Without Excuse: Compelling Evidence for Creation

Date: March 11, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Bruce Malone MP3 | Order

There is a growing skepticism toward God in American culture today.  Some foolishly deny that God exists.  Others say they do not know if God exists, while others merely hope that God exists.  God wants us to know that he does exist and that his word, the Bible, is his timeless and unchangeable revelation to mankind.

In fact, from Psalm 19:1 to Romans 1:20, we see that nature reveals God’s existence and everyone is accountable and without excuse.  

Appearing on Crosstalk to demonstrate this fact was Bruce Malone.  Bruce is executive director of Search for the Truth Ministries, an organization that widely disseminates Bible-affirming creation materials.  Bruce has spent over 30 years bringing the scientific evidence for creation to churches and schools at seminars throughout the U.S. and around the world.  He’s authored or co-authored ten books on the evidence for creation.  Prior to this he spent 27 years as research leader with the Dow Chemical Corporation.  Bruce has a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering and holds 17 patents for new products.  He appeared on Crosstalk to discuss his newest released devotional, Without Excuse: The Compelling Evidence for Creation.

The story behind Bruce’s book actually goes back to a Superbowl party 20 years ago that his church would put on for the city. At halftime the gospel would be presented to the youth in a large auditorium.  Bruce asked the youth pastor if he could have 5 minutes with the youth to present evidence for creation. Part of his presentation involved giving them the book, Refuting Evolution by Jonathan Sarfati.  Weeks later he asked the kids how they liked the book and not a single student had read it.  Why?  It’s because it looked like another textbook.  

It’s from that point on that Bruce decided that if he’s going to write books, they’d be short, visual and fun to read.  So he began to write creation devotionals where each day of the year he’d present wonderful examples of God’s creativity and genius.  The result is Without Excuse: The Compelling Evidence for Creation.   

More Information

Without Excuse is a hardcover daily devotional with hundreds of full-color illustrations on over 400 glossy pages.  It explores many disciplines such as anatomy, astronomy, biology, botany, genetics and more which combined with Scripture provide the reader with compelling evidence for creation. You’ll also find several QR codes throughout the book that open 2-3 minute Youtube video teachings on the subject addressed on those pages.  We’re making this book available as our way of saying thank you for your support of Crosstalk in the amount of $18 or more.  Available at vcy.org or by calling 1-800-729-9829.

Without Excuse: The Compelling Evidence for Creation

As offered on Crosstalk 3/11/2024

by Julie Von Vett and Bruce Malone

Without Excuse is the fourth in a series of unique devotionals which present the evidence for creation from every area of science. 365 different examples of how well science supports a biblical model for our origins are presented. Topics range from biology to geology, genetics to botany, anatomy to history, design to microbiology, and Christian truths to cosmology. In addition, this latest volume includes QR codes on many pages linking readers to 2-3 minute presentations providing further visual information of the subject presented on that page. This book is marvelously illustrated with over 300 color illustrations. It is written in a style that is appropriate to be read to even young children yet profoundly enjoyable for adults. The book also contains extensive references and includes topical, Bible verse, and subject indexes. It is a phenomenal source for homeschoolers, Christian parents, or anyone wanting to know more about nature or creation.

434 pages

Click here to order online.

You may also call 1-800-729-9829 or send a check, cash, or money order to 3434 W Kilbourn Ave, Milwaukee WI 53208.