-hand with the generational loss in the church.  Less than 9% of Generation “Z”  attends church whereas if you go back to the 1700’s, 75-80% of the population attended church in America. 

So it was December of 1993 that Answers in Genesis became legally incorporated due to the concern from Ken and his co-founders over the spiritual erosion that was taking place and the attack upon the authority of God’s Word.

Listen and discover how Answers in Genesis, the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum are uniquely positioned to uphold the authority of God’s Word as Ken describes how the life-size Noah’s Ark was built, Bill Nye’s reaction when going through the ark, the new executive CEO of Answers in Genesis, the burden Ken has regarding the state of today’s church, Ken’s rebuttal of statements from Pastor Andy Stanley and much more.

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Scriptures for a New Year: 2024

Date: January 2, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

In days like ours, when the world is in turmoil like never before and with the current state of the family and the church, it’s good to be reminded of Scriptures like this one that Jim noted from Isaiah 40:

Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.

He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.

Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

As Jim also noted, it’s critical that as we begin 2024, we keep our focus on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, and his word.  After all, as Jesus said in Matthew 24:35: Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

Then there’s 1 Peter 1:25 which says: But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. 

With these thoughts in mind, Jim dedicated this first Crosstalk of 2024 to the truth and infallibility of God’s word.  He asked listeners to provide specific scriptures that they believe we need in such a time as this.

Find out how your fellow listeners responded, and be blessed, when you review this edition of Crosstalk!

Mysticism and the Coming World Religion

Date: January 1, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: T.A. McMahon MP3 | Order

T. A. McMahon is the President and Executive Director of The Berean Call ministry. He is also editor-in-chief and contributing writer for the Berean Call newsletter. He is co-author of The Seduction of Christianity and America: The Sorcerer’s New Apprentice. He is the author of Showtime for the Sheep? and Temporal Delusion. He has also researched and written numerous documentaries.

If you are a regular listener to Crosstalk, you will know that we have warned about deception and how it is on the increase just as Scripture said it would be. Many have wondered about the end times, such as how one would be able to control what people buy or sell, but look at how rapidly countries around the world are accepting and even mandating a central bank digital currency. This advancement is happening rapidly in the U.S. as well.

Others have wondered how there could be a one-world religion. With all of the different religions out there, what makes anybody believe this will actually come about? This will not happen suddenly, but rather, such a system has been at work for a long time, slowly and subtly. In 2 Corinthians 11:13-14 it is written: For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

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News Roundup & Comment

Date: December 29, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

Here’s a look at some of the headlines that made the cut for this final edition of the News Round-Up for 2023:

–Yesterday Maine’s Democratic Secretary of State removed former President Trump from the state’s presidential primary ballot under the Constitution’s insurrection clause.    

–The Michigan Supreme Court has rejected an attempt to remove former President Trump from their 2024 ballot. 

–California’s election chief yesterday approved former President Trump to be on the state’s primary ballot.

Louisiana is considering removing former President Trump from their state’s primary ballot. 

–A poll indicates that 50% of Americans have said that the national media intended to mislead, misinform and persuade the public. 

–A Christmas message from Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  Jim provided the audio.

–Iranian state TV announced Sunday that Iran’s navy had enhanced its weaponry  with the integration of advanced, locally manufactured cruise missiles. 

–A senior official in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was killed Monday in an alleged Israeli air strike in the Syrian capital of Damascus.

–Tehran claimed the October 7th massacre in Israel was a response to the 2020 killing of Iranian Commander Qasem Soleimani by the U.S.  Hamas has denied the claim, insisting that the massacre was a response to alleged Israeli crimes at the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.

–Anti-Israel protesters wreaked havoc on unsuspecting shoppers and travelers in an effort to spread their cease-fire and “Israel is guilty of genocide” messages near JFK Airport in New York City and at Los Angeles International Airport.

–President Joe Biden ordered retaliatory air strikes on 3 sites in Iraq on Monday  after Iran-backed terrorists launched a drone attack on a U.S. military base. 

–A second American hostage in the Gaza strip was confirmed dead yesterday. 

–France President Emmanuel Macron demanded a lasting cease-fire in Gaza during a call with the Israeli prime minister. 

–Following a year of record immigration into Canada and amid reports of nearly 2 million of its citizens relying on food banks, the Canadian government has announced plans to accept refugees from Gaza.

–Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says that Israel will declare five money exchange offices in the West Bank to be terror organizations due to alleged money transfers made to Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza.

Anti-Semitism on Campuses

Date: December 28, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Brad Dacus MP3 | Order

From massive demonstrations that have been shutting down traffic and blocking access to other forms of transportation to Christmas events that were interrupted,   sadly, anti-Semitism is running rampant at levels in the U.S. and it’s growing around the world.

One of the significant breeding grounds for this anti-Semitism has been college and university campuses.    

To help listeners sort through this issue, Crosstalk welcomed Brad Dacus.  Brad is president and founder of the Pacific Justice Institute.  Their mission is to defend, without charge, the religious freedoms, parental rights, and other civil liberties of individuals who cannot defend themselves.  Brad previously served as Legislative Assistant to U.S. Senator Phil Gramm and received his Juris Doctor from the University of Texas, School of Law.

Earlier this month, the Anti-Defamation League reported that from October 7th to December 7th, a recorded 2,031 anti-Semitic incidents took place.  That’s up from 465 recorded incidents recorded in the same period in 2022, a 337% increase year over year.

What’s going on here?  Have people just suddenly become anti-Semitic?  After all, Brad reminded listeners that the massacre of Jews by Hamas on October 7th was the catalyst.  He indicated that while a small amount of this might be young people just looking for a cause, he believes that this is anti-Semitism coming to the surface that was there even before October 7th and that’s what should be very alarming.

Brad also noted that these deep issues of anti-Semitism are coming from Muslim students who are here in the U.S. through visas, as well as a large percentage of first, second, third and fourth generation Muslims living here as well.   

Don’t miss this broadcast that features audio of two Jewish students who testified before Congress on the rising level of pure hatred, threats of violence and intolerance toward anyone that is Jewish.

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Tools for Spiritual Growth in 2024

Date: December 27, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Randy Melchert MP3 | Order

The Bible tells us in 2 Peter 3:18, “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.”  So while you may be growing in other aspects of your life, are you growing in your spiritual life?  If not, what changes are you willing to make as we approach the new year?

You may answer by asking, “How can I do that?  What resources are available that can help in my quest to obey 2 Peter 3:18?

Joining Jim to answer that question was Randy Melchert.  Randy is a school administrator, a researcher, a consultant and a member of the VCY America Board of Directors.

Randy began by presenting some statistics that show just how critical the need is for resources and tools to help people in their spiritual growth and development.  This is important because in spite of all the Bibles available in print form as well as through internet sources and apps, in America there’s actually a spiritual famine taking place.

He cited where it’s said that 80% of young millennials reject the idea that there are clear standards for right and wrong.  The American Bible Society’s annual survey says that just since COVID, 26 million people have stopped reading the Bible.  Also, the Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of Planned Parenthood, claims that this past year, 100,000 self-described evangelical protestant women had an abortion.  

Such statistics are why VCY America offers resources to help you become acquainted with God’s word so that 2 Peter 3:18 is not only a reality for you, but a joy and something you look forward to daily as you seek a deeper relationship with your Creator!  Review this broadcast and get information about the following:

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“The One Year Bible” (KJV) for a donation of $15.00.

“Pulled from the Burning” (Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital) for a donation of $15.00

“Revival” with Harold Vaughan (Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital) for a donation of $15.00These are available at or call 1-800-729-9829.

Pulled from the Burning & Revival

As offered on Crosstalk 12/27/23

Pulled from the Burning DVD – Click here to order online.

The Incredible True Story of Ken Spilger

His church wasn’t the world’s fastest-growing. It was just a few dozen people and Pastor Ken was discouraged. He wanted God to do something – and the last thing he expected was a plane crash that would leave him the sole survivor. Yet through it, God would change his life, his church, and his family.

Revival with Harold Vaughan DVD – Click here to order online.

“Every revival can be traced to a kneeling figure.”

At the beginning of his ministry, Harold Vaughan set out on a journey to answer the question: what sparks a revival, and how can we see it today? This led him to Northern Ireland to experience what God did in the past. Come with Harold and find out how we can see a revival again.

You may also call 1-800-729-9829 or send a check, cash or money order to VCY America, 3434 W Kilbourn Ave, Milwaukee WI 53208.

A Christ Focused Christmas – 2023

Date: December 22, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

Colorful lights, family gatherings, the baking, the presents, the special candy, the programs, and all the music of the season…you can become engulfed in all of these things and more, and still not understand the meaning of what’s being celebrated.

From Paul in Galatians 4 to 1 John 4 and other related Scriptures, it’s our hope that in the busyness of these days you will recognize the fact that at the precise moment in history, Jesus Christ came into this world, born as a baby yet fully God and fully man.

It’s with that thought in mind that Jim opened the phone lines, encouraging listeners to express their Christmas thoughts.  From testimonies of praise to God, favorite Christmas verses or stories, what people were doing to keep the focus on Jesus; all such expressions and more were welcome.  

Merry Christmas from Jim and the Crosstalk team!

News Roundup & Comment

Date: December 21, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

Due to a special Christmas edition of Crosstalk tomorrow, Jim moved up the News Round-Up broadcast.  Here’s a selection of stories from the program:

–The Colorado Republican Party is planning to withdraw from the state’s primary election and move to a caucus system if the ruling against having President Trump on the ballot stands.

–The California Lieutenant Governor is calling for former President Trump to be barred from their primary ballot. 

–Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick suggested that the chaos on the border could be grounds to remove President Biden from the state’s 2024 ballot. 

–Senator Marco Rubio posted on “X” that the U.S. has put sanctions on other nations for doing exactly what the Colorado Supreme Court did against President Trump.

–The Satanic Temple now has a display at the Michigan State Capitol.

–A Pennsylvania school attempted to execute damage control after issuing a memo instructing bus drivers to remove Christmas decorations from their vehicles, to stop wearing anything related to the holiday and to avoid playing Christmas music.

–The Israel Defense Forces are reportedly close to completing their ground offensive in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, having significantly dismantled the presence of Hamas battalions in the region.

–The head of a Gaza hospital has admitted to Israeli forces that Hamas used his hospital to advance its military operations since the hospital is a safe place.

–Israeli Defense Forces soldiers in Gaza managed to reach the home of the leader of Hamas, shortly after he fled the scene.

–The IDF reported that suitcases with funds amounting to near 1.3 million U.S. dollars was found in the home of a senior Hamas member.  

–Sami Abu Zuhri, a senior Hamas official and spokesman for the organization, has said that their leadership is steadfast in its decision to insist on a cease-fire in Gaza before holding negotiations on a new prisoner swap which would see innocent Israeli hostages freed in exchange for convicted terrorists.

–Hamas is currently fighting to keep on ruling Gaza and the opportunity to re-group, re-arm and destroy Israel which is why it’s pleading for a cease-fire.

–The U.S. and its allies have announced a multi-national task force that will address the issue of Houthis repeatedly launching attacks from Yemen against commercial vessels in the Red Sea.

–The Biden administration is obsessed with four post-war scenarios for Gaza: (1) Israel reclaims some measure of control over Gaza.  (2) Hamas remains in power.  (3) The Palestinian Authority, another terror group, takes control over Gaza.  (4) A U.N. peacekeeping force secures the area.

–The steps leading up to the Lincoln Memorial were vandalized with red colored graffiti reading, “Free Gaza.”

Threads of Hope

Date: December 20, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Alex Kuhlow MP3 | Order

As we look at poverty around the world, some individuals are forced into some very desperate situations just to provide the basic needs of life.  Sometimes prostitution appears to be the only way out.  With that comes exploitation and sex-trafficking.

Fortunately, someone’s engaged in a ministry designed to break that cycle.  That person is Alex Kuhlow.  Alex is the founder & executive director for Threads of Hope, Inc.

While growing up, becoming a missionary was simply not a part of Alex’s vocational plans.  As the son of a plumber, Alex grew up in the affluence of Neenah, Wisconsin, where he eventually became a machinist.  Working long hours, he reasoned that he wanted to retire and live a comfortable life.

One day as he was reading about the rich young ruler, the idea of selling everything, giving it to the poor and following Christ hit Alex hard.  He wondered what his response would be if Christ was giving these instructions to him personally.

As Alex noted, he wasn’t a pilot, a church planter or a Bible translator.  He was just a blue-collar machinist so he didn’t think he had anything to offer the mission field.

But God had other plans…

One day a missionary came to to his church who happened to be a journeyman plumber.  He was sharing with youth that whatever skills and abilities you have, the Lord can use them on the mission field.  After the presentation, Alex asked the missionary what the greatest obstacle was in getting to the mission field.  The missionary told him it was financial debt.  That was the very week Alex and his wife had become financially debt free.  There went that excuse!  

Eventually Alex and his wife found themselves as dorm parents at an academy in the Philippines.  That led to a beach encounter where kids were selling friendship bracelets that would allow them to provide for the basic needs for their family.  One girl in particular stood out and Alex and his wife would renew their friendship with this girl each year.  This led to them discovering how some of these girls disappear via bogus marriages, debt schemes and prostitution.

Alex had an idea.  He decided to buy about $100 dollars worth of bracelets (Enough income for one month for this girl’s family).  He wasn’t sure he’d ever see her, the money or the bracelets again, but much to his surprise, the next time he set foot on that beach, he was presented with 1,200 bracelets!          

Alex took these bracelets, made of colorful, cotton embroidery thread, and brought them to the U.S. that summer.  They were sold at a Bible camp in northern Wisconsin and netted them $1,000.  Remember, this was ten times the amount Alex originally invested!

But wait…the story becomes even more miraculous and worldwide in scope as it lead to the formation of the ministry/non-profit organization known as Threads of Hope.  

Get the remaining details by reviewing this amazing edition of Crosstalk.      

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