Israel Hostages Rescued! Israel Rejoices, the World Mourns

Date: June 10, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Chris Katulka MP3 | Order

Chris Katulka is the assistant director of North American Ministries at The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry and host of The Friends of Israel Today radio program.  He is a Bible teacher, writer for Israel My Glory magazine and is author of the book, Israel Always.

This past Saturday, in broad daylight, Israeli Defense Forces engaged in an amazing rescue operation of 4 Israelis that were taken hostage at the Supernova music festival that took place in Gaza (on the Israeli side) on October 7th.  While Israel has been celebrating this effort, there’s been widespread condemnation elsewhere because of those who were killed in the process.  

As an example of the celebratory tone coming from Israel, Jim noted that Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant called the rescue, “…one the most heroic and extraordinary operations I’ve witnessed over the course of 47 years serving in Israel’s defense establishment.”

This broadcast covered a lot of ground surrounding this topic as Jim and Chris discussed President Biden who continues to float a ceasefire deal, are the people who are part of the casualty numbers all innocent Palestinians, Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming speech before a joint session of Congress, possible banning of Israel from the Olympics and much more.

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News Roundup & Comment

Date: June 7, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

Here’s a selection of stories from the first quarter hour of the broadcast as Jim presented another edition of the News Round-Up:

–On the 80th anniversary of D-Day, President Biden called for stronger international cooperation, while also taking a swipe at Russian President Vladimir Putin.

–Last Friday afternoon, President Biden announced a new deal under which Hamas   would rule Gaza, get billions in U.S. aid and dozens of its terrorists would be released from prison in exchange for the dead body of every hostage.

–The IDF’s “Operation Rafah” has exposed the existence of a secret overpass between Egypt and Gaza that Hamas could use to import anything without international supervision.

–4 more Israeli hostages died in the custody of Hamas including an 84 year old individual. 

–The Iran-backed Palestinian/Hamas terror organization released a video last Friday providing another indication that another hostage, Noa Argamani, a young Israeli woman, is still alive.

–Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accepted an invitation to address a joint session of Congress. 

–The U.S. House passed a resolution on Tuesday that would impose sanctions on the International Criminal Court if attempts to prosecute the U.S. or its allies moves forward.

–Thousands of people gathered along Fifth Avenue in New York City for the annual parade in support of Israel.

–On Monday morning a group of protesters at the Israeli consulate in San Francisco called for an end to attacks on Gaza. 

–In April, the Chicago Chapter of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters hosted a rally where activists chanted, “Death to America!”

–The Maldives, a 98.69% majority Muslim nation with zero Jews, has announced it will ban the entry of anyone who has an Israeli passport.

–Large swaths of northern Israel were engulfed by wildfires set off by rockets launched from Lebanon by the Iran-backed terrorist group known as Hezbollah.  

–Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated on Tuesday that strong action would be taken against Hezbollah if it keeps up its assault.

–One of the largest humanitarian aid operations in Israel, the Joseph Project International, is appealing for help after an affiliated messianic relief center    was struck by Hezbollah terrorists.

–As clashes continue between the U.S. and its allies and Iran-backed Houthi Islamic rebels in Yemen, the jihadist terrorists launched anti-ship ballistic missiles at an American vessel in the Red Sea last weekend.

A.F. Branco – 80th Anniversary of D-Day

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Globalism:  The Great World Consumption

Date: June 6, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Dr. Richard Schmidt MP3 ​​​| Order

If you’ve been listening to Crosstalk for some time, you’ve likely discovered that there’s been a significant uptick in the intensity of issues bombarding the world.  It’s not just a single battle being waged, but an all-out war on numerous fronts.  There’s the attack on biblical values, the demonizing of Christianity, the escalation of lawlessness, the emerging secular agenda, and the growing control of the populace.  Some may see these things as accidental or isolated incidents that aren’t connected.  However, they all share a common thread.  It’s the promotion of globalism.

Appearing on Crosstalk to discuss this topic, Jim welcomed back Dr. Richard Schmidt.  Dr. Schmidt is the pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church and founder of Prophecy Focus Ministries.  He’s the speaker on the weekly TV program, “Prophecy Focus” and the radio broadcast, “Prophecy Unfolding.”  He spent 32 years in law enforcement including that of acting sheriff of Milwaukee County until his retirement.  He’s authored several books including: Are You Going to a Better Place?, Daniel’s Gap Paul’s Mystery, Tribulation to Triumph: The Olivet Discourse, and the newly released, Globalism: The Great World Consumption.

Dr. Schmidt began by reminding listeners that 2 Timothy 3:1 tells us that in the last day, perilous times will come.  “Last days” is used in different contexts in the Bible.  When looking at this from a prophetic standpoint, this deals with the tribulation.  However, in 2 Timothy, Paul is referring to horrible, dangerous times that will occur toward the end of the church age which is the age we are currently in.

So what are some of the characteristics of this age and how do they relate to globalism?  Don’t miss this Crosstalk as Dr. Schmidt talks about the following:


Deceitful doctrine  

The prophetic mandate for the satanic one-world system. 

The schedule of events on God’s prophetic calendar. 

Why all of us need to be about doing the work of an evangelist. 

The correlation between COVID-19 and one world government. 

Worldwide disease and plagues 

The gender factor 

Climate change 

The one-world economy 

…and more.   

More InformationOffer: Dr. Schmidt’s book, Globalism: The Great World Consumption, is available for a donation of $16 (this includes shipping) at or by calling 1-800-729-9829.

Globalism by Dr. Richard Schmidt

Dr. Richard Schmidt carefully guides the reader through the maze of current events and landmines that are leading to globalism. He discusses the relevant Biblical passages that mandate the one-world religion, government, and economy that comprise God’s prophetic sovereign judgment for a world who has, is and will reject Jesus Christ. Dr. Schmidt challenges the reader to consider their response to the current and future guaranteed catastrophic conditions that will shock the conscience. This is a must read factual, alarming, highly documented work that synchronizes current events with impending Bible prophecy.

226 pages

Click here to order online. You may also call 1-800-729-9829 or send a check, cash or money order to 3434 W Kilbourn Ave, Milwaukee WI 53208.

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Andy Woods Rally – “Signs of the Times”

Date: June 6, 2024 Host: Dalton Windsor MP3 

Dr. Andy Woods is the president of Chafer Theological Seminary and senior pastor of Sugar Land Bible Church.  He’s contributed to numerous theological journals and Christian books and has spoken on a variety of topics at Christian conferences.  He’s the author of The Middle East Meltdown, The Falling Away, as well as other books. Dr. Woods spoke at a VCY America spring rally in Southeast Wisconsin in April of this year.      

Dr. Woods began by describing how Jesus rebuked the religious leaders of his day because they should have been able to recognize who he was based on the signs of the times.  In spite of this, they refused to pay attention.  They completely failed to recognize the messianic time period they were living in.

Dr. Woods reminded listeners that throughout history we see that when God sets something up, there are signs of the times that people are to be aware of and to pay close attention to them.  This is especially important in our day because there are more signs pointing to Christ’s second coming than his first. 

In this broadcast, Dr. Woods analyzes numerous signs that point to this return, beginning with the regathering of the Jews to Israel, the nation that’s the modern miracle and focal point of biblical prophecy.  He also looks at the third Temple, the red heifers, an invasion by Turkey/Russia/Iran and much more.  

More Information

Call 1-800-729-9829 and ask for the DVD or CD of Signs of the Times.


Click here to obtain a CD copy for a donation of $6.

Click here to obtain a DVD copy for a donation of $15.


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