Weaponization of Energy & Property Rights

Date: April 9, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Tom DeWeese MP3 | Order

Increasingly, energy is being used as a weapon against the American people.  Some are being denied the use of energy or there are curbs, penalties or denials on the use of energy.  Couple this with the attack on personal property rights and you  can see that we have a government that is overreaching and simply out of control.  

Returning to Crosstalk to discuss the weaponization of energy and property rights was Tom DeWeese.  Tom is president of American Policy Center.  He is one of the nation’s leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education and American sovereignty and independence and protecting our Constitutionally-guaranteed rights.  Tom is also the grassroots coordinator for CFACT.

Tom began by noting that when you don’t have your own property to stand on, how do you declare your independence, such as your freedom of speech.  More and more property is becoming government property where they dictate to you what you’re going to say and if you violate that you’re in big trouble.  Don’t believe that?  Tom said he’s asking people around the nation to go to one of their city council meetings and ask the following question: What can I do on my property without your permission? 

Tom went on to describe a situation in Pataskala, Ohio, where the Chinese are moving in to build a “monster” solar panel assembly plant.  He believes the lead company in the project is merely a “shell” designed to get around U.S. regulations that would otherwise prevent a foreign company from owning property.  Local activists that are trying to fight back are up against a mayor and city council that are seeing dollar signs.  Hence, those that are fighting back are being referred to as “radicals” to be ignored.

Jim has Tom comment on other aspects of this issue including:

A green climate corps being put together by the Biden administration.

Electric vehicle sales are down.  Why the big push for us to buy them?

The “green invasion” of churches.

Squatters rights.

What can we do?

…and much more!

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Israel’s War Against Hamas Marks Six Months

Date: April 8, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, Jr MP3 | Order

Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, Jr. is speaker, teacher, Mideast guide, videographer and speaker on Prophecy Today.  He lived and worked in Jerusalem for many years before  returning to the U.S. for continued ministry.  He’s a fully credentialed journalist and has led numerous tours to Israel.  He is one of the speakers on Prophecy Today.

6 months ago yesterday, Hamas launched its deadly attack on Israel.  More Israeli’s were killed on October 7th, 2023, than at any time since Israel became a nation.   

Dr. DeYoung noted that the Biden administration is definitely making its presence felt in the decision making process concerning what to do next.  He believes the Israeli people are in it for the long haul.  That means finishing the job at hand.  President Netanyahu and the war cabinet have pulled a key division out of southern Gaza to re-arm in order to do just that and finish the next stage of the battle which is in Rafah.  In addition, Dr. DeYoung believes the step after that would be to wipe out Iran.

He also indicated that 600 plus Israeli soldiers have been killed, 97 hostages are still alive and 36 bodies are being held by Hamas.  

Complicating matters is Iran as Israel has killed one of their generals and Iran has yet to retaliate.

This is a subject with a lot of variables and Dr. DeYoung attempts to touch on all of them on this important edition of Crosstalk. 

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News Roundup & Comment

Date: April 5, 2024 Host: Dalton Windsor MP3 | Order

Dalton was at the helm this week, bringing news headlines of importance to Christians worldwide.  Stories included: 

–Earlier today, New Jersey and New York suffered a 4.8 magnitude earthquake.

–A 7.4 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan resulted in collapsed buildings, landslides and at least 9 deaths.

–According to a Wall Street Journal poll, President Joe Biden is trailing Donald Trump in nearly all battleground states that helped decide the 2020 election regardless of whether 3rd party candidates are factored in.

–President Biden finalized new civil service protections that are aimed at preventing the sort of bureaucratic house cleaning that former President Donald Trump plans should he win re-election.

–A new poll indicates that over two-thirds of Americans disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of the southern border.

–Hundreds of thousands of immigrants have flown in to Texas and Florida as part of expanded immigration parole procedures.  

–Illegal immigrant deported 7 times arrested for murder in Butler County, Ohio.

–Peter Doocy of Fox News presses the White House on release of migrants who allegedly beat Texas National Guardsman.

–An alleged smuggler was arrested in Kentucky charged with bringing minors across the border and producing child pornography.

–A federal judge ordered the U.S. government to expeditiously house migrant children who illegally enter the U.S. instead of allowing them to remain in open-air locations along the border.

–Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a law permitting immediate removal of squatters.

–President Joe Biden is funding border security in foreign nations.

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Gender Dysphoria?  Biological Integrity Initiative

Date: April 3, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Dr. Jill Simons MP3 | Order

The numbers of children dealing with gender dysphoria is off the charts. The result?  A recent report out of the UK indicated over one-third of children on puberty blockers were experiencing worsened mental health.  LifeSiteNews.com has reported on disturbing new data from the Canadian Institute for Health showing hundreds of minor girls from Canada have had their breasts removed in the past 5 years under the guise of treatment for gender confusion.  The Washington Free Beacon reported that Planned Parenthood is helping teenagers transition after nothing more than a 30 minute consult, doling out prescriptions for estrogen and testosterone, including to special needs children.

In response, the American College of Pediatricians has launched a new biological integrity initiative with the goal of exposing the dangers of transgender procedures on children.  

With more on this issue, Jim welcomed Dr. Jill Simons.  Dr. Simons is executive director of the American College of Pediatricians.  She is a Board-Certified Pediatrician and is in private practice in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and also a professional staff member of Children’s Minnesota and Mercy Hospital.  She served as Chairman of Pediatrics for Mercy and Unity Hospitals from 2005-2008 and helped establish the hospital’s NICU and pediatric trauma programs and was voted Top Doc by Mpls. St. Paul Magazine in 2010.  She is also Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and has been a member of the Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics as well as the section on Bioethics.  Dr. Simons is also a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

What is gender dysphoria?  Dr. Simons noted this is a “catch all” phrase that refers to a person that is uncomfortable being the sex that they are.  She believes social media is contributing to this problem, but the underlying problem for those suffering from gender dysphoria is mental health.  Specifically, this can include anxiety, depression, poor self-esteem, abuse, or they may suffer from autism.  In short, they’re looking for answers as to why they feel the way they do and want to find a group that they can fit into. 

Included in such a discussion are the various medical interventions that are often utilized.  One of them is puberty blockers.  These are drugs used to treat medical conditions where puberty begins early (precocious puberty).  Today, however, these blockers are being used to block the normal onset of puberty in order to keep the child in an immature state.  The problem is that there are dangers to using these medications on the skeletal and muscle structures but Dr. Simons indicated that we really don’t know all the effects that will take place when puberty is put on hold for long periods of time.  Also if a child is put on such drugs before entering puberty and then placed on opposite sex hormones in high doses, they will never develop functional sexual organs.  They’ll be infertile. 

Speaking of cross sex hormones, these can result in osteoporosis, diabetes, cancer, there’s a risk for heart disease and other side effects.

Dr. Simons sees even earlier interventions such as dressing as the opposite sex and/or adopting a different name or using certain pronouns as harmful.  She believes they set the child on a “conveyor belt” that is hard to leave.  It sets the child on a pathway where eventually that’s not enough which leads to puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and eventually surgery.   

She concluded the first quarter hour by telling listeners that there are good studies showing that if children are supported properly through normal puberty and provided counseling if they need it for underlying health problems, gender dysphoria will resolve itself in up to 88% of girls and 98% of boys.

There’s much more to learn about this important topic, and listeners brought their questions and concerns to the discussion as well. 

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A Nation Falling Apart at the Seams

Date: April 2, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Alex Newman MP3 | Order

With each passing day you can’t help but wonder, what’s next?  The things happening in America are happening so quickly.  For example, just a few years ago we had the most secure borders ever and we were energy independent.  Evidence indicates that America is more divided than ever and from the highest office in the land, Resurrection Sunday was hijacked by a transgender day of visibility.

So as you look at our nation from these facets as well as others, it’s clear that America is “falling apart at the seams.” 

Returning to Crosstalk to explain why was Alex Newman.  Alex is an award-winning international freelance journalist, author, researcher, educator and consultant.  He is senior editor for The New American.  He’s co-author of Crimes of the Educators, author of  Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes and author of, Indoctrinating Our Children to Death.  He is founder of Liberty Sentinel.

Alex began his analysis by describing his prognosis for the future of America.  He believes that when you look at the situation objectively and honestly, we’re a nation that is on the verge of collapse and that we’re seeing the judgment of God due to wickedness that unfortunately pervades much of society.  That is coupled with blatant rebellion that will only bring more judgment to our land. 

Our national debt situation topped the list of areas of concern.  Jim indicated that the U.S. debt stands at 34.6 trillion dollars.  That doesn’t include what’s been raided from Social Security and other funds.  Alex responded by indicating that we’re on the verge of “economic catastrophe.”  We have over 200 trillion in unfunded liabilities.  That’s about ten times the size of the national economy and what we produce in a year and there’s no way that this figure could ever be paid off.  Alex believes that this alone means certain economic doom and adding to the problem has been the attempt to monetize the debt by printing trillions of dollars just over the last few years.      

We’re also falling apart on the energy front and Alex believes this is deliberate.   Alex attended a U.N. climate conference and while the group seemed to communicate the idea of phasing out fossil fuels, throughout the conference the Communist Chinese were making oil and gas deals with the Arabs.  He contends that Russia, China and the Arabs aren’t going to stop drilling for oil and gas or stop building coal fired power plants.  He believes this shows that the energy systems of the West are being deliberately destroyed because you can’t simply substitute nuclear power plants with windmills and solar panels. 

As the program progressed, Alex commented on the state of the U.S. border, the public education system, the military, and where we’re at politically and spiritually. 

Alex described numerous problems that the New American has been warning the public about for many years.  Get the details, and hear what callers had to say, when you review this edition of Crosstalk.

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God at Work:  Global Media Outreach

Date: April 1, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Gene Sharp MP3 | Order

Gene Sharp is a radio planting missionary serving with IBM (Independent Baptist Media) to carry the Gospel around the earth through technology.

It all began from humble beginnings when starting a Christian radio station in Ohio in 1997.  So join Gene as he presents his testimonial timeline describing the effect of lives that continue to be impacted by the Gospel via Christian radio around the world.  Station locations he discussed included Paupa New Guinea, the Catholic-heavy Philippines, Uganda and even the Islamic stronghold of Iraq!

Also included was discussion concerning video recording studios in Brazil, Egypt and India, as IBM provides assistance to local churches and missionaries not just with radio stations, but in the areas of audio, video and graphics.

Listeners wrapped up the program with their comments.

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What We See at Calvary

Date: March 28, 2024 Host: Dalton Windsor ​Guest: Dr. Dean Taylor MP3 

Those of us that follow Jesus and his teachings know that he has a message that must continue to go out.  Souls are depending on it whether they know it or not. That’s why Trail Ridge Camp in Hillsboro, Wisconsin, exists; to share the good news of Jesus Christ and what he did for sinners.  

Last year, Trail Ridge Camp hosted their father/son retreat, which included hearing challenges from God’s Word.  This included the closing message just after the breakfast fellowship featuring Dr. Dean Taylor.  Dean was once a youth pastor, a senior pastor and now a professor at Faith Baptist Theological Seminary in Iowa.  He shared a message that looked at the following 5 points:     

God has a plan.

People have personal responsibility.

Sin has a price.

Jesus has great love.

You and I have a choice regarding what we see at Calvary.

This last point is of great importance.  When you look at Calvary, you have a choice, just like the criminals on either side of Christ.  What side have you taken?  It’s the most important question you’ll ever face.  Consider its implications, and hear how Jim helped Dalton wrap things up, when you review this special edition of Crosstalk.

Remembering Terri Schiavo

Date: March 27, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Brad Mattes MP3 | Order

Brad Mattes is president of Life Issues Institute which was founded in 1991 to serve the educational needs of the pro-life movement.  Brad is the host of Life Issues, a daily radio commentary, also the weekly Straight Talk on Life Issues and has produced numerous radio specials standing for life.

19 years ago on March 31, 2005, after almost 14 days without nutrition or hydration, Terri Schindler Schiavo died by severe dehydration.  What was her crime?  Her crime was that she needed a feeding tube and fluids, all to stay alive.  

Terri’s case went national.  President Bush became involved, the Florida legislature sought to intervene on her behalf, while requests made by her parents were struck down by the courts.  Pro-life organizations from around America were involved as well and eventually her case went all the way to the Supreme Court, more than once.

What led to the collapse at her home? What do we know about her then husband Michael?  Was she brain dead, in a coma or reliant upon machines to keep her alive?  What led up to her death sentence by court order?  Join Brad as he answers these and many more questions surrounding this tragic death that we must never forget.     

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SCOTUS Enters Abortion Pill Debate

Date: March 26, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Mat Staver MP3 | Order

Mat Staver is founder & chairman of Liberty Counsel.  He is a constitutional attorney with three landmark cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.  Mat is an author and the host of the radio broadcasts Faith & Freedom and Freedom’s Call.

This program dealt with a number of issues, but the primary focus concerned recent Supreme Court cases.  The first one dealt with the court’s hearing of oral arguments on March 18th in the case of Murthy v. Missouri.  At issue was the Biden administration’s pressuring of social media platforms to remove posts that they believe are falsehoods dealing with topics such as the COVID pandemic or the 2020 presidential election. 

The next item discussed involved the court’s hearing of oral arguments over two cases that were consolidated: FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine and Danco Laboratories LLC v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine.  Some say that this could have the potential effect of stopping mail-order abortions.  That’s because, as Mat explains in detail, these cases deal with the FDA’s approval of Mifepristone, a drug that’s used to terminate pregnancies during early stages.

Listeners brought their comments to the discussion during the second half of the broadcast. 

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