Fighting a Global Agenda Locally

Date: December 19, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Tom DeWeese MP3 | Order

California will disallow the sale of new cars powered by gasoline in 2035.  That radical move, along with other environmental policies combined with the state’s sky-high taxes, and it’s no wonder so many are leaving California.  

Looking elsewhere, there was a new bill introduced December 5th in the state of Washington (House Bill 1868) aimed at making gas powered lawn mowers and other lawn equipment illegal, with heavy fines and even jail time for violators.

The push for electric vehicles continues by the federal government despite their deficiencies, especially their cold weather performance.  In addition, they’re slow sellers on new car lots.

So why is all of this going on?  Returning to Crosstalk to answer that question was Tom DeWeese.  Tom is president of American Policy Center.  He is one of the nation’s leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education and American sovereignty and independence and protecting our constitutionally-guaranteed rights.  He is also the grassroots coordinator for CFACT.

As Tom explained, “net-zero” is the target, despite the fact that C02 is not a pollutant.  So much of what exists on our planet needs C02 to survive.  Yet in spite of that, a new study claims humans are contributing to global warming by breathing, and if you’re female and over 30 years old, you’re the biggest culprit!

To place blame on people just for breathing sure sounds like an excuse for lowering the human population does it not?  Tom believes that’s the contention.

What is climate justice?  Is farmland still under threat?  Could your future protein come from bugs?  Some of this may sound crazy but there is hope.  People can take action.  Find out how when you review this edition of Crosstalk.

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