Critical Court Cases on the Horizon

Date: January 4, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Mat Staver MP3 | Order

There are some very significant matters facing appellate courts as well as the U.S. Supreme Court for 2024.  With a review of the past year as well as what’s ahead, Crosstalk welcomed Mat Staver.  He is founder & chairman of Liberty Counsel.  Mat is a constitutional attorney with three landmark cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.  He’s an author and the host of the radio broadcasts Faith & Freedom and Freedom’s Call.

Discussion began with Mat commenting on the case of Ermold v. Davis.  In this case, Liberty Counsel will be filing a motion to set aside the jury verdict against former Rowan County Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis who was sued by two same-sex couples for not issuing them marriage licenses.  Mat believes there was insufficient evidence to award damages to the plaintiffs.  If the motion is denied, Liberty Counsel will also file an appeal which would take it to the Court of Appeals.  Mat believes this case could rise to the level of overturning Obergefell.

Other critical cases Mat referred to involved one where the court shut down the affirmative action for college admissions.  This overruled a precedent that goes back to 1978.  There was also the overruling of a 1977 case (Trans World Airlines) regarding religious discrimination in the workplace.  There was the overturning of both the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision and also the 1971 Lemon v. Kurtzman decision, the latter of which did immense damage to the First Amendment.  

Mat also sees action at the appellate and Supreme Court levels with cases that began in 2023.  One is in regard to the government’s coercion of private, social media entities, requiring/forcing them to censor the private speech of individuals.  This involves speech concerning COVID-19 shots, the lock-downs, the withdrawal from Afghanistan, the elections, etc.

Another big case from 2023 that will spill over into 2024 is the abortion pill decision from the Court of Appeals. 

The cases mentioned here are just some of what was discussed in the first quarter hour.  There’s much more for you to consider when you review this important edition of Crosstalk.

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