Others | Oct 17, 2024 | 3 min read State signs MoC with Centre to enhance Bharat Net cover The Department of Science and Technology of the Gujarat government has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) with the Centre in a bid to strengthen the Bharat…

Ahmedabad Others

Plan aims at equal digital coverage across Guj

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memorandum of understanding (MoU)

Ahmedabad Mirror
Oct 17, 2024 06:00 AM | UPDATED: Oct 17, 2024 02:16 AM | 3 min read

Others | Oct 17, 2024 | 3 min read State signs MoC with Centre to enhance Bharat Net cover The Department of Science and Technology of the Gujarat government has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) with the Centre in a bid to strengthen the Bharat…

Ahmedabad Others

Plan aims at equal digital coverage across Guj

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[description] = > memorandum of understanding (MoU)
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memorandum of understanding (MoU)

Ahmedabad Mirror
Oct 17, 2024 06:00 AM | UPDATED: Oct 17, 2024 02:16 AM | 3 min read

The impact of business awards 

It’s that time of year again, award season for many industries. The fear of failure and the perceived effort required contribute to avoiding entering awards, yet when we do, the experience is win-win regardless. This is why.The spirit in the room at the recent event for the EB100 Top SME 2024 Businesses was energising. It was a pleasure to be invited as an Elite partner (the Association of Business Mentors) I met award winners, judges, and sponsors. The venue, the Amphitheatre at Guild Hall Basingham Street, is well worth a visit, and families are welcome. I left feeling motivated by the effect that awards bring to each stakeholder, especially the businesses that had taken the time to enter and feature in the top 100. These awards were launched to recognise and rank the brightest and best SME businesses in the UK.There was a time when the thought of entering awards filled me with fear, which was, of course, driven by ego. Instead, I got involved as a judge, panelist, and, on occasion, sponsor of local business awards and finally, The London Business Awards. Over time, I realised that the entry process is an extremely healthy reflection exercise on the nuts, bolts, and structure of a business, not to mention having to articulate business activity. Who, Why, Which, What, How, and How much for?! Then being shortlisted and going on to win an award provides people with a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment. It is a tangible representation of the effort, time, and dedication they have put into their business, which leads to pride in themselves and their team’s achievements.So, why don’t we enter awards more freely? As mentioned, the fear of failure accompanies the effort it takes, and to top it off, there is the general shrinking away from self-promotion. We need to get over these factors. Proving your business is one of the best takes time, explanation, and proof, which is the perfect environment for a sense check and exploration under the bonnet, which can throw up areas for refinement such as:Are the business processes as efficient as possible?Where are the leaks? Or areas of lost productivity?What story are the numbers telling?Are the right people in the right positions?Where are we heading?Over and above these benefits are the esteemed business judges who gain sight of what you and your business are doing. This is top-notch networking in itself as well as meeting the other applicants.Lastly, to reinforce my message, I found the following paragraph in Forbes Magazine:‘Awards, funds, and recognition are a form of currency. In the world we live in, they matter. They are bargaining chips! They can help you demand a higher fee as an entrepreneur, reinforce your request for a higher corporate salary to your employer, and provide external validation of how you measure up against your peers.’Business mentors can support the whole process. Having a mentor’s involvement increases the chances of success because generally we have been there and done it, plus we provide fresh eyes and a lens that a business judge will more than likely be looking through.Sadly, when talking to one of the successful businesses that night, I learnt she had been allocated a mentor on a local, council-funded programme. The mentor lasted two sessions with her as he was as she described, ‘useless’. Luckily, she had the acumen to call it a day before he did any damage – no advice is better than bad advice. This was the reason I founded the Association of Business Mentors, to ensure business owners have access to experienced and qualified mentors.I finally managed to put my equal measures of fear and ego aside and entered The National Mentoring Awards when they took place in 2019. I won The Peoples Mentoring Champion, which sits proudly on our piano. Going through the process made me realise quite how much I do in the mentoring world and the continuous fight for standards and ethics that protect mentees, together with the high-caliber, equally passionate team at the ABM. Share via:

Scientists discover life in Earth’s most extreme environments

Researchers have discovered animal life beneath the seafloor at hydrothermal vents in the eastern Pacific, near the Galápagos Islands. Scientists found enormous tubeworms and other vent animals thriving, challenging the previous belief that only microbes and viruses can inhibit inhospitable subseafloor crust.
The East Pacific Rise is a volcanically active region boasting numerous hydrothermal vent fields. Recent eruptions have uncovered megafauna colonization patterns at new vent sites, mainly tubeworms and bathymodiolin mussels. Hydrothermal vents in volcanically active regions erupt as boiling mineral-rich fluid, attracting animal life.
While the scientists knew that life existed in and around the hydrothermal vents, they are unclear about how these larvae arrive to settle at a vent.
As larvae cannot swim against the currents, their efficient dispersal by the ocean current seems more likely. Therefore, researchers hypothesized that larvae get entrained with seawater into the ocean crust. Since the shallow Earth’s crust is a porous volcanic rock, these creatures finally settle at vents.
Study reproduces origins of life on ocean floor
Cross-section of lobate lava that is built up by layers of lava shelves with cavities in between. The ceiling of cavities can have lava drips (D). Cracks occur in different localities in the lava shelves. In the recharge zone, cold seawater enters the shallow crustal subseafloor via cracks in the lava shelves and mixes in the subseafloor with upwelling warm hydrothermal vent fluid to be later discharged through cracks in the lava shelves. Seafloor surface vent tubeworms Riftia pachyptila (R) and Oasisia alvinae (O) release fertilized eggs to develop in the water column into trochophore larvae which get entrained into the crustal subseafloor cavity system in the recharge zone. They settle in the crustal subseafloor, in the cracks, or at the seafloor surface in the discharge zone to grow into adults. Mobile animals, e.g. Paralvinella (P) and Lepetodrilus (L) either also transit through the circulation system as larvae or migrate in and out of the cracks of the lobate lava. Some animals, e.g. Bathymodiolus thermophilus (B) mussels colonize the seafloor surface vents but have not been visually detected in the crustal subseafloor. Scale: lava shelf thickness is ~10 cm, cavities are ~5 to ~15 cm in height, with animals depicted to relative scale (larvae not to scale). The three-dimensional extent of cavities likely reaches several lava shelfs down to lower floors of subsurface.
“Rapid colonization by these animals suggests efficient larval dispersal, with larvae assumed to be transported through the bottom, ridge, and ocean currents before they settle at vents through downwards swimming or sinking,” says the study.
To test their hypothesis, the group utilized the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) SuBastian to a vent site 8,250 feet (2,515 meters) beneath the ocean surface. ROV drilled smaller holes at the sampling site (nicknamed Fava Flow Suburbs) and uplifted the lava slab.
Tubeworms in a shallow subsurface cavity beneath deep-sea hydrothermal vents. (Image via: Schmidt Ocean Institute)
ROV discovered caves of approximately 10 cm height below a 10-15 cm thick lava shelf, revealing hydrothermal fluid-filled pockets. They studied six caves inhabited by macroscopically visible animals, and the results showcased the shallow subseafloor as a suitable habitat for vent animals.
Potential origins of life uncovered in ancient hot springs
“Here we report, to our knowledge for the first time, the discovery of animals excavated from fluid-filled, shallow cavities in the subseafloor of deep-sea hydrothermal vents,” says the study.
These small vents appeared to be populated with tubeworms. One of the caves even demonstrated males’ testes filled with sperm and female species with egg-filled gonads. This hinted at the reproduction occurring in the subseafloor cavities.
“We note that even when mussels were present at the seafloor surface above four of these cavities, they were not visible in the subseafloor cavities. The most abundant tubeworm species, growing from the roof of all five caves and often wrapped around lava drips, was O. alvinae with record sizes of 20 cm tube length, exceeding the ones described from the surface, indicating that these large specimens were adult,” describes the study.
The study pointed out that the subseafloor could be a transient or a permanent habitat, depending on the location. A few larvae could disperse in cavities to potentially colonize other lava cracks or settle at the existing site as permanent fauna.
Ancient seafloor vents supplied life-giving minerals into Earth’s early oceans
Journal Reference

Bright, M., Gollner, S., De Oliveira, A. L., Fulford, A., Hughes, I. V., Hourdez, S., Karthäuser, C., Kolar, I., Krause, N., Le Layec, V., Makovec, T., Messora, A., Mitchell, J., Pröts, P., Sieler, F., Sievert, S. M., Steger, J., Tinta, T., Winter, T. R., . . . Paris, A. (2024). Animal life in the shallow subseafloor crust at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Nature Communications, 15(1), 1-9. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-52631-9

Scientists discover life in Earth’s most extreme environments

Researchers have discovered animal life beneath the seafloor at hydrothermal vents in the eastern Pacific, near the Galápagos Islands. Scientists found enormous tubeworms and other vent animals thriving, challenging the previous belief that only microbes and viruses can inhibit inhospitable subseafloor crust.
The East Pacific Rise is a volcanically active region boasting numerous hydrothermal vent fields. Recent eruptions have uncovered megafauna colonization patterns at new vent sites, mainly tubeworms and bathymodiolin mussels. Hydrothermal vents in volcanically active regions erupt as boiling mineral-rich fluid, attracting animal life.
While the scientists knew that life existed in and around the hydrothermal vents, they are unclear about how these larvae arrive to settle at a vent.
As larvae cannot swim against the currents, their efficient dispersal by the ocean current seems more likely. Therefore, researchers hypothesized that larvae get entrained with seawater into the ocean crust. Since the shallow Earth’s crust is a porous volcanic rock, these creatures finally settle at vents.
Study reproduces origins of life on ocean floor
Cross-section of lobate lava that is built up by layers of lava shelves with cavities in between. The ceiling of cavities can have lava drips (D). Cracks occur in different localities in the lava shelves. In the recharge zone, cold seawater enters the shallow crustal subseafloor via cracks in the lava shelves and mixes in the subseafloor with upwelling warm hydrothermal vent fluid to be later discharged through cracks in the lava shelves. Seafloor surface vent tubeworms Riftia pachyptila (R) and Oasisia alvinae (O) release fertilized eggs to develop in the water column into trochophore larvae which get entrained into the crustal subseafloor cavity system in the recharge zone. They settle in the crustal subseafloor, in the cracks, or at the seafloor surface in the discharge zone to grow into adults. Mobile animals, e.g. Paralvinella (P) and Lepetodrilus (L) either also transit through the circulation system as larvae or migrate in and out of the cracks of the lobate lava. Some animals, e.g. Bathymodiolus thermophilus (B) mussels colonize the seafloor surface vents but have not been visually detected in the crustal subseafloor. Scale: lava shelf thickness is ~10 cm, cavities are ~5 to ~15 cm in height, with animals depicted to relative scale (larvae not to scale). The three-dimensional extent of cavities likely reaches several lava shelfs down to lower floors of subsurface.
“Rapid colonization by these animals suggests efficient larval dispersal, with larvae assumed to be transported through the bottom, ridge, and ocean currents before they settle at vents through downwards swimming or sinking,” says the study.
To test their hypothesis, the group utilized the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) SuBastian to a vent site 8,250 feet (2,515 meters) beneath the ocean surface. ROV drilled smaller holes at the sampling site (nicknamed Fava Flow Suburbs) and uplifted the lava slab.
Tubeworms in a shallow subsurface cavity beneath deep-sea hydrothermal vents. (Image via: Schmidt Ocean Institute)
ROV discovered caves of approximately 10 cm height below a 10-15 cm thick lava shelf, revealing hydrothermal fluid-filled pockets. They studied six caves inhabited by macroscopically visible animals, and the results showcased the shallow subseafloor as a suitable habitat for vent animals.
Potential origins of life uncovered in ancient hot springs
“Here we report, to our knowledge for the first time, the discovery of animals excavated from fluid-filled, shallow cavities in the subseafloor of deep-sea hydrothermal vents,” says the study.
These small vents appeared to be populated with tubeworms. One of the caves even demonstrated males’ testes filled with sperm and female species with egg-filled gonads. This hinted at the reproduction occurring in the subseafloor cavities.
“We note that even when mussels were present at the seafloor surface above four of these cavities, they were not visible in the subseafloor cavities. The most abundant tubeworm species, growing from the roof of all five caves and often wrapped around lava drips, was O. alvinae with record sizes of 20 cm tube length, exceeding the ones described from the surface, indicating that these large specimens were adult,” describes the study.
The study pointed out that the subseafloor could be a transient or a permanent habitat, depending on the location. A few larvae could disperse in cavities to potentially colonize other lava cracks or settle at the existing site as permanent fauna.
Ancient seafloor vents supplied life-giving minerals into Earth’s early oceans
Journal Reference

Bright, M., Gollner, S., De Oliveira, A. L., Fulford, A., Hughes, I. V., Hourdez, S., Karthäuser, C., Kolar, I., Krause, N., Le Layec, V., Makovec, T., Messora, A., Mitchell, J., Pröts, P., Sieler, F., Sievert, S. M., Steger, J., Tinta, T., Winter, T. R., . . . Paris, A. (2024). Animal life in the shallow subseafloor crust at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Nature Communications, 15(1), 1-9. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-52631-9

Chinese scientists develop technology for sustainable production of industrial chemicals

This file photo taken in July, 2022 shows the pilot facility for 1,000-tonne bio-based ethylene glycol production through catalysis in Puyang, central China’s Henan Province. TO GO WITH “Chinese scientists develop technology for sustainable production of industrial chemicals” (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences/Handout via Xinhua)BEIJING, Oct. 17 (Xinhua) — Chinese scientists have developed a technology for sustainable production of bio-based ethylene glycol (EG), an important bulk energy chemical, with a production capacity of 1,000 tonnes annually, marking a significant step in the green transformation of China’s chemical industry chain.This breakthrough will also support China’s sustainable economic development and the realization of the nation’s “dual carbon” goal, which refers to peaking its carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060, according to Zheng Mingyuan, a researcher with the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.A research team from DICP and SinoSci Bio-EG (Zhengzhou) New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. successfully completed pilot testing of the biomass-to-bio-EG catalytic conversion technology at a scale of 1,000 tonnes annually, which passed evaluation by the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation on Thursday.EG, mainly used in the synthesis of polyester fibers, polyester bottles, antifreeze, coatings and pharmaceuticals, has an annual global consumption of over 30 million tonnes. China is a major producer and consumer of EG, with an annual consumption exceeding 20 million tonnes.However, EG is primarily produced from petroleum or coal, which has disadvantages such as reliance on non-renewable resources, high carbon dioxide emissions, and high energy consumption. Therefore, the development of green and efficient EG production technologies is urgently needed, Zheng noted.In 2008, the research team led by Zhang Tao, an academician at the CAS, pioneered the direct catalytic conversion of cellulose into EG at DICP, establishing a novel pathway for producing bio-based EG.In the subsequent years, the team conducted systematic research focusing on fundamental understanding and industrial applications. They achieved significant progress in developing low-cost catalysts, investigating reaction mechanisms, converting raw materials and creating high-efficiency reaction systems.In 2022, the team of researchers, in collaboration with SinoSci Bio-EG and other partners, built the world’s first pilot facility for 1,000-tonne bio-EG production through catalysis in Puyang in central China’s Henan Province. The team later carried out technological improvements for the project.Zheng explained that the pilot facility employs the biomass feedstock of sugars derived from starch and corn stalks to produce EG through a highly selective catalytic reaction system, combined with an efficient product separation process. The entire process follows a green, low-carbon route.With over 40 authorized invention patents, this technology boasts a comprehensive portfolio of independent intellectual property rights, according to Zheng.The pilot operation has laid the foundation for the industrial application of the technology at a scale of 10,000 tonnes annually, Zheng said. ■

Student Baggage Allowance: Ultimate Guide to Baggage Allowance for Domestic & International Travel From India

This article has been reviewed by Wego’s editorial team to ensure that the content is up to date & accurate.
Updated October 2024

Key takeaways 

IATA recommends checked bags under 23 kg/50 lbs and carry-on bags not exceeding 22x18x10 inches.

Airlines like Air India, IndiGo, Emirates, and Qatar Airways offer student baggage allowance discounts and benefits.

Airlines provide extra weight allowances, discounts, flexible baggage options, and additional perks for students.

Understanding baggage allowance terms

Checked Baggage: Your checked baggage would be travel bags containing your clothes and other personal utilities. Once checked in, you do not have to carry them along. The airline will carry it for you to your final destination. 
Carry-on: Your carry-on baggage would be the travel bag containing your laptop and documents that you intend to carry it along with you as you venture through the airport to get on your flight. 

According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), each bag should weigh less than 23 kg/50 lbs. Carry-on baggage should have a maximum length of 22 (56 cm), width of 18 (45 cm), and depth of 10 (25 cm) —dimensions include wheels, handles, side pockets, and more. Every airline usually has its own set of acceptable baggage weights, beyond which one has to pay extra money for their baggage to be carried on the airplane as an add-on.
For Indian students traveling abroad or domestically, Wego has compiled below a list of domestic and international airlines and their baggage allowances—generous or otherwise, special policies and the like. 
Book Cheap Flights on Wego

Domestic airlines 
The following are some of the domestic airlines that offer some special policies or offers on baggage allowance for Indian students traveling abroad or domestically:
Air India 
When traveling with Air India, within domestic airports, students can avail themselves of a free baggage allowance of 25 kg/ 55 lb—if the following criteria are met: 

Admitted in a full-time course. 
Can show proof of being a student. 
All of the flights within that journey are Air India flights. Codesharing is not allowed in this instance. 

The following is the baggage allowance for students on Air India flights: 


International: The accepted dimensions of the luggage are 273 cm/107 in, and the accepted weight is 32 kg/71 lbs.
Domestic: The accepted dimensions of the luggage are 273 cm/107 in, and the accepted weight is 15 kg/33 lbs.


International: The accepted dimensions of the luggage are 158 cm/62 in, and the accepted weight is 23 kg/50 lbs.
Domestic: The accepted dimensions of the luggage are 158 cm/62 in, and the accepted weight is 25 kg/55 lbs.

Alternatively, for more information on baggage allowance, please refer to our dedicated Air India baggage allowance article.
When traveling within domestic airports via IndiGo, students can avail themselves of a free baggage allowance of 10 kg/22 lb—if the following criteria are met: 

Air tickets are booked 7 days in advance. 

The tickets are booked via the IndiGo website or mobile application. 

Show proof of being a full-time student. 

The following is the baggage allowance for students traveling abroad: 

EU codeshare: The accepted dimensions of the luggage are 158 cm/62 in, and the accepted weight is 30 kg/65 lbs.
US codeshare: The accepted dimensions of the luggage are 158 cm/62 in, and the accepted weight is 46 kg/100 lbs.

The total baggage allowance when traveling domestically is 25 kg/55 lbs, including the added baggage allowance of 10 kg/22 lbs. 
Air India Express 
Eligibility & benefits
When traveling within domestic airports via Air India Express, students can avail themselves of a free baggage allowance benefit of 25 kg/55 lb—if the following criteria are met: 

Admitted in a full-time course. 
Can show proof of being a student.
All the flights on that journey are specifically Air India Express flights. Codesharing is not allowed. 

Eligibility & benefits
When traveling within domestic airports via SpiceJet, students can avail themselves of a free baggage allowance benefit of 15 kg/33 lb along with an additional 10 kg/22 lbs—if the following criteria are met: 

The tickets are for direct flights. 

The tickets are booked via the SpiceJet website or the SpiceJet reservation center. 

Admitted in a full-time course. 
Can show proof of being a student—hard copy of original valid student ID card. 

Students traveling internationally and within India via Vistara can avail of the discounts mentioned below if they meet the following criteria—

Admitted in a full-time course. 
Can show proof of being a student. 
For students traveling 

Domestically: Air tickets are booked via the official Vistara website or their official mobile application. 
Internationally: Air tickets are booked via the official Vistara website, the official Vistara mobile application, online travel agencies and travel agents. 

Students traveling within India get to avail of a baggage allowance as follows: 

20kg when booking under Economy Lite and Economy Standard 
25kg when booking under Economy Flexi 

For students traveling to London, Frankfurt, and Paris, the following is the regular allowance + add-ons and total allowance for various cabin classes: 

Economy Value, Economy Standard, Premium Economy, Premium Economy Standard: 

Regular allowance + add-ons for students 

2 pieces (23 kgs/50 lbs each) + 1 piece (23 kg/50 lbs) 

Total allowance 

Economy Flexi, Premium Economy Flexi: 

Regular allowance + add-ons for students 

2 pieces (32 kg each) + 1 piece (23 kg)

Total allowance 

Business Value, Business Standard:

Regular allowance + add-ons for students

2 pieces (32 kg each) + 1 piece (23 kg) 

Total allowance 

Business Flexi

Regular allowance + add-ons for students 

3 pieces (32 kg each) + 1 piece (23 kg each)

Total allowance 

Please visit the official Vistara website to learn about the airline’s baggage allowance for students traveling to other international destinations.
Akasa Air 
Eligibility & benefits
When traveling within domestic airports via Akasa Air, students can avail themselves of a free add-on baggage allowance of 10 kg/22 lb along with a 15kg/33lb check-in baggage limit—if the following criteria are met: 

The tickets are for direct flights. 

Admitted in a full-time course. 

Can show proof of being a student—hard copy of original valid student ID card.

Students are between the ages of 12 and 24. 

International airlines
The following are some of the international airlines that offer some special policies or offers on baggage allowance for Indian students traveling abroad:
If you are a full-time registered student between 16 and 31 years old, you can carry 10 kg of add-on luggage for free when you book your Emirates flight tickets before 31 March 2025 using the promo code STUDENT via the official Emirates website.
Please note that you must present your valid student ID or acceptance letter during check-in to avail the offer. 
Extra baggage allowances and costs depend on specific routes and tickets. To learn about your exact total cost and allowance, follow the steps below: 

Visit the official Emirates website. 

Log in with your registered ID and password. 

The following weight concept applies to most countries except the Americas and Africa: 

Total baggage allowance: 

Economy: 35 kg/77 lbs.
Business: 40 kg/88 lbs
First: 50 kg/110 lbs.

The total accepted baggage dimension is 300 cm/118 inches. 
The total weight of each piece of luggage is 32 kg/70.54 lbs. 

Please visit the official Emirates website to learn about baggage allowances to and from the countries of the Americas and Africa. 
Alternatively, for more information on baggage allowance, please refer to our dedicated Emirates baggage allowance article.
Etihad Airways 
Eligibility & benefits
Please note that the following Etihad Airways discount applies to everyone, including students between the ages of 16 and 32:  
You can buy extra baggage space when booking via the official Etihad Airways website 30 days before your flight to save 30% on your ticket if you are traveling to and from the US or Canada and 65% for other countries. 
To buy extra luggage, visit the “Manage your booking” section.  
Qatar Airways
Eligibility & benefits
If you become a member of the Qatar Airways Student Club, you can earn extra benefits, such as an extra baggage allowance of 10kg and more (depending on the route).  
To avail of the benefits of the Student Club, you must: 

Be an enrolled member of the Qatar Airways Student Club
Be enrolled in an educational institution. 
Be between the ages of 18 and 30. 
Present the digital Student Club card at the time of check-in.

Alternatively, for more information on baggage allowance, please refer to our dedicated Qatar Airways baggage allowance article.
Lufthansa & SWISS (Swiss International Air Lines) 
To avail of baggage allowance benefits when traveling via Lufthansa and SWISS, you must possess a valid Travel ID card. 
A Travel ID gives you the added benefit of an extra baggage allowance, among many other benefits, when traveling via Lufthansa, SWISS or other Lufthansa Group airlines.
Please register for Travel ID and verify your student status to receive an extra baggage allowance of 23 kg. The standard baggage allowance for Lufthansa, SWISS or other Lufthansa Group airlines is — 

Total weight: 23 kg 
Total dimension: 158 cm
Total bag: 1

Air France 
Eligibility & benefits
Air France’s special student rate allows for a free checked-in baggage allowance of 23kg/50.7 lb. The total number of baggage allowed for free is 2. 
To avail of this offer, you must meet the following criteria:

Be between the ages of 18 and 29. 
Book flight tickets in Economy class.
Present student ID card during check-in. 
Book your flight ticket via the official Air France website 

Choose your destination 

Click on “passengers” and then select “student.” 

Virgin Atlantic
Eligibility & benefits 
If you are a student and book a Virgin Atlantic flight ticket from Bangalore, Delhi, or Mumbai for anywhere in the USA before 31 December 2024, then you can avail of the following baggage allowances:

Total baggage allowance of 87kg/191.8 lbs in Upper Class (2 x 32kg bags + 1 x 23kg bag) 
Total baggage allowance of  69kg/152 lbs in Premium and Economy Classic and Delight (3 x 23kg bags). 

Student Baggage Allowance: Ultimate Guide to Baggage Allowance for Domestic & International Travel From India

This article has been reviewed by Wego’s editorial team to ensure that the content is up to date & accurate.
Updated October 2024

Key takeaways 

IATA recommends checked bags under 23 kg/50 lbs and carry-on bags not exceeding 22x18x10 inches.

Airlines like Air India, IndiGo, Emirates, and Qatar Airways offer student baggage allowance discounts and benefits.

Airlines provide extra weight allowances, discounts, flexible baggage options, and additional perks for students.

Understanding baggage allowance terms

Checked Baggage: Your checked baggage would be travel bags containing your clothes and other personal utilities. Once checked in, you do not have to carry them along. The airline will carry it for you to your final destination. 
Carry-on: Your carry-on baggage would be the travel bag containing your laptop and documents that you intend to carry it along with you as you venture through the airport to get on your flight. 

According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), each bag should weigh less than 23 kg/50 lbs. Carry-on baggage should have a maximum length of 22 (56 cm), width of 18 (45 cm), and depth of 10 (25 cm) —dimensions include wheels, handles, side pockets, and more. Every airline usually has its own set of acceptable baggage weights, beyond which one has to pay extra money for their baggage to be carried on the airplane as an add-on.
For Indian students traveling abroad or domestically, Wego has compiled below a list of domestic and international airlines and their baggage allowances—generous or otherwise, special policies and the like. 
Book Cheap Flights on Wego

Domestic airlines 
The following are some of the domestic airlines that offer some special policies or offers on baggage allowance for Indian students traveling abroad or domestically:
Air India 
When traveling with Air India, within domestic airports, students can avail themselves of a free baggage allowance of 25 kg/ 55 lb—if the following criteria are met: 

Admitted in a full-time course. 
Can show proof of being a student. 
All of the flights within that journey are Air India flights. Codesharing is not allowed in this instance. 

The following is the baggage allowance for students on Air India flights: 


International: The accepted dimensions of the luggage are 273 cm/107 in, and the accepted weight is 32 kg/71 lbs.
Domestic: The accepted dimensions of the luggage are 273 cm/107 in, and the accepted weight is 15 kg/33 lbs.


International: The accepted dimensions of the luggage are 158 cm/62 in, and the accepted weight is 23 kg/50 lbs.
Domestic: The accepted dimensions of the luggage are 158 cm/62 in, and the accepted weight is 25 kg/55 lbs.

Alternatively, for more information on baggage allowance, please refer to our dedicated Air India baggage allowance article.
When traveling within domestic airports via IndiGo, students can avail themselves of a free baggage allowance of 10 kg/22 lb—if the following criteria are met: 

Air tickets are booked 7 days in advance. 

The tickets are booked via the IndiGo website or mobile application. 

Show proof of being a full-time student. 

The following is the baggage allowance for students traveling abroad: 

EU codeshare: The accepted dimensions of the luggage are 158 cm/62 in, and the accepted weight is 30 kg/65 lbs.
US codeshare: The accepted dimensions of the luggage are 158 cm/62 in, and the accepted weight is 46 kg/100 lbs.

The total baggage allowance when traveling domestically is 25 kg/55 lbs, including the added baggage allowance of 10 kg/22 lbs. 
Air India Express 
Eligibility & benefits
When traveling within domestic airports via Air India Express, students can avail themselves of a free baggage allowance benefit of 25 kg/55 lb—if the following criteria are met: 

Admitted in a full-time course. 
Can show proof of being a student.
All the flights on that journey are specifically Air India Express flights. Codesharing is not allowed. 

Eligibility & benefits
When traveling within domestic airports via SpiceJet, students can avail themselves of a free baggage allowance benefit of 15 kg/33 lb along with an additional 10 kg/22 lbs—if the following criteria are met: 

The tickets are for direct flights. 

The tickets are booked via the SpiceJet website or the SpiceJet reservation center. 

Admitted in a full-time course. 
Can show proof of being a student—hard copy of original valid student ID card. 

Students traveling internationally and within India via Vistara can avail of the discounts mentioned below if they meet the following criteria—

Admitted in a full-time course. 
Can show proof of being a student. 
For students traveling 

Domestically: Air tickets are booked via the official Vistara website or their official mobile application. 
Internationally: Air tickets are booked via the official Vistara website, the official Vistara mobile application, online travel agencies and travel agents. 

Students traveling within India get to avail of a baggage allowance as follows: 

20kg when booking under Economy Lite and Economy Standard 
25kg when booking under Economy Flexi 

For students traveling to London, Frankfurt, and Paris, the following is the regular allowance + add-ons and total allowance for various cabin classes: 

Economy Value, Economy Standard, Premium Economy, Premium Economy Standard: 

Regular allowance + add-ons for students 

2 pieces (23 kgs/50 lbs each) + 1 piece (23 kg/50 lbs) 

Total allowance 

Economy Flexi, Premium Economy Flexi: 

Regular allowance + add-ons for students 

2 pieces (32 kg each) + 1 piece (23 kg)

Total allowance 

Business Value, Business Standard:

Regular allowance + add-ons for students

2 pieces (32 kg each) + 1 piece (23 kg) 

Total allowance 

Business Flexi

Regular allowance + add-ons for students 

3 pieces (32 kg each) + 1 piece (23 kg each)

Total allowance 

Please visit the official Vistara website to learn about the airline’s baggage allowance for students traveling to other international destinations.
Akasa Air 
Eligibility & benefits
When traveling within domestic airports via Akasa Air, students can avail themselves of a free add-on baggage allowance of 10 kg/22 lb along with a 15kg/33lb check-in baggage limit—if the following criteria are met: 

The tickets are for direct flights. 

Admitted in a full-time course. 

Can show proof of being a student—hard copy of original valid student ID card.

Students are between the ages of 12 and 24. 

International airlines
The following are some of the international airlines that offer some special policies or offers on baggage allowance for Indian students traveling abroad:
If you are a full-time registered student between 16 and 31 years old, you can carry 10 kg of add-on luggage for free when you book your Emirates flight tickets before 31 March 2025 using the promo code STUDENT via the official Emirates website.
Please note that you must present your valid student ID or acceptance letter during check-in to avail the offer. 
Extra baggage allowances and costs depend on specific routes and tickets. To learn about your exact total cost and allowance, follow the steps below: 

Visit the official Emirates website. 

Log in with your registered ID and password. 

The following weight concept applies to most countries except the Americas and Africa: 

Total baggage allowance: 

Economy: 35 kg/77 lbs.
Business: 40 kg/88 lbs
First: 50 kg/110 lbs.

The total accepted baggage dimension is 300 cm/118 inches. 
The total weight of each piece of luggage is 32 kg/70.54 lbs. 

Please visit the official Emirates website to learn about baggage allowances to and from the countries of the Americas and Africa. 
Alternatively, for more information on baggage allowance, please refer to our dedicated Emirates baggage allowance article.
Etihad Airways 
Eligibility & benefits
Please note that the following Etihad Airways discount applies to everyone, including students between the ages of 16 and 32:  
You can buy extra baggage space when booking via the official Etihad Airways website 30 days before your flight to save 30% on your ticket if you are traveling to and from the US or Canada and 65% for other countries. 
To buy extra luggage, visit the “Manage your booking” section.  
Qatar Airways
Eligibility & benefits
If you become a member of the Qatar Airways Student Club, you can earn extra benefits, such as an extra baggage allowance of 10kg and more (depending on the route).  
To avail of the benefits of the Student Club, you must: 

Be an enrolled member of the Qatar Airways Student Club
Be enrolled in an educational institution. 
Be between the ages of 18 and 30. 
Present the digital Student Club card at the time of check-in.

Alternatively, for more information on baggage allowance, please refer to our dedicated Qatar Airways baggage allowance article.
Lufthansa & SWISS (Swiss International Air Lines) 
To avail of baggage allowance benefits when traveling via Lufthansa and SWISS, you must possess a valid Travel ID card. 
A Travel ID gives you the added benefit of an extra baggage allowance, among many other benefits, when traveling via Lufthansa, SWISS or other Lufthansa Group airlines.
Please register for Travel ID and verify your student status to receive an extra baggage allowance of 23 kg. The standard baggage allowance for Lufthansa, SWISS or other Lufthansa Group airlines is — 

Total weight: 23 kg 
Total dimension: 158 cm
Total bag: 1

Air France 
Eligibility & benefits
Air France’s special student rate allows for a free checked-in baggage allowance of 23kg/50.7 lb. The total number of baggage allowed for free is 2. 
To avail of this offer, you must meet the following criteria:

Be between the ages of 18 and 29. 
Book flight tickets in Economy class.
Present student ID card during check-in. 
Book your flight ticket via the official Air France website 

Choose your destination 

Click on “passengers” and then select “student.” 

Virgin Atlantic
Eligibility & benefits 
If you are a student and book a Virgin Atlantic flight ticket from Bangalore, Delhi, or Mumbai for anywhere in the USA before 31 December 2024, then you can avail of the following baggage allowances:

Total baggage allowance of 87kg/191.8 lbs in Upper Class (2 x 32kg bags + 1 x 23kg bag) 
Total baggage allowance of  69kg/152 lbs in Premium and Economy Classic and Delight (3 x 23kg bags).