Natural Family Month

Date: April 30, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Rob Pue & J. R. Harrison MP3 | Order

J.R. Harrison is the director of the National Family Foundation while Rob Pue is the founder & publisher of Wisconsin Christian News.

The natural family is under attack and targeted for destruction.  Just look at how America has redefined terms such as “marriage”, “family”, “male” and “female”.  When changed, what’s to stop them from expanding to unknown levels?  

Consider the hijacking of our calendar.  Gay pride day has turned into gay pride month.  Now the GLAAD LGBTQ calendar has the following: February 7th–National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.  The week after Valentine’s Day–Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week.  February 28–HIV is Not a Crime Awareness Day.  March–Bisexual Health Awareness Month.  Also in March–National LGBT Health Awareness Week.  There’s many more that could be listed from throughout the year but you get the point.

Instead of reacting by cursing the darkness, Rob Pue and J.R. Harrison is instead lighting a candle in celebration of what’s being called, “Natural Family Month”, which extends from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day.  It’s not about complaining.  Instead, it’s an attempt to take a positive approach by citing a historical, best practice.

To find out how you can get a Natural Family Month celebration started in your community and what’s involved in the natural family promise, listen to this broadcast and then go to the link below.

More Information

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Muslim Agenda for America

Date: April 29, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Usama Dakdok MP3 | Order

Usama Dakdok is founder of the Straight Way of Grace Ministry.  He’s the speaker on the daily radio broadcast, Revealing the Truth About Islam.  He speaks fluent Arabic and has translated the Qur’an into English.  He is the author of Exposing the Truth about the Qur’an and Exposing the Truth About Jihad and the booklets, The Violent Truth about Islam and The Straight Way to Eternal Life.

Pro-Islamic uprisings are taking place on university campuses across the nation.  These universities have been called incubators of terrorism. Columbia University has been “ground zero” for these uprisings.  It’s spreading like wildfire with people like Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a strong supporter of Hamas, fanning the flames.  Usama calls these university protests, “…the early fruits of the tree of Islam which has been growing in our land…”

Usama described how Muslims want the name of Israel changed to Palestine and the last Jew killed along with all those who stand against Islam.  By doing that, they believe we’ll have world peace.  However, he also noted that if this were to ever happen, it would be the fast “falling down” of Islam around the world.  Why?  It’s because of something the world doesn’t want to talk about.  It’s the fact that this is when Muslims would really begin killing each other in larger numbers than we’ve ever seen.  This is due to the fact that there are more Muslims killed at the hands of other Muslims than by the hand of any infidel.Did these protests just appear out of nowhere?  At what point will Muslims have the upper hand?  What exactly is the connection between Hamas and the Palestinians?  The answers to these and other questions, along with what’s being chanted and spoken at the protests, points to the fact that Islam has a plan for America that precedes even the barbaric October 7th attack on Israel.  That plan is revealed when you hear what Usama had to say on this edition of Crosstalk.

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News Roundup & Comment

Date: April 26, 2024 Host: Dalton Windsor MP3 | Order

Friday brings another News Roundup! Here are a few of the headlines that were shared:

Donald Trump facing 34 felony charges; Trump says that the charges will not stick

President Biden reads the words on his teleprompter including script instructions

Americans should expect massive tax hikes in 2025

President Biden says that Israel has an iron clad right to exist as an independent state

Biden Administration finalizes ban of fossil fuels in new federal buildings beginning in 2030

Biden and 17 other nations call for release of hostages held by Hamas

Hamas holds 30 Israeli Defense Force soldiers in high security locations, impossible to reach them under any circumstances

Soros clan accused of providing 15 million dollars in support of Hamas, as well as more funding to Biden and other democrats

Anti-Israel activists continue to disrupt campus life at several universities and colleges

Drag queen story hour becomes ‘Free Palestine’ indoctrination for kids; kids encouraged to chant ‘if you’re a drag queen and you know it and you really want to show it, shout Free Palestine’

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Thirsty For Equality

A.F. Branco Cartoon – DEI, Diversity Equity, is designed to suppress one group while promoting another, not based on merit but on the color of skin and sexual orientation, while showing prejudice against straight white males. There is a word for this; it’s called racism, and it is systemic. By Mike LaChance – April 12,…

Christian Nationalism

Date: April 25, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: William J. Federer MP3 | Order

William Federer is a nationally known speaker, historian, author, and the President of Amerisearch Inc. He is the speaker on The American Minute daily broadcast. He has authored numerous books including America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, Who is the King in America?, and Socialism: The Real History From Plato to the Present – How the Deep State Capitalizes on Crises to Consolidate Control.

Increasingly we are barraged with the term “Christian Nationalism.” Here are some of the recent headlines:

American Progress – Christian Nationalism Is ‘Single Biggest Threat’ To America’s Religious Freedom

NPR – Tracing The Rise Of Christian Nationalism From Trump To The Alabama Supreme Court

Politico – Trump Allies Prepare To Infuse ‘Christian Nationalism’ In Second Administration – The Terrifying Christian Nationalist Crusade To Conquer America

The Hill – America Is Facing A Threat Of Biblical Proportion: The Rise Of Christian Nationalism

Just earlier this week an email went out to media outlets announcing that a 401(c)4 group, Faith Forward, says it is “dedicated to bringing people of faith together to restore the soul of the nation, ramping up operations locally, and will be communicating with faith voters in an effort to fight back against Christian Nationalists who have been trying to co-opt religious language in order to deceive voters.”

Yet when you look at this group’s site, it uses the guise of religion and religious language in the section “God Made All of Us” to promote four more years of President Joe Biden. The group’s goal is to fight back against Christian Nationalists.

What is Christian Nationalism? Is this view a threat to our Constitutional Republic?

More information:

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