Israel at War: Tunnels, Terrorism & Threats

Date: January 29, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Dr. Jim Showers MP3 | Order

January 27th, was International Holocaust Remembrance Day.  The words “Never Again” was associated with lessons learned from the holocaust that never again would such genocidal actions take place.  Yet on October 7th, 2023, another genocidal attack took place by Hamas.  Calling this attack genocidal is no exaggeration as the Hamas charter expresses the goal of wiping Israel off the face of the earth.  So as a means of self-preservation, Israel has gone to war against Hamas in an attempt to permanently eradicate the threat.

The war is now in its 17th week.  As of today, rockets continue to be launched toward Israel.  Recently, at an outpost in Jordan, 3 U.S. soldiers were killed and over 30 service members were injured by a drone attack.  All this is taking place while threats continue to come from Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthi camps.

Appearing on Crosstalk to bring his perspective on Israel and the Middle East was Dr. Jim Showers.  Dr. Showers is executive director of The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry. He leads this ministry that for over 85 years has been meeting the spiritual and physical needs of Jewish people worldwide, standing against every form of anti-semitism, while supporting the right of the Jewish people to live in their ancient homeland.  This ministry is also actively engaged in providing bomb shelters for Israelis.  Dr. Showers also leads tours to Israel and serves as a conference teacher.  He’s served with FOI since 2002.

The discussion between Jim and Dr. Showers covered many aspects of current life in Israel and how the nation is moving forward in the midst of war.  For example:

International Holocaust Remembrance Day–October 7th was a reminder to the Jewish people to be ever vigilant.  Israel is united in purpose and cause with one heart and voice.  Dr. Showers sees no indication Israel wants to end the fighting.  In fact, the fear is that the nation won’t finish the job due to international pressure.  They want to deal with the perpetrators so that what we saw on October 7th never happens again.

The hearing of the International Court of Justice and how South Africa accused Israel of committing genocide in Gaza.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East suspected in taking part in the attack on Israel.

Does Dr. Showers find that U.S. support for the war in Israel is waning?

What’s the broader picture that Dr. Showers sees unfolding in the Middle East?

Dr. Showers described how the bomb shelter program has worked over the past 12 years.  

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News Roundup & Comment

Date: January 26, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

Here are some of the headlines that Jim shared:

Trump backs Abbot, urges states to provide Texas full support to secure southern border

Biden Administration has released 6.2 million illegal migrants into U.S. in 3 years, often through parole loophole

Mom sues DHS for $100M after daughter raped, killed by suspected migrant MS-13 member

Is the Arizona migrant who said ‘soon you’re gonna know who I am’ head of the Islamic Party of Azerbaijan?

Vermont resettled Somalis, shootings are up 185%

Speaker Johnson says he confronted Biden to his face about the border: ‘Do your job’

Ex-FBI officials warn of ‘soft invasion’ at border

Trump White House official Peter Navarro sentenced to 4 months for defying Jan 6 subpoena

Trump vows to demolish the Deep State globalists in New Hampshire primary speech

WEF panel moderator says elections in 2024 are a risk because people may elect the wrong leaders

Trump wins New Hampshire primary, breaks vote record

Trump wins 14th Amendment ballot fight in Massachusetts

Expert testifies in court: Dominion voting systems easily hackable

Joe Biden: If Democrats win control of Congress, I’ll sign bill for abortions up to birth

Wisconsin Assembly passes bill to legalize killing babies in abortions up to 14 weeks

House Speaker Mike Johnson tells March for Life: I am the product of an unplanned pregnancy

Joe Biden wants to put 6 pro-life Americans in prison for a decade for protesting abortion

Joe Biden invites woman who aborted her disabled baby as State of the Union guest

11-month-old baby boy dies after being forced to wear mask at Taiwan daycare

International Court of Justice won’t dismiss genocide case against Israel, but stops short of calling for cease-fire

Woman who killed her boyfriend by stabbing him 100 times sentenced to community service

Even so, come, Lord Jesus. (Revelation 22:20b)

Deceiving and Being Deceived

Date: January 25, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Mike Gendron MP3 | Order

Mike Gendron is the Founder and Director of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministry. Mike was a devout Roman Catholic for over 3 decades and was taught to rely upon the authority of the church above all else. Mike searched the Scriptures and was amazed to find that what he read in Scripture contradicted the teaching and tradition of the church he had been a part of for so long. He trusted Jesus as his Savior and now the Bible has become his sole authority in all matters of faith. Mike is the author of the books Preparing for Eternity and Contending for the Gospel, and has produced numerous videos with warnings concerning false teachings versus the truth of the Scriptures.

Paul’s second letter to Timothy has so many important applications for believers in Jesus Christ. I’d like to draw your attention to Chapter 3 in which Paul wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” He then warned about the marks of the last days such as “men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy” and the list goes on. In verse 5 it warns of those “having a form of godliness.” And then in verse 13 Paul warns, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”

There is mass deception going on throughout the world today and it is not limited to the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, or the World Health Organization. Although there is much deception coming from these entities, there is another deception taking place that we’ll call a spiritual deception and many are falling prey.

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J6 Investigations:  Truth or Treachery?

Date: January 24, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: R. Cort Kirkwood MP3 | Order

R. Cort Kirkwood is a former newspaper editor and a long-time contributor to The New American.

If you listen and swallow the message from the leftist media and leftist politicians, you will come away believing there was an insurrection on January 6, 2021 that was wholly instigated by then President Donald Trump.

President Biden indicated just a couple weeks ago that this January 6th was the day “we nearly lost America.” In that speech on the 3rd anniversary, 12 times he referred to this as being an “attack” and 12 times he used “insurrection.” He has also intimated that January 6th was supposedly the worst attack on our democracy. He has accused Donald Trump of rewriting the facts from that day.

You can watch selective footage from that day and you will find some who insist this was a terrorist attack. You’ll be informed about all the information and testimony that came forth from the House Select Committee. But you will not be told about the number of FBI or DHS assets that were mixed into the crowds. You won’t be shown the footage of those walking through the halls of the capitol with an occasional fist bump with an officer or those just taking pictures in the capitol. You will also likely not be told what the disbanded House Select Committee did with their files before the GOP took the majority in the House.

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The Violence of Islam

Date: January 23, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Usama Dakdok MP3 | Order

Usama Dakdok is the Founder of the Straight Way of Grace Ministry. He is the speaker on the daily radio broadcast Revealing the Truth About Islam. He speaks fluent Arabic and has translated the Quran into English. He is the author of Exposing the Truth about the Qur’an and Exposing the Truth About Jihad as well as the booklets The Violent Truth about Islam and The Straight Way to Eternal Life.

Tragically, today it was announced that 21 Israeli soldiers were killed by a group of Hamas terrorists who came out of the orchards and fired RPG’s at two buildings which immediately collapsed upon the soldiers. The ages of the soldiers ranged from age 22 to 40. This is the largest killing of Israelis since the Islamic attack on October 7th, 2023. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his mourning pledged to continue the war with Hamas until “absolute victory.”

As Islamic terrorist attacks continue to be launched, Islamic religious leaders are heating up their rhetoric. One such Imam preached that Jews “will all be executed by Muslims; this is a divine promise.”

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Booklets on Islam

As offered on Crosstalk 10/10/23 and 1/23/24

The Violent Truth About Islam – Muslims continually claim that Islam is a “loving and peaceful religion.” They also insist that violence is committed by only a few radicals who misunderstand the teachings of Mohammed which are found in the Qur’an and in the Hadith. But is this actually true?

This 24-page booklet examines such claims along with dozens of passages from the Qur’an and statements from the Haith and Muslim scholars. What is the cause of violence and terror in Islam? This booklet will leave no doubt that Islam’s long history of intolerance and bloodshed arise from the very words of Allah in the Qur’an and from the example of Mohammed’s life and teachings.

1 copy is available for a donation of $2.005 copies are available for a donation of $9.0010 copies are available for a donation of $12.00

The Straight Way of Eternal Life – How many times have you met a Muslim man or woman, maybe in the airport, on a bus, or in your neighborhood store, and you felt burdened to share the good news of Jesus Christ; however, you didn’t know what to say or even where to begin? The Straight Way of Grace Ministry has this small, convenient tract booklet that will empower you to reach those lost in the deception of Islam.

This 24-page booklet seeks to convince Muslims that the Bible has NOT been corrupted. It reveals convincing proof that the Qur’an cannot be the Word of God, and it clearly presents the loving truth of the soul-saving Gospel and how to have eternal life in Christ alone.

1 copy is available for a donation of $2.005 copies are available for a donation of $9.0010 copies are available for a donation of $12.00

Click the links above to order online. You may also call 1-800-729-9829 or send a check, cash or money order to 3434 W Kilbourn Ave, Milwaukee WI 53208.

Middle East & World Conflict

Date: January 22, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Dr. Richard Schmidt MP3 | Order

Last week we passed the 100 day mark since Hamas launched its attack on Israel followed by Israel’s war in response.  So much has been learned since that time as Israel continues to root-out Hamas as they know that it’s impossible to have peace with this terrorist group.  

Why?  It’s because the preamble to the Hamas covenant states: Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.

So how is it possible to co-exist with a group that has as its core mission the goal to wipe Israel off the face of the earth?

Returning to Crosstalk to look at this issue and more dealing with the Middle East was Dr. Richard Schmidt.  Dr. Schmidt is pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church and founder of Prophecy Focus Ministries.  He’s the speaker on the weekly TV program, Prophecy Focus and the radio broadcast, Prophecy Unfolding.  He spent 32 years in law enforcement including that of Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County until his retirement.  He’s authored several books including: Are You Going to a Better Place?, Daniel’s Gap Paul’s Mystery, Tribulation to Triumph: The Olivet Discourse, Globalism: The Great World Consumption and Artificial Intelligence: Transhumanism and the De-evolution of Democracy.

This edition of Crosstalk had much to cover in its look at the Middle East and its relation to world conflict.  Discussion took off quickly with Dr. Schmidt discussing the following:

Israel continues to be viewed by some media sources, and in other areas, as an occupier or colonizer.  For some, this is all about liberating “Palestine,” giving them title to the land.  In Genesis 12 we see how God called Abraham and told him about a very specific area of land that He was going to give to the Jewish people. Genesis 15 gives the actual borders and that land includes 90% more land than the Jewish people have today.  Then you can see the land covenant that God gave to Israel in Deuteronomy 30:1-5.  So the premise that this land belongs to the Palestinians is false.  According to the Bible it never was and never will be their land.

The atrocity-denying, 16 page publication that gives the Hamas narrative and claims that Palestinians are the ones that have been exploited in all of this.

The plan by Hamas to stop production of red heifers for the cleansing of the 3rd Temple.  

Israel is being accused of genocide because approximately 25,000 Palestinians have died in the war.  If the genocide accusation is true, wouldn’t the number of deaths need to be greater?  After all, the population of Gaza is over 2 million.  How many of those 25,000 innocent citizens were actually terrorists?

These points take up much of the first quarter hour.  As the program moved along, Jim and Dr. Schmidt looked at more including: Iran’s responsibility–Houthi attacks–the threat of Hezbollah–the China factor–a possible new virus—the multi-polar global order—Al Gore compares climate change to the book of Revelation—and more including comments from listeners!

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News Roundup & Comment

Date: January 19, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

Friday brings another pile of news stories. Here are some of the headlines:

Klaus Schwab predicts AI will make elections obsolete

Victorious Trump says it’s time for country to come together

Trump pledges to never allow a central bank digital currency if reelected president

Asa Hutchinson drops out of 2024 race; says his message against Trump didn’t sell in Iowa

Establishment plots military coup against Donald Trump if reelected

DOJ acknowledges Hunter Biden laptop content is legitimate for first time

Congress passes another continuing resolution to avert government shutdown

New Mexico Republicans start effort to impeach governor

This state will take kids away if parents refuse to allow them to undergo transgender treatments

Supreme Court rejects appeal on school bathroom policies for transgenders

Prominent LGBT activist arrested on child sex charges

USA Boxing’s new transgender rule could kill a woman, coach warns

Electric car owners stranded with dead batteries during blizzard

CDC drafted alert for Myocarditis and COVID-19 vaccines, but never sent it

Arizona county GOP passes ‘Ban the Jab’ resolution declaring COVID shots biological weapons

Bill Gates at WEF: We need better needle-free vaccines

TSA says illegals can board jetliners without identification

Anti-Semitic activist gets cheers in London after he says ‘we must normalize massacres’

Massachusetts threatens medical licenses of doctors who promote abortion pill reversal

Pastor faces charges for keeping church doors open to help homeless

WEF- The Push for World Governance

Date: January 18, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

The World Economic Forum is happening right now in Davos, Switzerland (Jan 15-19, 2024). They convened under the theme “Rebuilding Trust.”

The program consists of four interconnected thematic priorities: 1) Achieving security and cooperation in a fractured world, 2) Creating growth and jobs for a new era, 3) Artificial intelligence as a driving force for the economy and society, and 4) A long-term strategy for climate, nature and energy.

Many organizations are partnering with the goals of the WEF. To name a few, there is AIG, Google, Amazon, Bank of America, BP, Chevron, Citi, the Coca-Cola Company, Dell Technologies, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Mastercard, Microsoft, PayPal, PepsiCo, Pfizer, Sony Group, Unilever, and Visa.

In a nutshell, they seek to push transhumanism, silence truth, promote the idea of climate change, enforce global governance, prepare the world for an unknown disease, command our children for us, give the earth human rights, end fossil fuel, and stop elections.

One has publicly stood out against the WEF agenda. Argentina’s president Javier Milei told the WEF that socialists are promoting population control and ‘the bloody abortion agenda’ because they believe that human beings damage the planet.

This program is worth your immediate attention so you can share it with others.

Standing for Life in Critical Times

Date: January 17, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Brad Mattes MP3 | Order

Brad Mattes is President of Life Issues Institute which was founded in 1991 to serve the educational needs of the pro-life movement. Brad is the host of Life Issues which is a daily radio commentary, and the host of the weekly Straight Talk on Life Issues, and has produced numerous radio specials standing for life.

It was January 22, 1973 that a majority of United States Supreme Court Justices issued their opinion that abortion was a right found in the United States Constitution. It took 49 years, but on June 24, 2022 the Court overturned Roe v Wade in a decision Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. And right now, the floodgates have opened with a number of states protecting life in the womb, whereas others are targeting life in the womb.

Annually on the Sunday closest to the Roe v Wade decision is Sanctity of Life Sunday. That’s this coming Lord’s Day. This Friday, January 19th is the 51st annual March for Life in Washington DC.

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