A New Pandemic Approaching?

Date: November 28, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet MP3 | Order

Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet is president and CEO of Truth for Health Foundation.  Since February 2020, she has been part of the team of frontline physicians treating COVID early at home.  With Dr. Peter McCullough, she is a co-author/editor of the Guide to COVID Early Treatment: Options to Stay Out of Hospital and Save Your Life.  She is a past director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.  She received her M.D. degree and internship in Internal Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School and completed special training at Johns Hopkins. She spoke on Crosstalk as an independent physician, not as a spokesperson for any healthcare system, pharmaceutical company, insurance plans or political party.  She is a patient advocate.

It was late November of 2019 when COVID-19 broke out from Wuhan, China.  Now four years later, there are reports of an outbreak of a bacterial respiratory illness (pneumonia) in China with hospitalizations on the increase.  Are we about to witness COVID-19, version 2, take place?

Dr. Vliet believes this is the same, “lock-step” program that unfolded in December of 2019 and January/February of 2020.  It’s the same fear mongering propaganda designed to scare people, and guess what?  It’s all taking place as we head into another election year.  It’s designed to disrupt the election, push Americans into more tyranny, collapse the economy and get us looking elsewhere while an increasing number of illegals are allowed over our southern border by the Department of Homeland Security in collusion with local authorities.  Some of these illegals are then transported to other areas of America.

One of the keys to this discussion is the pandemic treaty that tried to get passed last year but was stopped.  Keep in mind, as Dr. Vliet pointed out, this treaty amounts to a complete global takeover of the public health response.  She explained that the deadline for nations to refuse to participate is December 1 of this year.  That’s this Friday.  If nations do not refuse by that date, then the treaty automatically takes effect in May.  So far there are only 3 countries in the world that have refused this WHO pandemic treaty. 

Is the Biden administration on board with this?  Could Congress take a stand by cutting the funding for the WHO or the U.N.?  What can you do to help stop it?What’s the connection between vaccines and digital currency?  These are just a few of the questions answered during the first quarter hour of the broadcast and there’s much more to follow on this edition of Crosstalk.

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Bringing Hope to Persecuted Pakistan

Date: November 27, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Pastor Shahid Kaleem MP3 | Order

Pastor Shahid Kaleem is founder and chairman of Christian Literature & Translation Ministry in Pakistan.  He’s been partnering for several years with Bible Tracts Inc. for effective ministry of Bible tract and Bible distribution ministry in Pakistan.

Pakistan has the second largest Muslim population of any nation in the world yet its constitution allows for Christianity and the Bible.  However, two factions of Muslims complicate things for the propagation of the Gospel there.  Review this Crosstalk as Pastor Kaleem returned with new information, resulting in an impactful program that looks at the following:

Did the October 7th attack on Israel embolden Muslims in Pakistan? 

What are the blasphemy laws in Pakistan?  Learn how they are carried out to blame Christians.

Discussion on the increasing conversion rate toward Christianity in Pakistan. 

The present state of churches that in the past were attacked. 

What kind of persecution is taking place in Pakistan other than the blasphemy laws.

Bibles getting to Pakistan in their native language.

The testimony of a 26 year old Muslim girl who came to Christ!

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Gifts can be sent to:

First Baptist Church

425 Rusche Street

Creve Coeur, IL  61610

Earmark the gift for “Pakistan Outreach”

Counterpunch:  Fighting Back for Faith & Freedom

Date: November 24, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Floyd Brown MP3 | Order

It’s been happening issue by issue, with the complicity of both parties: The fundamental ideals of the nation, including our faith and freedom, are being crushed for the benefit of powerful elites.  Using everything from Big Tech to Big Government, these power brokers are silencing the voices of dissent, canceling those who refuse to fall in line, and pitting the masses against one another. Universities are churning out so-called leaders who refuse to learn from past mistakes, but are instead intent on repeating them.  

Those statements come from the guest on this edition of Crosstalk, whose new book issues a battle cry for a populist movement in America.  It’s a movement that goes beyond any president or political party, but shows how people are coming together from diverse backgrounds to fight for faith and freedom.

Floyd Brown is an author, speaker and media commentator.  He is the former CEO of USA Radio Network.  He founded the Western Journal news website. Early in his career he worked for President Ronald Reagan and Senator Bob Dole and was the first president of Citizens United.  He is the author of numerous books including the newly released book, Counterpunch: An Unlikely Alliance of Americans Fighting Back for Faith and Freedom.

In order to understand why we must fight back for faith and freedom, one must understand where we’ve come from as a nation, where we are now and examine our trajectory.  In explaining this, there are many facets.  One is the elites that control our nation, especially their control of the economy and how wealth was actually gained by some of them from COVID, at the expense of smaller businesses that provided a livelihood for many.

Then there’s Hollywood along with the entire entertainment and news industries.  Floyd believes they’ve been taken over by some very dark individuals.  He described Hollywood as “an open sewage pipe.”  

Next is Big-Tech which empowers messages that fill inboxes and social media feeds. It’s information concerning LGBTQ and messages of confusion.  Floyd noted that it’s almost a demonic spirit that comes from these companies.

He also indicated that over the last 4 decades, the driving force of the Democratic party has been the tactics and strategies of socialist/Marxist Saul Alinsky, who mentored both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  Alinsky attempted to create division and enmity between people in order to control things.  So by dividing, Alinsky’s followers hope to conquer the nation.  The message of Christians, on the other hand, is the message of love—the love of Christ. 

From there the discussion moved to globalism and the idea that Christians are the bulwark against a global system, the Patriot Act and its affect on our nation, who’s really in charge in America, his thoughts on education, what is the “counterpunch” his book title refers to and more.

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“Giving Thanks 2023” 

Date: November 23, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

Have you ever taken a look at our society and wondered how we got to this point?  How did we drift so far off course morally?  There’s the LGBTQ+ onslaught, abortion, drug abuse, lawlessness, a collapsing economy, a highly contentious political system and churches abandoning doctrine to gain popularity and to be more “welcoming.”

Some would say we’re living in the time of Romans 1:18-32 where the sins of a nation are laid out.  Note what verse 21 says: “Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.”  This is what leads a nation down the path of depravity.

The Bible’s warning concerning a lack of thanks also has a connection to the last days as we see in 2 Timothy 3 where Paul told Timothy: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy…”

We must understand that exhibiting a lack of thanks is characteristic of the last days and the perilous times that Paul described.

When was the last time you spent meaningful time in prayer thanking God for who he is and what he’s done?  When was the last time your spouse or children heard you do this?  Remember, giving thanks to God isn’t limited to a national holiday.  Instead, it should be part of our everyday expression to God.

So in spite of the issues taking place in Ukraine, Israel, as well as here in the U.S., Crosstalk took time once again to give listeners the chance to get on-the-air to express their thanks to God via our annual Thanksgiving broadcast.  You’ll be blessed as you review this program and hear, amidst the turmoil of our times, that there are still many who are thankful for our great and mighty God!